Chapter 1

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Kayden's POV

Well, i woke up to my mom being sprawled out of our old torn couch, beer bottles scattered around her, typical. It was really gross, but im used to it, no use complaining it wouldn't get me anywhere.

I ran to the bathroom to take a quick shower, after I fixed my damp hair and pulled a burgundy shirt with tan skinny jeans, then topped it off with a grey beanie.


Decent was my normal, it was all I'd ever be. Well atleast until i was 18 and moved out of this hell hole. Oh! Right, im 17, just thought id throw that out there.

One more year. One more year until i can escape.

Just thinking about it brightened my mood. Ever since my dad walked out my mom started drinking and stopped taking care of herself. Not that i cared. In a way it made everything easier, without her interfering i could be my own self. It also ment i had to get a job at a local coffee shop so we could pay the bills. So technically i am living alone, with a dead soul crawling along.

The toast i had started to make a few minutes ago popped from the toaster and i rushed over to pick it up.

With my sh!tty job food was scarce. I couldnt waste my money on getting good food so we just had the basics. Plus a stash of 6-packs into the outside fridge. I laughed at the thought, any 17 year old that lived mgy life would use the stash to throw parties or just get drunk with a few friends.

Not me.

I'd never do that, even if i was 21, i never want to taste alcohol, but can you really blame me? I dont want to turn out like my sad excuse of a mom.

Once i finished my dry toast i slung my old, stained backpack over my shoulder and grabbed my old iPhone 3, ha! I guess i should be grateful to have it at all... but i mean ive have it for 6 years. All i use it for is fo listen to music and occasionally text Katelina, though the internet at my house is as crappy as everything else.

I put my earbuds in and turn on my playlist of P!ATD, as i walk along the sidewalk i catch myself humming tl the tune of the loud music. Sometimes music is the best vacation. Just take your mind off things.

On my way to school i occasionally glance up to see a few other students, not that i know any of them though, well i might know a couple of their names but they dont know me.

I jump as i feel arms wrapped around me, and i turn to see Katelina walking next to me- smiling.

"Hi Kayden!" She greets cheerfully, i nod in return and listen as she rambles on about this boy she liked, Adam i think he name was... Probably just some football player who'd never glance her way.

Not to be rude, but that's how alot of the guys at our school are, rude, arrogant, and take everything for granted. Its just the hard truth.

Though i might be bias by the fact that i dont want a boyfriend, oh rkght im gay, but that's not the point. Highschool relationships never last, or if they do they'll turn out like my parent's. We are all just kids and don't know what love is. Keep thinking that Kayden... Keep thinking that. Plus the majority of them just want sex. Im perfectly fine being my pure virgin self so ill just leave that job to your neighborhood slut.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Young Hours! I had fun makimg this, im still developing the characters so bare with me! <3

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