I'll never pull away; From the past, from the pain

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Without thinking, Kier agreed, which annoyed Laurence. Trying not to completely lose his shit, he thought „I'm hungry..but no, they rather talk to an old woman...why did I move in with that bunch of idiots" as they followed Edith into the house. Nicely she asked them „Do you guys want to eat breakfast with me?" All 5 of them nodded, since they haven't eaten breakfast yet, especially Laurence, who was unbearable, as always when he was hungry. Happily, Edith told them „I'm always happy when someone is eating with me because I'm all alone since the death of my dear husband 10 years ago and the rest of my family moved away so I don't see them that often and you know, if others are there, the meal tastes much better" Even Laurences mood got better after coffee was finished, all 6 of them were eating. After a short moment, Kier asked „So, what did you want to tell us?" Edith took a deep breath and started to talk. Somehow, Shane could guess that this will be a long story. „Well, I wanted to warn you, please don't call me insane, but your house is haunted, well let me tell you the story. It was in the year 1937, I was 13 and in my last year of school. I was the best friend of the daughter of Kurt Blackshard, the farmer. Her name was Sabrina and she was 13 as well, she had a younger brother, called Albert, he was 9 and went to the same school as us because our village school was for all children. Because I was with Sabrina often, The farm was like my second home. Also, My mom was glad when I was at the farm because after the early death of my dad, my mom had to work in order to have enough money that the family could survive, I had a older brother, but he had a job too so my mom was glad when someone else was there for me. Basically, I've only been home in the evenings, unless on vacation where I sometimes stayed at the farm for a few days and even helped the family with the work on the farm, it was hard but fun."

Edith smiled as she was talking about her time with Sabrina, which made the guys smile too. Still smiling, she stood up, went to her book shelf and came back with a big brown book. „This is my photo album" She explained while opening the first page and pointing her finger at one black and white photo, which looked very old. On the picture are 2 girls standing arm in arm. Edith pointed her finger at the girl standing on the left „This is Sabrina, the girl next to her is me. This photo was made on my 12th birthday, my birthday present from Sabrinas family, you have to know, in this time getting such a photo as a present was worth a lot, because it was very expensive to get photos done at this time. Of course I was the happiest girl in the world back then and this photo still is one of my biggest treasures."

After a short break of about a minute, Edith closed the Photo Album and continued telling her story „Kurt seemed weird for most people, some even were scared of him. He had long black hair, this length wasn't usual for men around that time. His skin was pale and he always wore only black clothes, his eyes were blue, but not like my eyes" She looked everyone in the eyes for a short moment, so that they could see her bright blue eyes, then she continued „but a lot lighter because there was a touch of grey in his eyes. This look made most people have the impression that he was scary, but actually he was really nice, and he was a great farmer- I still remember the taste of the fresh milk. The products he made, had been the best, many people in the village knew it so even if they had that impression of Kurt being scary, they still bought his products, but sadly not everyone was like that. There were a few people who wanted to get rid of him. One of those people got the trust of Kurt, which wasn't even hard because Kurt trusted people way too fast. This man told Kurt that he was the new farmer of the farm at the other end of the village. In truth he had never been a farmer at all but Kurt didn't know about this. That man, I don't remember his name anymore, pretended to be very nice and helpful. He even got Bessie, the dog of the farm, to trust him. One day, July 22nd 1937, this man used the trust he got, he gave Kurt a lot of food for the animals, and some dog treats for Bessie. That man claimed that it was self made. Kurt fed this food to all animals on this day. What noone could know, the food and the dog treats was poisoned. Bessie and all Farm animals died on this day. After the death of the animals, Kurt asked me to go home, he told me I could come back the next day. Sabrina told me „See you tomorrow at school" but this never happened. That night Kurt lost his mind, he killed his wife Sarah and even Sabrina and Albert, after this he hanged himself on that big tree next to the house. People say the rope is still there. The news of what Kurt has done was spread quickly, so I already heard about it in the morning at school. This was the worst day in my life." Edith started to cry while telling this.

As Shane noticed Edith crying, he stood up from his chair, went over to Edith and hugged her. Not paying attention to Edith's feelings, Laurence got impatient and asked „And why is our house haunted then? Only because something horrible might have happened, doesn't mean that the house is haunted, It's just old, nothing more!" At the same time, Drew thought "Wow, is that the rope I saw on the tree?" Edith's story made Kier interested „Horrible past, weird happenings- clear thing, the house is haunted, I Knew it, i'm sharing the house not only with my best friends, but also with a ghost!" He thought as Edith began to calm down enough to continue her story.

„The last week of school was not the same as the past years, I couldn't stop thinking of Sabrina, everything felt weird because she wasn't around. It felt like a part of me was missing, i knew her almost all my life! As I finished school, i stayed in that school to become a teacher for the younger children. It was usual at that time,  most girls stayed in their school to become a teacher for the younger children. After a while, the farm was sold and the farmer who bought it, put all the stuff that belonged to Kurt and his family in the big cellar of the house, where it, as far as I'm concerned, remained until now. Also this overgrown tractor you might have already seen, it belonged to Kurt. This new farmer didn't stay long because for a, for him unknown reason nothing worked out- his plants disappeared suddenly, even some animals died without logical reason and in the house, he couldn't feel comfortable either- he kept having a feeling that something was staring at him. There it spread in the whole village that this farm is haunted, the farmer moved away and everyone in the village started telling their children to avoid the area around the farm especially at night. The farm remained empty for years until a young family decided to move in there, they never wanted to use this as a farm, just as a normal house. As the little daughter of this family was 4, she came into the village school and i tought her. After a short time, she suddenly didn't come anymore. She disappeared without a trace and was never seen anymore! Her parents moved out after that and we all realised, this farm is dangerous! Soon the farm was supposed to be demolished to stop this haunting, but it never happened, The demolishon company had to make sure that the house was empty, so they had to clear out the cellar but it was impossible, Whenever they touched something that belonged to The Blackshards, they heard a horrible scream, so the demolishon company disappeared without doing their work. Then every few years someone moved in  and moved out very shortly after, now, a long time afte the last ones that moved in, you're the next- please be careful!"

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