The Cycle

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Third Person Pov:
Many hours have passed since the punishment incident, and Viola's arm popping ceremony. By then it was dinner time for the Giants and everyone was hungry.
"Alright guys, it's dinner time." Nathan said.
"You girls know the drill." Jack said to the humans.
As the humans were about to enter the dollhouse Viola stopped.
"What about us?" She said.
"What about you?" Jack said back.
"While you guys are going off to breakfast and dinner and what not, we are here starving."
"You'll live." Jack said rolling his eyes.
"No we won't. Yesterday when you kidnapped us we didn't eat that whole day either."
"Yeah, we hungry up in this joint." Layla sided in.
Jack glared at her and Layla took a step back.
"They're right, their time here they haven't gotten anything to eat!" Logan said.
"We're sorry about that." Jake said.
"To make it up to you, we'll bring you something after dinner, ok?" Nathan said.
"Promise?" All the girls said at once.
The Giants shook their heads yes, everyone but Jack.
"I'm not promising anything, if I eat all my food then Viola you're not having anything to eat." He said with a smirk.
"WHY YOU JERK!" She shouted at him.
Viola glared hard at him, and he just deviously smirked.
"Guys, not right now please." Jake said.
They both huffed, and rolled their eyes. Viola walked in the house and everyone followed. Soon as they close the door the boys got up and headed out to the hallway.
"You guys are really going to give them food?" Jack asked in disgust.
"Yeah." They responded.
"Why, they've done nothing for us except cause trouble."
"You do the same for us, but we still feed you." Nathan joked.
"Nah really, it's because we care about them." Jake said.
"Why!? I just don't get how you can care about them!"
"It's called having a heart, you should find one." Nathan said sitting down at the dinner table.
Mrs. Bigg was dishing up for all her sons. Her cooking was one of the best things ever. While she was dishing up their food, the boys sat at the table and talked.
"Guys, am I the only wondering what they think of us?" Ryan said.
Everyone looked at him, and thought for a second.
"Actually yeah, I do wonder about that." Nathan said looking lost in thought.
"What do they think of us?" Max questioned.
"Probably thinking that we are some ruthless, murderous, human eating, cruel, heartless creatures." Jacob said.
"Why would you say that?" Logan asked.
"Because that's all we've been showing. Like come on guys, not feeding them? That's just stupid and mean." He said.
"He's right, all we've been doing is thinking of ourselves and not giving a care in the world for them."Jake said.
"What you mean? I care a lot about my baby mama." Caleb said.
The boys rolled their eyes.
"You know she's not interested, right?" Jack said.
"Oh course she is, she just gotta take her time to adjust to bigger things around her." Caleb retorted back.
Jack rolled his eyes.
"For now on, we're gonna think more about them sound good?" Jake said.
All the boys nodded their heads in agreement, everyone but jack. He simply just rolled his eyes. He honestly doesn't give two cares about them.
"I seriously still don't understand why all of you guys care about them." Jack said. The boys just rolled their eyes and kept quiet.
Mrs. Bigg came into the room with the food, and handed plates out to all her boys.
" Can we dish up?" Ryan asked.
"Yes, you may dish up." She responded with. The boys dished up bigger portions, so they would have left overs for the humans.
"Oh my, that's a big serving there boys." Mrs. Bigg commented.
"Oh yeah, we're just really hungry." Nathan said.
"Y-yeah hungry hungry hippos." Ryan said 
The giants ate peacefully with their mother, and their father was not in sight.
"Mom, where's dad?" Max asked.
"Oh, well he doesn't agree on doing the eating system thing so he's gonna stick to going down to that little town and eating humans." She said disappointed.
The boys all shifted uncomfortably in their chairs.
"O-oh." Max said uncomfortably.
"Does that mean we still have to do that eating humans thing soon?"Nathan asked.
The mother went silent for a second and hesitated.
"When?" Logan asked.
"In about two weeks."
The boys were not ready for that. But it is giant tradition that every giant when they get to a certain age must eat a human. If they don't they will be cursed for generations or so that is what they are told.
"Mom, have you ever eaten a human?" Jake asked concerned about what his mom is about to say.
She looked down sadly and disappointed.
"I'm afraid I have." She said.
All the boys gasped.
"When?" Link asked.
"When I was about your age, 15." She said.
