Chapter 2

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The faces I haven't seen in years stood in front of me smiling. I'm so caught up with everything else that I forgot today is my birthday. I haven't seen everyone in years! I looked around and saw some new faces. I've seen Priya, Sameer, and Dev a lot but not anyone else. I stepped into the house and looked around. Rhea, Yasmine, Kia, Rohit, and Naina all come walking over to me. It's been ages and some of them look a bit different.
"Rahul!" Naina said engulfing me in a hug. This hug wasn't right it was uncomfortable... I felt something weird. I had felt this before, it was strangely crazy that I knew what it was. I pulled away from her and she looked so excited like she wanted to say something.
"I'm-" She starts but I cut her off.
"Pregnant?" I say excitedly and she starts going nuts. I knew it. The bump I was feeling on my stomach was her new child.
"Rohit! My man!" I said happily giving him a hug as well. We were like brothers and it felt good to have him around.
"Can't forget about me can you?" Yasmine said grabbing my attention. She sounded and looked different. No more crop tops or short skirts and gages. She was wearing a beautiful sunflower dress.
"Yasmine! How could I ever forget that glowing face." I said with sarcasm and she slapped my shoulder before giving me a hug. She was a nicer human being then I remembered.
"Kia." I said smiling. She had been so there for me when Maya died and I can never forget.
"Rahul." She said smiling as I hugged her. She was still the same person I remembered.
"Really good to see you" she said happily as she pulled away from me.
"You too." I smiled and walked over to Priya who was standing next to Sameer.
"Hey." I said wrapping my arms around my sister who laughed at my awkward hug.
"I just saw you the other day get off" she squealed when I pinched her back.
"Yo" Sameer said as I pulled away from Priya.
"Dude" I said in a swagger voice and we laughed. He was such a good husband to Priya and I'm hoping that they become parents soon.
"As always, it so good to see my brother in law." I said giving Dev a hug. He was happy and so that made me happy because in a way I feel like Maya is part of him. Like his smile reminds me of hers. Finally after greeting everyone I made them all line up.
"Children!" I yelled out into the big house. Seconds later 4 little children came running at me and hugged my legs.
"Arush, Dia, Raj... And..." I said stopping at the little maybe 4 or 5 year old smiling at me. I bent down and nudged his chin.
"You are?" I said smiling.
"Rakesh!" He said in the cutest voice. Yes I'm a guy saying something is cute... Don't judge me.
"Your parents?" I said and he turned around pointing to Yamine and her husband. I smiled at them and then picked up Rakesh walking over to them.
"Your child?" I said giving Yasmine Rakesh.
"Haan" she said smiling. I spent some more time getting to know some stuff I didn't and moved on to celebrating. They made or bought a pretty cool cake for me and we cut it. Of course I got cake in the face cause I was the birthday boy. Of course. All day it was fun just catching up with everyone and playing with the little kids. I've always wondered about if Maya was here, would we have kids of our own? What would life be like? I shook those thoughts out of my head and started wondering about her birthday... It was coming up real soon and usually I visit where I spread her ashes. I figured this year I'll try to relive some memories when I visit. Sonia and Kia are currently handling the kids and it's not working... My mom when she was alive would always tell me I would be a great father one day. I've been holding onto the past and don't know if that will happen. In order for that to happen if have to push my love for Maya aside... But I can't. As much as I want a family, it just can't happen without Maya. Priya and Sameer need to start their family soon, she's older then me! Everyone is very happy and I must say, so am I. The couple of months after Priya's wedding weren't easy but I got through it and took a stand for myself. Now I'm here with all my closest friends celebrating my birthday. It's amazing how you can dream something and have it come true. I watched as everyone caught up with each other and played with the kids. I forced myself not to drink and hung around for a while until I got very tired. Yeah this was my party but I'm a business man and I get tired easily. I said my farewells to everyone and they made me promise to keep in touch more often. I walked out of the house and into my car. I sighed slightly and drove to my home, I admit... Sometimes I hate going home to an empty house. I reached the building and jumped out of my car and walked inside. I was tired, really tired. The elevator pinged and I walked in, seconds later I walked out. I stood in front of my door and opened it. I didn't bother turning on the lights or anything. I just walked straight to the bedroom, and slipped off my shoes then clothes. I laid down in my bed and looked over at Mayas side of the bed. Sometimes I think she's here, staring right back at me. This thought always makes me smile and sleep peacefully. When she was alive, she lived In Our Lifetime. Then when she passed, we had Unbreakable Ties. Now wether she here or not, she'll always be Forever In My Heart.

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