Rise and Shine

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(Every time I think of morning I think of that legend of Zelda song. Sorry just geeking out🤓😛)
Next Morning
Third person pov:
As the sun was coming out, the humans were getting up.
"What time is it?" Asked Layla
"I don't know, let see if they are awake." Said Alec
Alec peeked through the window to see all 9 beds have sleeping Giants on them.
"They're still sleeping." Alec said
"Then it must be pretty early for them." Replied Elizabeth
Then an Idea popped in Viola's head.
Violas pov:
I have a genius plan. Since those over large creatures are sleeping, it's the perfect time to escape. Yes, escaping will be perfect! They'll wake up way later and by then, we'll be long gone. Back down that beanstalk and being safe and sound. But, we'll have to hurry because if one of them wakes up early, boy will we be in trouble.
"Hey guys, I have this genius plan."
"What is it?" Elizabeth asked
"We're going to escape, it's the perfect time since they all sleeping still."
They looked at eachother and smiled.
"Wait, what if they wake up early?" Audrey asked
"Well, then we better hurry so they don't." I replied back
We all nodded and headed out the door. I counted if we have everyone, but I only see 8 of us.
"Where's Lydia?"
"Yea, I haven't seen her since when we went to bed." Jordan said looking around.
"I know where she's at." Kendall said
"In the bed."
"In the dollhouse?"
"No,  she's in bed with the giant."
"WHAT THE POO IN THE CANOE!?" Jordan shouted
"Why is she in bed with a giant!?" Elizabeth asked
"Because she got scared."
"SCARED OF WHAT LOSING HER VIRGINITY!?" Jordan asked still shouting.
"No, she was scared of the dark and so the giant came and talked to her, and then he went back to bed. But then she went over to him, and he picked her up and then I saw her lay down and saw his hand over her body, and I was like fricken goals. So yea, she's on Logan's bed." Kendall said calmly.
"Okay...... Let's go get her then." I said feeling awkward about this whole situation.
"Which is his bed?" Elizabeth asked walking past the ginormous beds.
"That one over there." Kendall pointed.
We walked over and saw Lydia sleeping peacefully under the Giants hand.
"Awe, goals." Kendall said
"Ew, you like a giant and human together!?" I said
"Yea, who doesn't!? It's cute to watch and read about. I ship it."
"Ship what?"
"Lydia and Logan."
I looked up and started to see what she meant. It was kinda cute, I guess I ship it too.
"What's their ship name?" I asked
"Lodia, you like it?"
We all nodded in agreement. That is cute.
"So how do we get her down?" Asked Layla
"Dudes, we have freaking powers."
"Ohhh yea!!" Everyone said at once
"Pssss, Lydia wake up! PSSSS WAKE UP RISE AND SHINE!"
She wouldn't wake up, she just kept peacefully sleeping. Then I saw Kendall take off her shoe and threw it at her.
Then Lydia looked over to see us.
"What the heck dude!?" She said rubbing her head
"Hey, you wouldn't wake up so that was our only solution." Kendall
"Yerp." Kendall said
"Well I'm up now, what do you want?" Lydia asked
"We're going home." I said
"We are!? Are they going to bring us back!?" She said happily
"No, we're going to escape."
Her smiled faded away.
"Escape!? Are you crazy!? They'll catch us!"
"Not if we hurry." I said
"But how am I going to get down from here? His hand is trapping me."
We all thought of a way to get her down, without waking the Logan up.
"Maybe, Alec could levitate his hand off of Lydia!" Elizabeth said
"Oooh I like that idea." Audrey said
My sister has the best ideas. We all looked at Alec to see if she'll do it.
"You guys know I'm still learning my magic, I'm not sure if this is gonna end well." She said
"Come on, give it a try." Audrey said
"Okay, but don't say I didn't warned you."
She held up her hand towards Logan's hand. She had black lights that glowed in her hand. She then squinted her eyes to focus real hard. Then all of a sudden she stopped.
"I can't."
"Why?" I asked
"Because... I'm not strong enough."
"You'll get it someday." Audrey said
"Guys I can just use my Faron winds to get up there and teleport her back down here." Zelda said
"Yes! Good plan Z!" Elizabeth said
She did that, and before you could say Picklebobiseatingpeanutbutterandjelly Lydia appeared before us.
"Yay! We're all here, now let's get out of here."
We all started to walk away, but then we heard a noise and froze. We turned around to see one of the boys woke up. Shit! That wasn't supposed to happen!! He yawned and opened his eyes to see us standing there looking at him with fear.
"What the-"
"AHHH RUN FOR YOUR FREAKING LIVES!!!" Elizabeth screamed
We all scrambled around and ran off screaming.
The giant got up, and walked all over the place trying to find us.
"Wait, please just calm down, we don't want to wake up my parents." He said
"Oh please don't hurt us." Elizabeth said from under a bed
"Look, I'm not going to hurt you guys, you can come out now."
Audrey slowly got out of hiding and looked at the giant.
"Oh, it's you Nathan. Guys he doesn't bite you can come out."