"How old was the human?" Jake asked.
"He was the same age as me, 15 at the time. And I actually knew him. His name was Eli, and he and I were best friends for a bit. Everytime my father went down to the human town I would go with him just to see Eli. Eli and I would talk until my father was finished and we would say our goodbyes. Now soon came the time when I started to get older and started to develop feelings for Eli. And the time came for me to eat my first human. One night, I came down with my dad and I decided it would be time for me to tell Eli how I feel about him, and so I did. I told him waiting to her I like you too, but that didn't came out. Instead he said that's gross and he wouldn't ever like someone as big and ugly and monstrous as me. So then I got mad at him, and decided to bring him towards my dad and told him it was time. My father did the family blessing and then I opened my mouth and dropped him in. I crunched hard on his bones and when I swallowed I regretted my decision. I cried and cried, but it was too late. Ever since then I will not go near a human, or go down to the town ever again."
"Damn, did his parents find out about his death?" Nathan asked.
"No, because his parents were dead. He was an orphan."
"O-oh." All the boys responded with. Even Jack was shocked and intrigued by his mothers story.
"Anyway off of that sad note, are any of you guys hungry for dessert?" She asked trying to change the topic.
"N-no I think all of us lost our appetite." Jacob said.
"y-yeah." The boys agreed with.
"Alright, I got the dishes you boys head up to bed."
"Alright, night mom." They all said.
On their way to the room the boys couldn't get their mind off of what their mother told them.
"I can't believe mom actually ate a human!" Jake said still shocked.
"Yeah, it's really surprising." Logan said.
The boys entered the room and all of them crouched down by the dollhouse.
Before the heard anything they heard yelling come inside of it.
*in the dollhouse*
"N-NO WELL SORTA I-I MEAN-" Elizabeth started.
"Girl that shit looks good on you too, and it looks comfy as hell." Jordan said.
"Thanks, as I was saying-"
"GIRLS WE'RE HERE!" Jake called out.
The boys then heard their little footsteps run down the stairs.
"FOOOOOOODDDDDDD!!!!!" They all shouted in excitement.
They all lined up horizontally.
The boys pulled out some of the food out of their pockets. It was bread, because that's all they could store in their pockets without getting it dirty and gross.
They all got handed a piece, even Jack gave one to Viola.
"Woah, you actually got me one?" Viola said surprised.
"Yeah yeah, but only this one time. Dinner was interesting." Jack said.
Viola immediately dug into her piece of bread.
"Girls, don't forget to say thank you to them." Lydia said.
All the girls looked up at the giants.
"Thank you!" They all said at once.
"No problem." The boys said back.
Boys were watching the hungry little humans eat away.
The girls would talk to eachother, and sometimes even the giants at times.
"Oh my gosh." Ryan said.
The boys looked at him.
"What?" They said.
Ryan got up walked over by the door, and the boys huddled around him.
"Back to what mom was saying about her eating the human. Don't you guys see it?"
"See what?" They said confused.
"The cycle, the cycle from mom."  Ryan said.
"What do you mean cycle?" Jack said confused.
"I mean that mom ate her first human, that she knew very well and liked a lot and his name was Eli." Ryan began.
"Yeah what does that have to do with a cycle?" Jack asked.
"Well she said she was around our age too."
"Well Eli, is the first three letters of a human here."
The boys thought and got it.
"E-Elizabeth?" Jake said hesitantly.
"Mhmm, and the cycle that I was talking about is that Elizabeth is like Eli and we all know what happened with mom and Eli."
"B-but who w-w-would eat E-Elizabeth?" Jake asked very concerned.
"You would." Ryan said pointing to Jake.
Jakes heart stopped. He would eat her!? No, there was no way he would ever even dream of doing that.
"N-n-no! I wouldn't! I would never do that to her!" Jake said very worried.
"Well that's what the cycle seems like, and it appears that you like her too just like mom liked Eli." Ryan explained.
"Time out, I don't like her first of all I just wanna be friends and THATS IT! Second off I would never eat her."
"Whatever, you remember what he we have to go through soon that every giant boy goes through." Ryan said.
"Ugh, giant puberty." Max said rolling his eyes.
"Man that shit sucks." Caleb said.
"And you all know what happens during giant puberty right?" Ryan said.
