Chapter 2

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While they waited for Oliver to come back down, Grant was pacing back and forth, looking a little nervous. Harmony went up to him.
"Grant? Are you alright?" Grant shrugged.
"I'm just worried about losing Oliver, you know? We've been through a bit, even if it doesn't seem like much. And if Miss Ryder doesn't believe that he's at summer camp or anything like that, then she's going to get him taken away from us! And I love the little guy. I can't bear to lose him." Harmony patted Grant's shoulder, trying to be comforting, then she had an idea.
"Here. I might have something." Then she dug through her Bottomless Bag hanging off of her belt. She pulled out a small ring and a little jewel that matched the one in the ring.
"Here. This is a wedding ring that belonged to my neighbor in Xanadu. I found it on an adventure once. The jewel here had fallen out of the ring. It was only chance that they stayed together." Then she waved her staff over the ring and mumbled some words, and the ring and stone glowed. Then she handed the ring to Grant.
"Here." He shook his head, holding up his hands.
"Much obliged, Harmony, but I know you're taken." She laughed and shook her head.
"No, silly! Just put the ring on and give it a rub!" Grant did just that, and saw Harmony's face in the jewel! She grinned at him from inside the ring, then looked up at him in real life.
"If I give this to Oliver, he can hang it from his pendant and you can talk to him whenever you feel like it! That way, if you need him to come home quickly, you can let him know as soon as possible!" Grant looked at the ring again and saw Harmony looking at him inside of it. Then he looked back up at her, and she looked at him with trusting brown eyes. And nodded.
"Alright. Just, keep an eye on him. I'll give this to Melody. She's like a mother to him. She'll want to keep an eye on him." Harmony nodded, just as Oliver came bounding down the stairs, with his clothes from Ni No Kuni over his arm and his Bottomless Bag slung over his shoulder.
"They don't fit anymore." he told Harmony. Harmony examined his clothes for a moment, then shrugged.
"Don't worry. Perhaps Swaine or Marcassin will loan you some of their clothes?" She said, looking over at the princes and Sam, where Sam and Swaine were debating which types of guns were better from each world. Marcassin looked immensely bored. She sighed, then turned back to Oliver.
"Don't worry, I'll find you something." Oliver nodded, then pulled Astra out of his bag.
"Alright then." Then Harmony gave a whistle to the other two.
"Oi! Smiley 'n Surly!" Swaine and Marcassin gave her a look. "Come on! We've got to go back! We only have two weeks before Aaliyah's coronation, and if I know Drippy, he'll want us to take there by spelling!" Swaine and Marcassin sighed, then stood up.
"Alright, alright. Just stop calling us Smiley 'n Surly!" Swaine grumbled. Oliver gave Sam and Grant big hugs.
"Bye Sam! Bye Grant! See you in a few days!" Then the four magical people left. Back to Ni No Kuni for them it was!


"Mmmyah? You claim that your blue box has vanished by magic?" King Tom asked. The Doctor groaned and ran his hands through his hair.
"No, that's not what I'm saying! There's no such thing as magic!" King Tom jumped up.
"Myah! How dare you make such a claim! One has seen magic beyond your wildest dreams!" The Doctor stomped his foot.
"And would you quit talking about yourself by saying One? That's really annoying!"
"Doctor!" Martha exclaimed. Then she turned back to King Tom. "Your, Meowjesty, was it? I'm terribly sorry for my friend's temper. That blue box was rather important to him." King Tom leaned back, rubbing his furry chin.
"Hmm. One sees that the young lady has much better manners than the man." He murmured. Then he said, "I'm sorry, but I am unable to help you, as I gave away my wand to a young boy over five years ago."
"Do you know anyone who could help us?" Martha asked him. He rubbed his chin again.
"Well... I do know of some people. But they're rather far away. You'd have to travel by boat to get there." The Doctor's eyes widened.
"Well, if they can help us without any nonsense, I'll be happy to go there! Where do they live?" The Cat King looked at him sternly, then sighed.
"The people I speak of are called Emperor Marcassin and and Empress Harmony, also known as the Great Sage of Hamelin and the Songstress. They reside in the Porcine Palace in Hamelin, on the continent of Autumnia. It's a rather dim and desolate place, but that's where they rule. They will be able to help you." The Doctor went up and shook hands with King Tom while Martha gave a small bow.
"Thank you, your Meowjesty." King Tom nodded.
"Just head for Castaway Cove. That's the nearest port for ships. Also, keep an eye on the sky. The young rulers are often seen flying over the world on a dragon." The Doctor raised his eyebrow, but nodded.
"Alrighty then! Come along, Martha! We've got a piggy sounding place to go to!"

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