part 3

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Yes I think its much better if Gibbs doesn’t know about this. He will be very angry if he finds out we broke rule 12. Tony kissed Ziva on the head and they both fall a sleep a couple minutes after.

The next morning Ziva woke up. Tony hands were wrapped around here. sweet cheek why are you awake so earlier its 5 a clock. I had a nightmare. Well where was the nightmare about. Saleem how he rapped and beaten me. Slowly tears felt down her face. its ok sweetcheek. He is dead he cant hurt you anymore I know. Tony pulled Ziva closer to him. Lets go back to sleep ok.

*two hours later*

Tony’s alarm went off. Morning sweetcheek morning she said. I’m going to take a shower. Wanna join me. No tony I will make some breakfast. you sure very. Ziva went to the kitchen. They wasn’t anything in the fridge just brownies and some milk. Tony walked into the kitchen where he saw Ziva eating a brownie. He walked to her and gave her a passionately kiss. Where was that for she asked. Well I love you Ziva David.

30 minutes later they both left for work. Remember tony we do not tell to anybody what we did. Ok not even to Abby or McGee. They arrived. McGee and Gibbs were already in the bullpen. Before tony and Ziva sit down. Gibbs began. You two are going undercover. Ziva remember when you father was here and the director got hurt. Yes well you going undercover as a married couple. In Amsterdam. Grab you gear the plane is leaving into 2 hours ok boss.

Tony and Ziva both went home to grab their gear. Tony picked Ziva up a hour later. Are you ready miss David? Yes tony                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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