Everyone knows what happens when Giants go through puberty. It's like human puberty, but not entirely. When a giant goes through puberty they get this craving for humans, and will get random cravings for them at random times. This usually occurs around the time when a young giant has to eat their first human. And the giant boys are about to that age, if not already. The giant boys shook their heads yes. Before anyone could say anything they heard someone call for them.
"Hey! Down here!" Viola shouted by the dollhouse.
"What do you want now?" Jack said glaring at her.
"Water." She said.
"What?" Jack asked.
"Oh gosh I have to stupidalize it for you.." she mumbled.
"Water, Agua, h20, clear pee." She said.
"I know what water is you dumbass." Jack said rolling his eyes.
"Well if you know about why don't you go get us some."
Before jack could protest Jake butted in.
"Okay, I'll find something that you guys could drink out of." Jake said exiting the room.
The Giants decided to go sit down and talk with the humans.
Meanwhile Jake was looking the nursery again for something that the tiny creatures could drink out of. When he found a tiny doll set of dishes and what not, he found about a dozen cups. He took 9 because that's how many thirsty humans there are. He then walked to the bathroom sink and filled it with water. While he was doing that he couldn't help but think about what Ryan said about this so called "cycle."
'I would never eat a human, let alone her or one of them!' He thought to himself. He's starting to get hanged over about it, and it doesn't help when he knows his giant puberty is coming up. 'I just gotta keep calm, and to make sure that I'm never hungry around them, especially Elizabeth. I couldn't imagine if anything bad happened to her, especially if I was the bad thing.' When he got done filling up the cups and he walked back to the room and sat on the floor where everyone else was at.
"HES BACK BITCHES!" Layla shouted causing all the human girls to run up to him.
He handed them a cup one at a time. When it got to Elizabeth he made sure to be extra careful, because he knows she's the most frightened one out of the whole group and is most frightened of him.
"H-here." Jake said handing her the cup. Her little delicate hands took the cup and she looked up at him. He could see she was still terrified of him.
"T-t-thank you, f-for the c-clothes and t-the food and w-water." She said stuttering in fear.
He smiled gently and said,"you're welcome."
After the girls were done drinking the Giants decided it was bedtime.
"Alright brats it's bedtime." Jack said.
All the girls grumbled.
"But we're not even tired!" Layla whined.
"Too bad." Jack said.
"Now I have some rules for you girls." Jack continued.
They all grumbled again.
"Rule number one: when it's time for bed and we close the dollhouse up there shall be no talking because us Giants have excellent hearing and we can hear all that you say even if you're in there."
"That sounds like more of a you problem." Viola mumbled.
"What was that?" Jack asked glared at her.
"Oh nothing." She said smirking.
"Anyway, rule number two: when lights are out there shall be no light on in the dollhouse when we have our lights out."
Audrey and Lydia looked at each other worried. Because both of them had a fear of the dark.
"Rule number three: there shall be NO ONE out of the dollhouse after hours and if we catch you there shall be a punishment far worse than today."
All the girls gulped.
"Now are there any questions?"  Jack asked. Every humans hand went straight up and I mean EVERY human.
"No questions? Good! Now you guys have a nice night." Jack said ignoring the girls hands going crazy in the air.
"Jack..." Jake said annoyed.
Jack sighed.
"You little human go first." Jack said pointing at Audrey.
"W-well um, you see what if we need a light on in the dollhouse?" She asked.
"Well all of you should be in bed before we turn our lights off, and if not the moonlight will hopefully be your guide." Jack responded.
"B-but but, what if you need the light in bed?" Lydia asked.
"What do you mean need the light in bed? You'll be sleeping in the dark like normal people." Jack said.
"Well ya, but we need a little light to sleep with." Audrey said.
"Why would you need-" just then Jack finally understood.
"Don't tell me... that you're afraid of the dark." He said.
The girls gulped.
Jack face palmed himself.
"You've got to be kidding me." He said.
"Hey there is nothing wrong with being afraid of the dark." Nathan said trying to cheer the human girls up.
"The dark is actually pretty scary at times." Logan added.
"Yeah like when creepy monsters come out from under our beds and make their ways to the dollhouse, because they know you guys are sleeping in there. And they take you out and-" Ryan said.
"RYAN! That's enough." Nathan said looking at the shaking humans.
