Yeah death's a bitch, she can never not win

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  They continued knocking on the door and screaming Ediths name but nothing happened, Edith didn't even answer. After a while, Shane made the suggestion „Come on guys, let's come back tomorrow, this must have been very stressful for her! Let's give her some time to calm down." Without thinking any more about it, they agreed and they all went home. But what they didn't consider is that the fact that Edith was in their house, didn't help at all, instead it made the situation even worse, which they were soon to find out.  

As they just arrived home, they heard a scream which must have been coming from the cellar. Before anyone said anything Kier made clear „I'm not going down there to see what's going on!" „Me neither" Laurence continued, but Drew and Shane agreed to go down there.

Down in the cellar, nothing weird was to be seen, but Drew and Shane continued looking around. They couldn't find anything that possibly caused those screams, but they found another thing, that might be of great interest: A piece of paper, but not any piece of paper, It has already yellowed a lot and it was impossible to oversee that this was very old. Shane picked it up, but at first Drew commented „What do you want with an old piece of paper?" But Shane just showed the piece of paper to him „Look at this, it might be interesting because it might be from Paulis grandfather" Drew read the words that were written on this piece of paper:

Hello Kurt,

I hope your animals will like the food I brought you, don't let it go to waste, S.

Drew, clearly shocked by this „Oh my god, I'm sure that was given with the animal food! We need to show that to Edith" then he gave the piece of paper back to Shane who put it in his pocket. For a while they continued exploring the cellar in the hope to find something that could've caused the screams, but they didn't find anything. Instead, they found something that caused them to run upstairs screaming. In a dark corner of the cellar, which they didn't know that it even existed, they found something that probably remained unseen until this moment: Bones! Bones that probably belonged to a little child „Oh my god Shane, I'm sure this is the pupil of Edith that disappeared many years ago!" And as they were talking about this, Kurt suddenly appeared in front of them.

As the others noticed them running up to them screaming as if someone was chasing them, Kier asked „Oh my god guys, what's wrong with you? Is there something bad in the cellar?" Drew, still scared, spoke the answer fastly „we didn't find much at first, but then we found a piece of paper, probably from Paulis grandfather and then we found a fucking skeleton of a little child- I'm sure it belongs to that girl Edith told us about, the one that went missing, and then Kurt was in front of us, with his axe!" Shocked by this they decided to tell Edith about that the next day.

The next morning they went to Edith's house early, this time as they knocked on the door, they heard a fearful cry inside „Kurt please don't come in, leave me alone, I didn't do anything to you!" Trying to calm her down, Laurence replied to Edith „Kurt isn't here- it's me, Laurence and I brought my friends with me. Hearing this, Edith finally opened the door. After they came in, Shane took out the piece of paper and gave it to Edith, she read it and then said quietly „S., S." Then she suddenly raised her voice „Now i remember the name of that man that poisoned the animals! It's Ste, Ste Mahoney! That's his note he gave it along with the animal food! Oh my god, where did you find that?" Shane answered to her „It was in the cellar" Laurence didn't give Edith any chance to react and asked her „Do you remember as you told us about a girl that lived in our house, that was a pupil of you but then went missing?" Surprised by this question, she replied „Yeah, of course I remember Rose! She was such a lovely little girl, a shame that this happened to her, but why are you asking?" Drew took over „Yesterday as we were in the cellar we found a skeleton that we suppose is from her as it fits to a little child!" Shocked, Edith said, already getting scared „I actually didn't want to set any foot into that house anymore but i'm coming with you, show me that cellar! hopefully those ghosts will leave me alone during the day!"

Instantly Edith took on her jacket and once again accompanied the guys to the old farm, as they arrived, they immediatly went downstairs to the cellar, where Shane led Edith to where he found those bones. Edith kneeled down to have a closer look at this skeleton, shortly after she spotted an old looking, small stuffed animal next to the skeleton. She also noticed that there are only the bones of the body- the skull was gone. With tears in her eyes, she told the guys „Without doubt, that's Rose, i see it on that little stuffed animal- it was hers and she took it with her everywhere she was going. She must have gone to the cellar alone and according to the missing skull Kurt is still killing as a ghost."

Right after Edith spoke these words, Kurt suddenly appeared in front of her with his axe raised even though it's actually day time! Scared by this, Edith immediately ran away again, just like yesterday, but this time noone followed her. „Let's visit her later, not right now we need to give her time to calm down." Kier suggested.

  For some reason, they didn't visit her before the next morning which they were soon to regret. On the way to her house Shane suddenly said „I have a weird feeling that something is wrong here" which was commented by Laurence with „Gosh, Shane your weird feelings that something is wrong are slowly but surely scaring the shit out of me! You're even scarier than Kurt!" Shanes feeling increased as they came nearer to their house and in fact, a lot of people were there, Ambulance, Police and so on, so Laurence looked at Shane saying „Clairvoyant Shane, please predict something positve" but Shane remained silent and Kier asked one of those people, a woman, not the youngest but clearly younger than Edith „What happened? Did something happen to Edith?" The woman answered, with great sadness in her voice „Well, I'm her daughter, i live in a city, some miles away from here and spontaneously decided to visit her. You must be Kier, My mom always told me a lot about you guys on the phone" Kier answered „Yes i am but that isn't answering my question, what happened? The sadness in the woman's voice increased „Haven't you heard it yet? She died tonight, possible heart attack." As she spoke these words the world of Kier and his friends fell to pieces.  

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