Images of horror flicker out of view

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He waited, and waited and waited, his fear increased from second to second, but nothing happened until suddenly he heard a familiar voice „Kier? Kier! What are you doing on the floor?" Kier hadn't noticed that Kurt has already vanished, encouraged by this familiar voice he opened his eyes and looked up, he looked right in Laurences eyes. There Laurence saw Kiers face, Kier was pale and sweating a lot, so Laurence began to notice that Kier must be very scared. With a shaky voice Kier asked „what's happening?" By the sound of his voice Laurence could hear Kiers fear. There was no doubt left that Kier is scared which made him ask him „What's wrong with you?" At first Kier didn't really want to tell Laurence about his encounter with Kurt because he knew Laurence wouldn't believe him, but eventually Kier did take all his courage and told Laurence everything. As already expected, Laurence didn't believe any word of what Kier said and just asked him "Are you sleepwalking or something!? When will you finally realize that ghosts don't exist?" Actually Kier would reply with "When will you finally realize that ghosts do exist", but he decided against saying this because he didn't want to start a fight, so he preferred to say nothing at all.

Without talking any word with each other, they went to their room, Kier was still scared from his encounter with Kurt but inside of their room a strange cold awaited them. "Fuck! Did you see that!?" Laurence suddenly screamed at Kier. "see what?" Kier asked, his fear increasing, "there was a shadow floating past us!" Kier didn't see this shadow because he wasn't paying attention to anything, but Laurence talking about a shadow made Kier even more scared. Laurence stuttered "F..fuck, Y..ou w..were r..right, t..this h..haunted!" In this night, noone of them was able to close any eye.

In the middle of the night, Luke was walking around in the house, because he needed to use the bathroom, as he walked, not expecting anything, he suddenly heard steps, those steps were really loud as if they were right next to him, consequently Luke stopped and looked around. Quickly he spotted a female figure walking next to him. Deeply shocked by this view he just stood there, starirng at this figure. Horrified, he noticed that this figure was repeating the same sentence over and over again "Where are the children" this was too much for Luke to take, so he ran into his room and hid under his blanket like a little boy. To his horror, this didn't help him at all! He felt a very strong cold, and as he looked over the blanket he spotted a little figure which looked like a little boy of maybe 9 years, right next to him. After a few seconds it disappeared, but Lukes fear stayed. Actually he wanted to scream but he couldn't bring out any noise. Due to all this horror, Luke pinched himself in order to try to wake himself from this nightmare, but it didn't work out because it wasn't a nightmare, it was all real.

The next day, Edith spent much time in the kitchen. She baked a chocolate cake because this is her favorite cake. Every few minutes she looked at her watch. Laurence, Kier, Drew, Shane and Luke were supposed to come over at 3pm. It was only a few minutes left and Edith waited for them impatiently, so she decided to already make coffee so that it will be ready when they finally arrive. She looked at the now finished cake "it looks so delicious" she thought.

Laurence, Kier, Drew, Shane and Luke were on their way to Edith's house. It was easy to be seen that they have had a horrible night. All of them had dark circles under their eyes and basically looked like zombies. "I hope Edith won't find out about our horrible night, she'd be worried!" Shane thought. After a while they arrived at Edith's house, they just stood in front of the door, afraid to ring because they didn't want to make Edith worried, but she already saw them out of the window so she opened the door "Hey guys" she greeted them with a big smile on her face but this smile faded away as she saw that they must have had a horrible night. She immediately got worried but at first she acted normal and waited until everyone has a piece of cake and a cup of coffee before she asked "What's wrong with you guys, you're all so silent and you honestly look horrible."

Noone knew what to say, they all were at a loss of words. Actually they didn't want Edith to know what happened to them last night because they didn't want her to worry about them, but now they will have no other option than to tell everything. Firstly refusing that fact that they had to tell the truth, Shane continued attempting to lie to her "Erm, it's nothing, I just didn't sleep well last night." Obviously Edith wasn't pleased with that answer, she knew that there was more behind this "didn't sleep well", so she looked at them in a strict way, like a teacher does when the pupils disturb the lesson, and told them "Guys, I am 92 years old, I do have a lot of life experience and also due to my experience as a teacher, I know when someone is lying to me or is hiding something and you guys are clearly trying to hide something from me. And now i kindly ask you to tell me the truth- what happened last night? I wanna hear the full story!"

Shane was the first one to realize that it's absolutely pointless to lie to Edith and started to tell her the full story why he didn't sleep well last night "Well, erm please don't call me insane, I swear I'm not lying, as I wanted to go to bed I saw a ghost.. it looked like a teenage girl and well it just stood there and stared at me, a blink of an eye later the head was gone and another blink of an eye later it was all completely gone" Edith told him "Well Shane, of course I do believe you, it seems like you saw Sabrina.." then she asked the others "Well  then why are you all looking like that? Did you all see her?" Drew quietly answered "I saw it too, Shane and me share a bedroom" Kier decided to also tell about his paranormal encounter "Well, I guess I saw Kurt-and he scared the shit out of me! He suddenly appeared right in front of me and raised his axe against me and screamed at me "Kneel down" I obeyed to him and thought I was gonna die, but then he must have vanished..." This left Edith in shock, she thought "Oh shit, he is really dangerous as a ghost..." Laurence continued Kiers story "I found him kneeling on the floor and at first I didn't believe any word but later as we were in bed I saw a shadow past us." As everyone told their stories Luke also decided to share what happened to him "Well in the middle of the night I saw a female ghost floating past me and she kept saying "Where are the children?" and later as I was in bed, there was the ghost of a little boy right next to me, but he disappeared a short time later"

Edith carefully listened to all of them, every word that someone said, shocked her even more, this house was even scarier than she expected it to be. She made a decision that she knew, she was gonna regret, but she wanted to try to help her 5 young friends. "Well, when we finished eating the cake I'm gonna come with you. I haven't set any foot into that house in all these 79 years, but as I knew all those ghosts as they were still alive I hope I can try to calm them down. Even though I don't really have much hope that it will work out I wanna try everything to help you guys."

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