part 20

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Ziva landed  5 hours later in Europe. Paris that’s where it all started.

the two of them alone in another world. putting their lives in each other hands everyday not to mention to long nights. it was inventible.

that conversation with tony still kept running through her mind. how they talked about director Sheppard and Gibbs.

Ziva was walking to the parking lot searching for a cap. she knew if tony would come looking for her in Israel and found out she was gone. he would immediately trace her phone her car GPS. and would even check if she took a flight.

Ziva knew she couldn’t stay longer in France. even though France is a big country. big enough.

a cap stopped in front of her. she stepped in the cap. and closed the door. to where the cap driver says. to Germany. may I ask where in Germany. to Köln okay. the cap driver started driving.

just before she boarded in Israel she called her father. who was in Köln. she explained what happened. he would search for a house new car phone etc.

after a long car ride from 4 hours she finally arrived in Köln. when the cap arrived at a old hotel in Koln she stepped out. and went inside.

she walked over to the helpdesk. hello how may I help you. a woman said, she had blond hair and blue eyes. and looked very friendly. hum my father he is already here I would meet him. she said.

okay may I ask what your father name is. Eli David. oh he in room 225. that is the second floor room 225 and the left side of the building. the woman gave she the key of the hotel room. just in case.

Ziva headed to the elevator. when her father stepped out. hey aba how do you know I arrived. were traced you’re phone. oh no. it’s okay Ziva I will take care of that. how are you he asked.

I’m tired. the doctor said I was to stressed. come on Ziva lets go to my room. so you can take a nap. Eli and Ziva went upstairs to the second floor. he opened the door. and Ziva walked in. Ziva go take a nap. I have already found a house. where she asked curios. close to the Dutch border. but dad tony will properly go look in the Netherlands.

Ziva I promise tony won’t find you. he will only if you want him too. thank you aba. Ziva went to the bedroom where she changed clothes and fell right after that asleep                         

 sorry it  took so long but here it is hope you like it comment what you're think 

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