Slowly one by one we came out, except of Elizabeth.
"So, how are you guys up so early?" Nathan asked
"This isn't early for us, we must have different time zones." Zelda said
We then saw more giants rising out of their beds looking at Nathan and us. Max, I think the one with the glasses name is, came walking slowly towards us.
"Why are you on the ground with them?" He asked
"Because they woke up early."
"Oh um okay."
The only giant sleeping was Jackass. His twin was sitting up on his bed.
"Wait, I thought there were 9 of you, where's the other one?" Asked Max
"Oh Elizabeth she's under a bed, I don't know which one though." Kendall said
Third person pov:
Jake slowly got out of bed and went on his hands and knees. He looked under his bed to see the cowering human.
"Oh, there you are." He said with a smile
She quickly looked up at him and jumped, causing to bang her head on the wall. She held her head with pain.
"Are you okay? I didn't mean to scare you like that." Jake said looking concern and feeling bad. She just looked up at him breathing fast, and holding her head.
"Here let me see your-"
Before he could finish his sentence Elizabeth ran out from under the bed screaming. That failed when she whammed into something hard.
"Oh my gosh she just ran into the foot board, that poor thing." Jake said
Elizabeth held her nose and started to cry.
"You poor thing." Jake said looking down at the crying human.
He tried to comfort her by rubbing her back, but she immediately ran back under the bed.
Jakes pov:
That poor human, she just ran into a footboard and smacked her nose. She cried from the pain, I tried to comfort her, but she ran under my bed again. I got on my hands and knees to see her. Even though, she might not want to see me, I wanted to see her.
"Are you okay?"
She just sat there holding her nose crying. Then she slowly shook her head no.
"You know, I could help you with that."
She just kept crying and holding her nose in pain.
"But, in order of me to do that, you would have to come to me."
She quickly took a glance at me, and I smiled but then she quickly looked down at her knees.
"Elizabeth, you can't hide forever." Viola yelled from the other side of the room.
"Why not?" I heard her ask with her head in her knees.
"Because you could be bleeding, and if you're bleeding and we don't take care of it, then you could get an infection." I said
I heard her gasp and watched her head slowly go up. It finally went up enough that I could see her icy, ocean blue eyes.
"A-a-n I-I-infection!?" She whispered
I could see she was debating to get up or not. I think I convinced her a little bit, but not fully.
"I'm not forcing you or anything, it's your choice." I said then gave a little smile.
"DO YOU WANNA DIE OR NAH!?" I heard one of the human girls shout.
"What Kendall?" I heard Elizabeth ask
"DIE!? I COULD DIE!?" She shouted looking horrified, I could see tears filling up her eyes.
"N-no! You won't die-"
"Yes you will."
"Would you be quiet!" I said looking back at Kendall.
I looked back at Elizabeth, I saw her breathing go out of control. Like she's going to die or pass out bad.
"h-h-hey now, take deep breaths. In and out, in and out." I kept repeating that until she did it.
"In and out in and out in-"
"Ha, that's what she said." I heard Viola said.
I started to blush because I know what that means, and the meaning of it. I saw Elizabeth get wide eyed too. I heard lots of laughter too.
Jacks pov:
"D-dad? Where are you going?"
I saw my dad turn around with something in his hand.
"What's that? What do you got in your hands?"
I saw him open up his hand, and saw he had a doll. But that doll was breathing.
"Is that a human?"
He shook his head yes.
"What are doing with a-"
Before I could finish my sentence he threw the human right in his mouth. I heard the human scream for help, but then it stopped when my dad chomped down his teeth. I heard a crunch, and saw blood come out of his mouth and splattered on his lips. He kept chewing and chewing until he was able to swallow it. I heard every single bone being crunched into little pieces. He smiled and I saw a arm in between his teeth. Then, he had to burp and when he did that I saw the head pop out on his tongue. It was bloody and saw some of the skull, eyes were popped out of its sockets and mouth was open. I couldn't look, I looked away.
"What the-"
I then heard yelling and laughter come in.
End of the dream.
I snapped my eyes open. Oh, it was only a dream. I slowly rose up and saw all my brothers on the floor, with what appeared to be the humans. I rolled my eyes with annoyance. I tried to forget about the dream. It was disgusting, and gory. I saw my brother on his hands and knees looking under his bed talking to something. I turned around to face him.
"What the heck are you doing?"
I then turned around and snap his head up to face me.
"Oh, uh well I'm trying to help Elizabeth because she got hurt."
"Elizabeth, the human that I-"
"Oh, the crier." I said rolling my eyes.
I got out of bed and walked over to where everyone was. Before I got to them I slipped on something and fell backwards on my back. I moaned in pain.
Viola's pov:
The giants and us were playing Marbles and talking. I pushed one pretty far infront of a bed. I did a sweet victory dance. I then heard and felt a hard bang against the floor and made all of the girls and I hop a little bit off the floor. I look to see what that was.
"Oh, I see that Jackass is awake."
