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The sound of running steps was quiet in the jungle-like forest around Hello Tropics

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The sound of running steps was quiet in the jungle-like forest around Hello Tropics. The breathing was much louder. If it were not for the cawing of the native blue-striped birds then the panting would have been the only notable thing besides the distant rhythm of the bay's waves.

"I told you not to have that sugary pastry for breakfast," Sunset chided from ahead of the boy running to keep up. "You've burned through it and now you're tired."

"No...fair..." Sunlight wheezed, his teenage legs slowing and screaming for some energy to keep them going. "I didn't"

Twilight, who was softer on him when it came to physical activity, turned around from the lead to meet him. She tossed herself over a fallen log and skipped over a small bush before stopping where her son was. Her legs kept trotting in place because of her previous pace, but she ruffled his hair to get him out of his frown. It was still strange for her to look into his eyes now that they were at the same level as hers.

"We all have those days," she encouraged him. "And I caught your mother eating chocolate bars last night so-"

"Hey!" Sunset complained, also having turned and stopped next to Sunlight.

The boy giggled and poked Sunset's shoulder. "And you keep bothering me about it."

In response, Sunset's lips pressed together and her arms crossed.

"But why are we doing this anyways?" he moaned and sat on the nearby tree log, not knowing its historic significance involving an evil magic monkey. "We had a run two days ago and I'm already in better shape than my whole class."

Twilight caught her breath and stopped her legs, but she looked to Sunset. She was, after all, the one who pushed the physical fitness in their family.

"You're fit because we keep doing this not because you've done it in the past," Sunset uncrossed her arms and put one hand on her hip while she used the other to wipe the sweat from her brow. The close humid air was not the most enjoyable, but it was a nice change of pace given that they rarely ever came here. The woman's fitted tank top and running tights showed her well toned body, which the air had drenched.

"Saw that one coming," Sunlight grinned in that special way that got to her.

"There's another reason we came here," Twilight put her hand on his shoulder to balance herself as she sat down. The log he was on wasn't precisely the most stable seating.

Sunlight brushed a stray lock of his yellow and pink hair out of his eyes. The sweat they had built up made it relatively easy to keep it back, but it made him want a shower even more.

"We wanted to give it one last shot," Sunset explained, her chest still beating under her purple sweat-soaked sleeveless tank top.

Sunlight only gave an "ugh" of understanding in response. "More magic tests?"

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