"We'll leave a little night light by the dollhouse." Jake said.
"Any other questions?" Jack asked annoyed and tired.
Kendall then shook her hand violently in the air.
"OOO ME CALL ME! I GOTZ A QUESTION!" Kendall shouted.
Jack sighed.
"What is it?" He asked annoyed.
"OKEEYY, soooo I was wondering how were babies made?"
All the boys got their eyes wide opened, and started to turn super red. They looked at each other in embarrassment.
"Uhh.." they all harmonized at once.
"Kendall you already know how they are made." Elizabeth said.
"Oh yeah... oops wrong question." Kendall said.
All the boys sighed in relief.
"W-wait, how are babies made?" Audrey asked confused.
"THATS A QUESTION FOR ANOTHER TIME!" Nathan said embarrassed.
"Any other questions?" Jack asked.
Kendall once again raised her hand.
"That are relevant to the rules topic?" Jack said between gritted teeth.
Kendall then but her hand down in disappointment.
"I got one, what's the punishment if one of you guys catch us outside the dollhouse after hours?" Viola asked.
Jack wasn't even the slightest bit surprised that she asked that.
"One far worse than a dislocated arm." He said rolling his eyes.
"Anymore?" Jake asked. When they saw no more hands up the Giants told the humans it was time to go inside the dollhouse and sleep.
When they saw all the humans go to their beds they quickly got the night light out, and shut off the lights.
*Meanwhile in the dollhouse*
"Man, them rules suck!" Jordan said.
"Mmhmmm." Alec agreed.
"It is, what it is." Zelda said rolling over on her right side to sleep.
"Hey Viola." Audrey asked.
"What?" She responded.
"Did you ever thank Jack?" She asked.
"NO WHY WOULD I DO THAT?" Viola shouted.
"WHY CAN I HEAR TALKING!?" The heard Jack yell from outside of the dollhouse from his bed.
The girls immediately shut up for about a minute then started talking again.
"Why would I do such a thing?" Viola asked.
"Because he saved your life." She said.
Viola then thought about it, and realized Jack kinda did save her life when she was falling from the sky.
"Not to mention he helped relocate your arm back into place." Lydia added.
"Well ya, he wouldn't have had to do that if he didn't slam me against the table in the first place." Viola retorted back.
"I'm just saying, maybe if you say thank you to him, he wouldn't hate you as much. Nathan said Jack is usually a nice cool person to be around, but ever since he got us he's been a total jerk."Audrey said.
"Well, I bet you he's not gonna change IF I say thank you to him." Viola said.
"I think he'll be a tiny bit better." Jordan said.
"I think you should say thank you to him Viola." Elizabeth said.
"Great, now my sister is in this conversation." Viola said rolling her eyes.
"And maybe you should apologize for-" Lydia began.
"Fine then don't apologize, then just say thank you to him." Elizabeth said.
"I'm telling you, he's not gonna change even if I say it."
"But at least you can say you tried." Lydia said.
"Plus, this will be a good start to a fresh new relationship!" Kendall said winking.
Viola rolled her eyes.
"Never gonna happen." She said.
"That's what they all say." Kendall said and right after she said that laid down and was fast asleep.
Soon the girls started to get sleepy as well. They all laid down, everyone except for Viola. She stayed sat up on her bed looking out the window seeing all the giant beds.
'Jack wouldn't do anything special if I said thank you to him. He won't even give me the time of day too.' She thought to herself. But part of her conscious is telling her to go do it, and the other half is telling her to sit yo ass down and sleep.
She kept going back and forth on whether she should go and do it, or just forget about it. She finally decided to get up and slowly walk to the dollhouse door, and slowly turn the handle to open it.
She slowly crept out of the dollhouse, afraid that one of the Giants would thinks she's trying to escape. She found Jacks bed and headed towards it. She went by it and saw that he was fast asleep. He had his face facing towards her, but she could see he was sleeping. She couldn't help but smile at how peaceful he looked while sleeping, but a total beast and jerk when he was awake. She then gained the confidence to call out to him.
"Jack..." she whispered out.
"Psss Jack!" She said a little louder.
"Yo Jackster!" She shouted a little louder.
"Jackie Chan!" She said a little bit louder.
"Apple Jaxs Cereal!" She shouted.
"JACKASS!" She shouted even louder.
