Chapter 17

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I cried all night. I couldn't even believe how wasted Rahul was or the words that fell from his mouth. He was sad and upset, he had a huge bandage on his hand which confirmed that he was in the hospital. I can't stop replaying the memories of last night in my head. The look of sadness in Rahul's eyes, the anger in his every word, and the weakness in his body language. His last words before leaving sent me over the edge... maybe I'm being to rational over something that probably isn't true. But I need his truth to be confirmed and the only person who can confirm everything he said is the person who he was with. I'm currently sitting in a private conference room at Banks Fashion & Co. This is where the answers will be confirmed or denied. I hold my breath as the door to the conference room pushes open and I'm looking at her in the flesh. The Sasha Banks. I watch her slip into a chair a few away from me as she looks serious about my surprise meeting to talk. She scans me really well for a second and smiles.
"You must be Maya," she smiles placing her folded hands on the table.
"Haan, and your Sasha..." I say hating the fact I said her name.
"So what important things did you need to discuss with me?" She asks leaning back in her chair.
"Do you love Rahul?" I ask getting straight to the point.
"Yes," she answers bluntly. I tense up and shift in my chair uncomfortably. Obviously this girl is very honest and straight to the point.
"When did you guys date... and how long?" I ask digging my nails into my skin.
"Three years ago we dated, and we dated for about eight months," Sasha says with a pink tinge rising in her cheeks. I feel anger rise in me as I see the pink tinge come and go.
"Did he ever say he loved you?" I ask gripping the edge of the table. Sasha smirked and leaned forward in her chair.
"Only once," she says looking down at her hands. I release the table and sit back in my chair shocked.
"What?" I whisper trying to comprehend what she said.
"He said he loved me once," she says looking up and burning holes in me with her eyes.
"But he said he didn't!" I shout slamming my hand down on the table. I feel all my sadness turn to anger as I stand up from my chair stomping my foot. He lied too me! I close my eyes and push my tears away replacing it with anger.
"Now he is really getting a divorce!" I shout starting to angrily make my way to the door but I hear Sasha's chair push into the wall and soon she is standing in front of me with her arms out blocking the door. She has sadness, guilt, and nervousness written all over her face.
"You can't divorce him!" She says as her expressions soften.
"And why not! He lied to me and told you he loved you!" I yell in her face.
"It was a joke Maya! You don't understand how much he loves you!" She spats in my face making me take a step back.
"What..." I say biting my bottom lip. I feel my anger evaporate and my eyes start to sting with tears.
"I'm jealous Maya..." Sasha says dropping her arms and walking away from the door.
"Jealous of what?" I ask looking at Sasha who is looking down at her heels.
"Jealous of how much he loves you..." she says looking up at me. Her eyes are filled with tears but they aren't falling.
"But he loves you and-" I start to say but she cuts me off.
"And that's where your wrong Maya... he loves you and only you... it was three years ago... Rahul and I Met to start my business, I had an instant liking for him... but he was wearing a wedding band... I was heartbroken. But we grew close and he started my business, we decided to go out to dinner to celebrate. At dinner, I asked about the wedding band. He told me that his wife had died four years ago, and that he missed her to much to take the ring off. I felt so bad for him, I wanted to make him forget it all and start over... a week later we started dating. The first 6 months were so, normal. Normal date nights to the movies and then going to dinner. We were happy, and I was in love. Rahul never not once let me sleepover his or slept over mine. He was strict about touching and romantic language.  He didn't like when I said I loved him even in a playful way when he would surprise me with small gifts. Everyone adored us as a couple and I adored being with Rahul. Then it was a couple weeks after our seven month anniversary and things just changed. It's like he was stuck in a state of mind of only you. He would talk about you nonstop and he showed me millions of pictures of you. He told fun stories and he told sad stories. I could write a whole biography about you Maya, that's how much he talked about you. Every word that came out of his mouth was loving and sweet. I was jealous and one day after shortly after dating for eight months... I snapped. He was going on about the same things and I told him we weren't on the same page. That I wanted love, and he said he couldn't love me because he had no heart to give. That night we ended our relationship but kept our friendship for work," Sasha says all the while not looking at me. I end up sitting down and feel a rush of tears gliding down my cheeks as I absorb every single word she's just said. Sasha turns around and finally looks at me, her eyes rimmed with sadness and guilt.
