part 11

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*2 hour later *

Tony was in the kitchen cooking while Ziva was getting the Christmas tree  out of the basement. Ziva lunch is ready tony yelled okay I’m coming

Ziva went to the kitchen and they had a wonderful lunch. Hey Ziva shut we decorate the Christmas tree. Ziva was getting baubles and hung then in the tree. When they were done decorate the Christmas tree. They went to the shop. To buy food for Christmas. What was tomorrow. They had bought a turkey wine bred and vegetables. Also the rest of the team would come for dinner. Tony could see Ziva smiling after a long time. Come on then we go home. Uhm tony exactly I have a doctors appointment. Well I can come with you. well I would love that. They went to the hospital for Ziva appointment. They sat in the waiting room when a nurse said miss David room 8

Tony and Ziva walked together to the doctor. They were holding hands. So miss David how are you doing. Well  I’m fine. Come on Ziva be honest your not fine. Ooh miss what happened. Ziva told the story that happened. And today I passed out properly I was in to much stress. Do you know where the stress came from. Yes okay you don’t have to tell me. But just make sure it wont happened again. I promise. Okay then go lay down on the table I will put some yell on your belly it’s very cold. Okay lets get start the ultrasound. Well one thing I can say for sure that it’s healthy. Wait miss David I think your having twins…… Ziva looked on the screen and felt herself on feeling well. Doctor I’m not feeling. After Ziva said that she passed out again.

Ziva woke up in a hospital bed. She saw tony talking to the doctor. Tony walked into Ziva room. Tony what did you told her. About… that you are scared for Gibbs. And that is properly the reason why you passed out twice today. The nurse is calling Gibbs so we can tell him. No tony I want to tell Gibbs in the new year. But Ziva it’s not good that you passed out so much. Tony just listen to me I don’t want to tell him now. Okay. If you love me you respect that tony okay? Okay when can I go home into a few hours if you promise not to stress so much. I promise I hate being in the hospital

sitting in the hospital and all where i can think of is cote pretty face

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