He grumbled and moved a tiny bit, but not waking up.
'Oh he reacts to that.' She thought to herself.
"JACK!" She finally yelled.
She sighed and decided just to give up.
She started to walk back to the dollhouse.
Jack then started to open his eyes slowly. He then saw something moving on the ground and he started to open his eyes more, trying to adjust them to see what it was. Surely enough he recognized what it was. A human. And he took in the features of it and saw in the moonlight it was Viola.
"Viola?" He asked.
She then gasped and stopped in her tracks. She turned around and saw that he was awake. She could see his beautiful blue eyes from over where she was.
"J-Jack, you're awake!" She said.
"What are you doing out?" He asked.
"Well I came out here to-"
"To what? Runaway again?" He asked sorta mad.
"No, I came out here to-"
"To what!? Just say it already!" He said impatient.
"Well if you would let me just finish I would've said it already!" She snapped.
Jack glared at her.
She took a deep breath.
"Ok, I'm out here because I wanted to talk to you."
That took Jack by surprise.
"You wanted to talk to me?" He asked.
"Ha, like I'm gonna be stupid enough to believe that!" He said rolling his eyes.
"No it true! You see I wanted to say-"
"You know you're out of the dollhouse right?" He said.
"Well no shit Sherlock!"
"And you do realize it's after hours, right?" He said smirking.
"Yes, as I was saying-" Viola tried to continue getting very annoyed that he keeps interrupting her.
"You know what that means right?"
"What!? What could it possibly mean Jack!?" She said beyond annoyed now.
"You disobeyed rule number three, that means you have to get punished."
Viola then snapped, obviously he doesn't even care that she's hear to say thank you to him. She thought to herself.
"YOU KNOW WHAT I DONT CARE IF I GET PUNISHED OR NOT! I CAME OUT HERE JUST TO SAY THANK YOU TO YOU!" She snapped. She then paused and said a little quieter. "For saving my life back there when I was falling from the sky. And not to mention relocating my arm back into its socket." She then had a tear go down her cheek.
Jack then was speechless for once.
Jack couldn't believe what he just heard. Viola, the biggest bitch he's ever met in his life, was saying thank you to him.
"V-Viola wait!" He called back.
She then was by the dollhouse door and she looked over her shoulder, not moving her torso.
"What?" She snapped back.
"I-I-I... W-w-well." He couldn't get anything out.
He then saw a few tears come down her cheeks and the moonlight made it glistened. He could see one of her eyes, beautiful blue eyes glistening with a tear ready to fall.
"Just forget about it." She said entering the dollhouse and slamming the door.
Jack couldn't believe what just happened. Viola said thank you to him, it doesn't seem so special to some people but for him it was kinda big. (And that's coming from a giant😉 wow I need to drink bleach after that joke😂)
Not a lot of people say thank you in the giant country, especially to Jack. And now that he thought about it, he really did save her life. If he wouldn't have tried to catch her and stuff she would've plummeted straight to her death. And then he remembered seeing tears come down her cheeks while she was there. He saw her blue eyes glisten in the moonlight. And for once he actually cared about her. He then closed his eyes and fell asleep.
Viola stormed upstairs to the dollhouse bed room. She woke Elizabeth and everyone else up by slamming the door.
"So how did it go?" Elizabeth asked.
Viola then plopped into bed and turned her face towards her sister and friends.
"I told you, he's not gonna change." She said then another tear fell down her cheek.
The girls saw her very upset and they all looked at each other.
"V-Viola?" Elizabeth called out to her softly.
Viola then just turned her back to her and her friends. They all sighed and struggled their shoulders. Then they all laid down again and went back to sleep.
Viola just replayed her encounter with the giant.
"He will never change." She whispered to herself.
Hey guys it's Wafflez and I hope y'all enjoy this chapter. And if you actually read this little authors note good, because I got some good news to share. So I've been told I should do an art contest or little thing for this book. And I was like why not right? So if any of you are interested in participating please message me about it. Okay it's not really a contest but if you want to draw something for this book please lemme know and so I can give you my email. Pictures will be featured in my book and you'll get a shoutout for your work with it. If you don't know what the characters look like please go back to my characters chapter (it's the chapter after chapter one) and you'll see what the characters look like and if need their personality it's there. I can't wait to see what amazing art works you'll create😊


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