"He loves you Maya, don't throw away his love... don't break him again... he needs you," Sasha says walking around the table and sliding into a seat next to me. I turn my chair so we are sitting across from each other.
"I know you think he loves me but he doesn't, and if it makes you feel any better I'm dating someone... so Rahul is all yours." Sasha says with tears filling her eyes again.
"But I threatened him so badly... he'll never want me now..." I mumble feeling tears fall from my eyes and caress my cheek. Sasha grabs my hand in hers and she looks me in the eyes as she talks.
"You guys are in this through anything, don't let a few empty threats stop you from going to your husband who needs you," Sasha says slightly squeezing my hand. I shouldn't let anything stop me, I need to go to Rahul and tell him I want him. Tell him I don't want to leave. Tell him I love him.
"Why are you being so nice?" I laugh a bit pulling my hand away to wipe my tears.
"Because I don't want to see Rahul hurt, and I know you love him a lot," Sasha says through a sad smile.
"I need to go to him," I mumble standing up. Sasha rises along with me and she smiles.
"He's home, and don't worry he's sober... he had an important meeting today so he's sober," Sasha says nicely. I smile at her and pull her into a hug.
"Thank you," I say as Sasha wraps her arms around me.
"No problem," she laughs a bit. I pull back and she smiles at me.
"Ab Jao!"
I'm about to make myself something to eat when I hear a loud pounding on my door. I walk from the couch to the door letting out a sigh before opening the door. I feel my arms drop and I can't believe she is here. Standing in front of me. Maya. She looks like she's been crying and I take a step towards her.
"Maya... I-" I start to say but I'm cut off by Maya. She runs into my arms and presses herself against me locking her lips with mine kissing me hungrily. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her closer to me letting myself love this moment. I slowly back us up into my flat and close the door. Maya's hands are running through my hair as she kisses me passionately. I back her up into the door letting her hit with a small thud. I feel my hands sliding down to her thighs and lift her up. She instantly wraps her legs around my waist and she parts her lips slightly making me push my tongue into her mouth. She moans lightly against my lips and my mind goes into a frenzy. Our tongues fight for dominance as Maya starts to unbutton my shirt. I feel the fabric loosen on my body then fall to the ground. Maya outlines my 8 pack as I slowly start tracing kisses down to her neck. She melts in my arms as I kiss her sensitive skin, that's gonna leave a mark. I grin to myself and place my hands around Maya's back for support as I lift her from the door. She keeps her arms loosely wrapped around my neck as she kisses me. We walk into the bedroom and I close the door behind me with my foot. I place her softly on the bed and she smiles at me. I lean down and place soft kisses on her collar bone and I can tell it's having an affect on her as a shiver courses through her body. I tug at her bottoms then pull them completely off, I go to take her shirt off but she has already done it for me. I take off my trousers, leaving me in my boxers and I lean down kissing Maya's lips. We fully unclothe ourselves and I press my palms on the mattress encaging Maya under me. I press my body against hers while softly kissing her as a soft moan leaves her lips. In this moment, in our dark bedroom... we are rediscovering our love for each other... we are putting all our mistake behind us... we are showing each other how much we need the other... and I never want this moment to end.

Long chapter but hopefully you guys liked it!! Finally things are good between our beloved Rahul and Maya, please leave your feedback for the chapter... I wanna know how you guys felt for the chapter!😊 And also let me know if you like or hate Sasha, I would love to hear your feedback💜 Well, until the next update😋❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2016 ⏰

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