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Lunch was one of Jemma's  'favorite' classes where everyone sees she's not eating, that she's just sits at a table alone

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Lunch was one of Jemma's 'favorite' classes where everyone sees she's not eating, that she's just sits at a table alone. She gets on her phone, her twin was at a table across the lunchroom with all her friends forgetting all about her twin.
Jemma looked at the food in front of her and pushed it away and got up. She left to go outside and read her favorite book;
"Miss peregrines home for peculiar children".
She was on the stairs when the bell rang to go back to class. She ran inside so she could go to her locker before her next class.
Right across the hall from her locker was her twin sister Riley talking to Maya, Lucas and Farkle. No one noticing Jemma so she went to her fathers class and got her seat in the back.

When the bell rang, her sister and her friends all walked in laughing. Jemma started feeling a little dizzy so she grabbed a pain killer bottle from her pencil pouch that she hid in it in case of this happening and took one but that made it worse so she took a second one. the pain started going away.
Right next to her was the girl she wished she was and got bullied by; Smakle. She had a smirk on her face when she handed Jemma a note;
"Jenna why don't you just kill yourself. We don't need you just die freak, Farkle doesn't even love you. he loves me"

Jemma had tears in her eyes as she read the horrible note given to her. Her head was screaming at her to just leave and with that her head ache got worse.
"Dad" she said as she raised her hand "Can I go to the bathroom?"
Mr Matthews looked at her as tears rushed down her face " yeah, sure sweety" he said smiling at her to try to give her some sort of comfort.
she grabbed her pencil pouch and got out of her seat walking past all the students staring at her as she left shakily clearly seeing how hurt she was. She walked into the bathroom and went into the back stall. She grabbed the pain killer bottle and grabbed every pill in the bottle and put all the pills in her mouth and swallowed with tears streaming down her face as she layed on the bathroom floor waiting for death to surround her. Smakle walked into the bathroom to look for Jemma for the class seeing as she didn't come back she found her laying on the ground and screamed. mr. Matthews looked up from talking to Riley the whole class look down the hall toward the bathroom when they heard the scream coming from Smakle in the bathroom.

"Oh my god"smakle said in panic and grabbed Jemma as fast as she could and started putting her finger down Jemma mouth trying to get Jemma to puke up the pills which wasn't working. Mr Matthews walked into the bathroom to see his daughter lying unconscious with the class behind him wondering what happened.

"What just happen-"Farkle was cut off from Mr Matthew screaming for someone to help

Mr.matthews sprang to action and got to the floor and yelled
"Somebody call 911" he yelled" and tell them anorexic patient tried to kill herself"
The whole class was filled with silence
"hurry" mr. Matthews shouted dropping maya out of her shock and called a ambulance for Jemma.

That was a lot lmao
- Bellapaige11660

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