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When Jemma woke up she had tubes surrounding her and she was all alone like always, she looked around for the remote and pressed the button to turn the tv on so it would fill the silence that she so desperately didn't want to hear

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When Jemma woke up she had tubes surrounding her and she was all alone like always, she looked around for the remote and pressed the button to turn the tv on so it would fill the silence that she so desperately didn't want to hear.
She heard the door open to her hospital room and all her friends and family  came in to check on her
Everyone was talking at the same time
"Are you ok"
"How could you do this to yourself"
"Did we mess up"
"Why would you try to kill yourself"
The last voice was her boyfriend the guy that has been in love with her sister and best friend since kindergarten and she just ignored.

"I did something bad didn't I" Farkle said tearing up

"No you didn't . This is all my fault " Jemma told him

"Then why would you do this" Riley said obviously mad at her twin for trying to take her life

"Because I wish I was dead" I whispered with tears rolling down my face like a river

trying to get them not to hear me but they call obviously heard and looked at each other then me as I turned over in the hospital bed and cried myself to sleep as they walked right back out of the room.

A few days later she was let out of the hospital on suicide watch and told her parents to watch her and make sure she was never alone.
When she went home, she watched a few movies in the living room about suicidal teens like her since she wanted to try to relate to something. It's all she was allowed to do, she wasn't aloud to go to school or even leave her house her parents didn't want her doing anything bad and didn't want her alone so her mother watched her from the kitchen worried for her.

Lucas and farkle walked into the apartment with Riley and maya behind them. they were all laughing until they saw Jemma.
they stopped laughing all the sudden and looked anywhere instead of Jemma.
Jemma got up off the couch and started walking toward the hallway
"Don't worry I'm leaving" Jemma said and walked to her room not knowing Farkle was following her.
"Hey, how are you? "said Farkle
"I'm fine" Jemma lied
"You should say sorry to your family for what you did, you obviously made a mistake" farkle said
"What did you just say to me" Jemma said not believing her ears
"You should say sorry to all of us. we saved you Jemma" farkle said to her like it was obvious. That's when Lucas, maya and Riley walked in
"I didn't want to be saved" Jemma shouted at farkle

Everyone was in complete silence after that everyone looking at Jemma like she was crazy. she felt crazy, she felt like the whole world was against her and was trying to break her.
"But--" Farkle tried to talk
"No Farkle, I didn't want this. I didn't want to live another day" Jemma practically screamed

"How can someone wanna end there live so much I don't get it" farkle said back to her
"Because I hate myself that's why" Jemma yelled Looking at him

"How can you hate your self so much, I don't get how someone can hate themselves so much that they don't eat, they don't sleep, when there's people that love them so much" farkle screamed with tears falling down his face
"Of course, you don't get it no one does" Jemma yelled and walked out of her own room passing Riley, Maya and Lucas as she walked out of her apartment and down the cold New York streets with only her pjs on no shoes, no phone. She walked over a bridge with traffic going through it. She thought about when she was eight seeing the news and them talking about a woman jumping off of the bridge and killing herself. She was jealous of the woman that she was in the other world. She told her mom and dad that and they were mildly shocked and scared. She hasn't watched the news since then.
A few minutes later Farkle was at her side
" I'm sorry" he said" I just don't get it, I want to understand for you"
"You never will" she said "that's why I'm about to say this; I've loved you more than everything. I've loved you since I was 5 but, I can't keep letting you get hurt because of me so its over, we're done. I can't have you always worrying about me or feeling like one day I'll be happy and the next I won't be because I won't ever be happy . We are breaking up farkle minkus"
Jemma walked away from the bridge with tears

 We are breaking up farkle minkus"Jemma walked away from the bridge with tears

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