Chapter 7: Not So Nice Babies

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My eyes were still adjusting to the darkness when I finally saw what I had bumped into....okay it really wasn't what I suspected.

I heard Mrs.O'Leary whimper and hid behind me as I stared surprised at the...person, in front of me.

Glancing from the cowering Mrs.O'Leary to the small, if a bit overweight infant that was staring at me.

I think it was a he. But he looked to be a little less than one years old as we stared at one another, "So...."I said awkwardly as the baby stared at me, "Uh, what exactly are you doing here?" I asked and received nothing in return.

"Right, small child, you probably can't talk yet." I said awkwardly and pat the little baby on it's head.

That's seemed to be some sort of tipping point because the child burst into tears and I freaked out because what exactly do you do with a crying baby?

But that wasn't the worst of it, it was the fact that it seemed to be like a herd of wolves, where one howls the others follow.

What I mean, there got to be a least 100 infants all crying and then there was me panicking because now I didn't have one, but multiple babies crying.

"I..Uh, I'm just gonna try to find an adult who knows what they's doing." I said awkwardly and shifted to the side of the baby.

Something seemed to change in the babies attitude, because suddenly the First Crying Baby wasn't crying anymore, actually he had a stone cold face.

Mrs.O'Leary was still cowering behind me and I suddenly felt my stomach drop as the one year old who I'm sure isn't suppose to walk yet, was standing staring at me with a blank expression and dead eyes.

Feeling more than creeped out I started to back away slowly, "Uh, okay babies. Why don't you stop being creepy on me while I just go."

The word go made practically all the babies surge forward toward me and; admittedly, I freaked out and ran away with Mrs.O'Leary by my feet.

Plea's were somehow coming out of week olds to two year olds mouths about not leaving and they were all walking toward me.

"Uh, so this has been creepy enough for me." I commented to Mrs.O'Leary as we ran past babies who were now standing and walking toward me.

I heard Mrs.O'Leary bark in agreement and somehow felt like I was in some sort of Horror Movie, what's next? The door of the exit in front of me just going to magically close.


Okay so maybe jinxing myself probably wasn't the best idea. I thought as the doors in front of me were actually closing, two babies seemed to be working some sort of pulley system that closed and opened the doors.

"I really don't want to hurt kids, but I feel like they don't have the same sentimentality I do." I muttered hating the fact I was pulling out my sword.

It gleamed in the darkness and actually made the two babies who were closing the doors to actually hiss, hiss! At me and stop what they were doing.

I was too shocked to keep running forward while I had the change and it didn't really help because suddenly I was surrounded by babies (and not the ladies baby kind) and heard hissing all around the group as they looked at my sword.

"Back away." I said pointing to a particular baby who took a step forward at me, but then instantly scurried back when I pointed my sword at him.

"I'm going to be going now, and you aren't going to stop me." I said and slowly started to back away from the babies who made a gap out of the circle.

As soon as I took a step back, the babies took a step forward toward me. It was going on like this until I got to the giant wooden doors that somehow reminded me of some sort of castle doors.

"Why don't you go back to where you were before, go on. Run around babies and leave me alone. You never saw me, I never saw you." I said confidently which I definitely didn't feel as one of the babies licked it's lips like it saw food and not a person.

Not only that, but their lips were wobbingly too and they looked like they were about to cry "But we're hungry," A girl that looked to be around three said as she patted her stomach and looked at me with hunger.

"Well I'm not food. And if you eat me I would be very, very angry." I said sternly hoping that I can somehow make them feel bad about the fact they thought that eating me was good.

It seemed to have done something because a lot of the babies bursted into tears exclaiming they were 'sorry,' and 'please don't be mad at us.'

Feeling totally creeped out I went with it and put my hand on my hip and sternly scolded them, "Then go back to your so called rooms. Go on, and once I leave you close these doors, don't want to catch a cold now do you." I said trying to think about how parents scold their children.

What do I know? The only person who ever scolded me was mother and Loki, of course most of the time the scolding was because of some stupid adventure Thor did and mother would scold us before cuddling us to make sure we were okay.

Where exactly had that come from?

Feeling even more confused I watched as the children sniffed miserably and did as they were told, the two children slowly closed the doors as soon as I went a few feet away from them.

I glanced at Mrs.O'Leary who was still behind my legs and saw her look at me, "Any idea what else might be in stores for us?" I asked her and heard her snort.

"Yeah." I said after a moment, "I agree. Let's keep walking. The sooner we are out of here the better." I didn't know how long this dead-journey would last, I just hoped it would end soon enough or at least I would get some answers soon.  

(Book 2) Perseus Jackson-Odinson: Till Death Do We Part (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now