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I finally got to the school and I was so mad I didn't notice everyone got silent when I came in. Usually at least one person was oblivious of my presence and continued talking like an absolute idiot but today no one did that. Something was going on. When I realized that I look around and feel everyone's stares on me. Then I see the principal coming toward me. Oh, no. I look around but the exit is blocked by students gathered around to watch the show. Dammit. I look forward and this time see the principal standing right in front of me. I stand up straight trying to preserve my pride as I imagine Jason would probably do.

-Miss Clark.- Said the principal. The eyes of this powerful woman staring into me. She disgusts me.

- Y-yes?- Why am I stuttering? What happened to me? See? That boy is no help to you. He made you even weaker. Whatever.

- We have been informed that this morning you ran away from your home. – H-huh? What the hell is this?

- And who exactly informed you of this?- I say in my old hateful voice and suddenly feel really relieved.

-Someone very close to you, miss Clark. – Said the principal who was obviously referring to my mother.

- Im afraid there is no such person.- My voice cracked a bit on the last word.

 I immediately think about blondy. Stop it. Guh! Leave me alone! The principal stares at me for a while. I wonder what she expects from me. But then I stop caring and before she could say anything again I walked right past her to a classroom with a casual look on my face. But before I could get in somebody grabbed my hand. I turn around surprised. It was blondy!

-Hey - he said half smiling. Everyone was looking at us even more surprised.

 The girls looked a bit like they were in a daydreaming state actually... What happened? Then I realized they were looking at blondy, who was gripping my hand so tight it hurt. Then he let go when he saw he was hurting me.

- Can we talk? Not here though. – Asks Jason. I nod. He starts walking and I follow him.

 We end up at the back of the school. I didn't even have a chance to leave my backpack in my locker and it seemed like he always carried around his.

- Why did you run away from home?- He was very serious and maybe even concerned...

-I-I... Its hard to explain- I started to blush while I remembered half of the reason... which was him.

-Hm... Mysterious as ever, huh?- He says again, smiling but not the usual gleeful grin.

-Anyway, what do you want to do after school today?- I stare at him. Stupid.

- I cant go out with you anymore my mom wont let me. – Which I didn't care much about but I wasn't about to just give in to him. - Oh, and why was everyone looking at you so surprised? – I asked him, casually. His expression hardened. I've never seen him like this.

-W-well... You see, i... - He seems to be desperately trying to find an answer. Whats going on?

-I didn't want to tell you this yet... But i-I'm actually... Well I don't even go to this school. I go to the private school... 3 blocks down... and my family... has a lot of money. Actually on the first day we met you were the first girl in the school who didn't gawk at me... or even notice me so I wanted to ask you for directions but when you were heading out of the school I... well you know... i needed to see how you were after that, plus you were so mysterious i wanted to find out more about you. And I was actually in this school just to talk to the principal about shutting this place down... My father made me come. He's quite the business man but more famous for his movies...- Which means that... he's the kid of a celebrity. Which for some reason really fucking pisses me off.

 I take a few steps back trying to process it... I guess its not that bad but he... He lied to me and I thought I could trust him more than anyone, more than He... I cant believe myself. I start to think back to all the things we did together. Why did he... I cant even look at him right now. I warned you he would do something to you. Shut up! I don't wanna hear it... I guess I hadn't said anything for a while and the pig touched my shoulder. I immediately without even thinking threw myself into his arms. Which made me feel disgusted with myself, but he smelled so good I couldn't get myself to let go. When I finally did I still couldn't look him in the eye.

-Im really sorry that I didn't tell you... I thought you might hate me if I did. – I laugh a little. He still seems worried though. I look at him as hard as it may be.

- Don't worry I cant hate you any more than I already do. – I smile a little still feeling like crap and start to head toward the entrance of the school. Idiot girl. I grit my teeth and put on my hood to hide my face just in case I cry.


Thank you for reading! See ya tomorrow!

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