I saw a huge body lying on the ground, moaning. I recognized that blonde hair, and I knew right away it was Jack. When he heard me say his nickname he turned his head towards me and glared.
"YOU!! ITS YOUR FAULT WHY I FELL DOWN, AND NOW MY BACK HURTS!!!" He yelled at me. He clenched his teeth and kept glaring until I saw a hand shoot towards me. I dodged it and started to run.
"Oh you're not getting away from me now." I heard him growl.
I kept running, I didn't know exactly where I was heading but I knew I needed to get away from him. I ran towards the door, but something stopped me. I ran into something hard, which made me collapse.
I looked up and saw 3 big blue eyed faces glaring at me.
"Whoa since when were there three of you?"
He then plucked me off the ground and held me in his fist.
"Since now bitch." He responded
"Ugh! Put me down you jerk!!"
"Not I chance, its pay back for my back."
He started to squeeze me real hard. Okay, let me put this out there being squeezed hurts like a butt cheek on a stick. ESPECIALLY from a angry giant who hates you.
"I-I-I c-c-can't b-b-breathe!!"
"Exactly the point." He gave an evil grin as he kept on getting tighter and tighter.
"Jack! Stop you're scaring the other girls!" I heard a giant say.
"Fine." He then took a glance at me and glared then lowered me to the ground and tossed me out of his hand, causing me to land on my stomach. I slowly got up, feeling all the pain. I really hate him. I know hate is a strong word, that's why I'm using it.
Elizabeth's pov:
Will this giant just leave already! He's scaring me with his big body and big hands and big teeth and big mouth. He probably wants to have me for breakfast! Just like the stories Mrs. Hobnocker told us.
"Come on now, don't be shy I'm not going to hurt you."
I kept my ground and kept trying to become one with the wall.
I kept my eyes on him, waiting for him to leave.
"P-please l-l-leave me a-alone." I squeaked out.
"If that's what you want then I will." And with that the giant boy left.
Phew, he's finally gone. I was about to get up back then I felt something touch my shoulder.
"Huh?" I said turning around. I nearly pissed myself. I turned around to see a giant moth next to me. I HATE bugs, ESPECIALLY GIANT BUGS!!! I screamed for dear life and darted out from under the bed.
"AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" I kept screaming and screaming until I ran into something soft and squishy. I looked up to see I ran into a giant thigh. I saw the owners face and trembled, it was Jake. I think that's his name, or is it Hank? He looked at me and stared at him.
"What's the matter Elizabeth?"
It freaks me out when he uses my name.
I kept looking at him, but then looked at under the bed. I saw the moth coming closer and closer to where I was.
"A GIANT MOTH IS AFTER ME AHHHH!!!!" I screamed ran. But I got immediately stopped when a giant hand came before me. I gasped and looked up.
"Slow down there, what's after you?"
I looked to see the moth is out from under the bed and was enhancing towards me.
"THAT!!!" I said screaming and pointing towards the bug.
"The moth?"
I shook my head yes, and out of plain old fear, not knowing what I'm doing I hid behind something. Apparently it was Hank's or Jake's calf. The moth managed to make its way around his leg and kept coming towards me. You stupid knock off of a butterfly leave me alone!! I then saw a giant object come and SLAM on the insect. I whimpered at the fast movement. Then the object was lifted up and the moth was crushed on the objects surface. It turned out to be a shoe. I saw Jake holding the shoe with the moth attached to it and threw it aside.
"There, the moth is gone." He said proudly.
I think I'm gonna be sick. Imagine if that was me!? He could've done the same to me!! He probably will eventually if I don't listen to every command he says. Or if he gets angry with me he would do the same to me. I started to get really sick and dizzy at the thought.
Jakes pov:
I killed the moth and saved Elizabeth from having a heart attack.
I looked down at her and saw she was getting very pale.
"Hey, are you alright?" I asked
She started to wobble a little bit, and I quick dashed my hand in front of her so she landed on the sides of my finger tips.
"Elizabeth? Are you okay? Elizabeth?!" She wouldn't respond.
"I don't feel too good." With that she passed out.
Third person pov:
"Well, this morning has been a blast." Jacob said sarcastically.
"Yea, almost being squeezed to death once again, best way to start off your morning." Viola said glaring at Jack.
"Oh, and not to mention tripping on a marble and smacking your back up against the floor. Now that's the morning medicine I needed."
They both glared at each other and rolled their eyes.
"Awe, you two would be a cute pair." Kendall said.
"WHAT!?" Both said at the same time.
Hey guys it's me Wafflez here and sorry I haven't been updating like at all on both stories. I've been really busy and my life has been sucky. I'm dealing with horrible 8th grade drama and I might have to transfer to another school and move! Also yesterday my boyfriend broke up with me, so yea I'm REALLY upset about that too. So sorry for the lack of posting don't hate me too much. If this makes you happier here's a spoiler, I'm doing a Star V.S the forces of evil giant and tiny themed story. Yes, I'm excited to make that but it might be awhile idk when I'm gonna start it. Well, leave me your thoughts of my story and my up coming story.

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