Let The Game Begin (short stories on 'demand')

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To get this straight; this is NOT a normal collection of one shots!

The title of this story is pretty much self-explanatory... It's a game to be played by you guys!

I came up with this idea when I was reading @MyHeartsMistake's fan fictions. In some of her stories she put codewords in her authors note and they made me think of random scenarios (Thank you for giving me this idea!!!!!!)...

So I though 'Why not ask you guys for some keywords to improvise a story with?!' and so I did...


The game:

- You send me keywords - simple nouns, verbs, adverbs or adjectives

- I write a one-chapter-long story based on one or more keywords that I randomly choose

- The one whose keyword I choose gets an dedication :)

*The keywords can be submited via

my profile,

the comment box below,

private messaging,

Twitter: @snowfloks + #awc,

Google+: https://plus.google.com/100024715739901912364/posts or

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/snowfloks *


The purpose of this game is to improve my writing ability so feedback is very much appreciated!

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