Chapter 1

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Viola's point of view:
"Oh please won't you come get your babies, maybe." I sing that song every night hoping my parents will find my sister and I, and come rescue us. It's been 12 years now since they dropped us off at Mrs. Hobnockers Orphanage for girls. I miss them so much and can't wait to see them again. I don't know if you know this already, but orphanages suck butt crack. Not all, but lots of them do and mine is the worst. Mrs. Hobnocker is a single grouchy old geezer. (But she claims to be 34, yea right🙄) She puts us right to work and we don't get a single dime. If we don't do good or if we misbehave we don't get to eat, and have to spend time in the "punishment room." Of course, I've been there like thousands of times cause I'm a rebel. #rebels for life bruh. Anyway, back to what I was saying. Our beds aren't even beds, they are pieces of cardboard that have a towel on it. If we want pillows we have to use our clothes, which we don't really have new ones. We wear the same shizzle everyday. (Talk about being sanitary.) I wear this red strapless crock top shirt, with a black skirt and gray ripped leggings. I have this beanie hat that is black and I never take it off, even to sleep. For shoes I wear these old dirty converse that are black. Enough talking about my looks, now about other shizzle. I have a twin sister named Elizabeth. She's the more mature, nicer, wiser and well better behaved one. (Probs cuz she older by 21 minutes) She has black long hair just like mine that goes to her lower back, and a white beanie. She has a blue short sleeved dress that barely goes to her knees, and fish net leggings. She wears these white, almost knee high boots. She has these beautiful blue eyes just like our dad. (I have eyes that change color when I change emotions, I got that from my mother.) In all honesty she looks like my dad, and I look like my mother. She's the best twin sister that anyone can ask for. But, I think that she's kinda starting to give up hope for mom and dad. But I won't. I won't give up hope, I know they will come for us I can just feel it.
~Morning Time~
Viola's point of view:
"WAKE UP! WAKE UP YOU SPOILED LITTLE BRATS, ITS TIME TO CLEAN! I WANNA SEE THIS PLACE SPOTLESS! I WANT IT SO CLEAN I CAN SEE MY REFLECTION!" I woke up to Mrs. Hobnocker yelling. Why would she want to see her reflection? It would probably break the floor if her weight didn't already. "VIOLA JOHNSON GET YOUR ANACONDA UP BEFORE I KICK IT!" I groaned and got up cuz her voice gives me a headache. I look over to see my sister making her bed. (Not surprised) I start to make mine, but then I heard this loud banging noise come from under one of the beds. I check under mine but saw nothing. Then I start to look under the bed next to mine, (which is Hope's) and saw Layla trying to cover herself up with tons of "blankets." Dang Layla is a savage. "Dude what the heck are you doing?" I asked. "Trying to hide from Strek over there." She whispered. I nodded and got up only to face the devil itself. "What were you doing under that bed?" She said with a harsh tone. "Uhh... Nothing I thought I lost my... Um credit card." The room went silent but then exploded into laughter. (If you do not know what your credit card means, well good you're still innocent.) Everyone, including Layla were dying of laughter. Everyone, but Mrs. Hobnocker. She was staring into my soul trying to drain it. She glared and bent down to see what's under the bed. "Miss Winston get up out of there, or it's the punishment room for you." Layla has been there too. She's like my little version of me, but the same age and looks totes different. We went there tons of times together. (We even have a storage of games in there.) Layla got out from under the bed, and was covered in dust. She swiped it off and started to get on her hands and knees and clean the floor. "If this place isn't done in the next hour, all of you will starve today." And with that she slammed the door and walked to her room. "What a bitch." I said. "Tell me about it girl." Jordan said. " I wanna stick my foot up her.." "Jordan, watch it we have little ones here." I heard my sister say. " Well it's true, you want to do the same thing." "Yes, I do but don't say it out loud." We both giggled.
~time passes~
We didn't finish in time. So, we couldn't eat for the rest of the day. Let's just say that didn't go well. You see, I eat a ton of food but still petite. (And curvy😏) I can eat a cow right now, but Mrs. Hobnocker is full of fat rather than meat. "This is child abuse, she can't do this to us." Complained Layla. "They ain't gonna care about no orphan children. To all those people out there we're just a waist of space." Said Jordan. I agree with her. Nobody truly cares about us orphans, nobody. "ALRIGHT YOU BRATS GO TO BED!" Shouted Mrs. Hobnocker from downstairs. We all scurried to bed. "I'm starving, I wish my evil demon powers would let me conjure up a Big Mac." Said Alec. (Oh yea I forgot, we all have magical powers, well at least my besties do. I have fire and my sister has ice.) "But, I don't know how to use my powers yet." "Hey Lydia, can you summon one of your animal friends and tell them to bring a boiling pot of water, so we can cook them." Said Kendall. Kendall is funny but strange. Very weird too. "Oh heck to the no! Honey, I know you're hungry but I'm not killing my friends in order to satisfy my other one." "Dang, it was worth a try. Hey Zelda what about you?" Asked Kendall.
Zelda's point of view:
"Hey, Zelda what about you?" Asked Kendall. I wish I could help everyone, but my powers from the goddess don't work like that. "I am sorry, but I cannot fulfill your needs. My magic isn't like that." When I saw her expression I wanted to give her my heart. I wish a big thing would happen to us that would change our lives.
Kendall's point of view:
Violas' point of view:
I look around the room. I can hear everyone's stomachs growl really loud. My sounded like 911 all over again. I look over to Audrey, (who is usually really quiet but sweet.) and she was already fast asleep. HOW THE MOTHERCLUCKER IS SHE SLEEPING!? DOES SHE NOT HEAR WORLD WAR 3 IN MY STOMACH!? I sighed," Guys, I think it's time to Shutup and sleep." Everyone groaned but started to lay down. I didn't feel like singing my song, but I have to just in case. I went to the big window and started to sing.

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