Chapter 6

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Jack's P.O.V

 Finally, I was in sight of Tiffany's house. As fast as possible, I rushed to her door and pounded my fist against it. " Tiffany! Please open up! You don't understand, I didn't mean it!" I screamed at the door, but there was no answer. I was starting to freak, I hope she was ok, I needed her to be ok. Now going to extremes, I used my long arms to reach and I pulled myself up towards her window. I climbed close and tried to look inside but saw nothing. Only the reflection of myself. I saw the small tears in my eyes, and the blush on my face from the kiss. I frowned and felt ashamed for doing such a thing. I didn't want to kiss Sally, now look what has happened! I have lost my friend. My very important friend. 

I began to knock on the window. I could hear her sobbing. I was certain everyone in town could hear her. She was in a true state of sadness because of me. "Tiffany, please let me in," I said to my reflection. The crying suddenly stopped from the sound of my voice. I listened, but now heard nothing. "Tiffany... please...."

I lightly pressed my forehead against the window and closed my eyes. I felt my tears plan to fall down my cheekbone. Softly, I some how began to sing out my feelings.

"What have I done..... What have I done? How could I, be so blind? All is lost.... Where was I? Spoiled all.... Spoiled all..... Everythings, gone all wrong. What have I done? What have I done?"

I could hear my tears softly hit the ground below me as I sang. 

"Find a deep cave to hide in, in a million years they'll find me only dust.... and a plaque... That reads 'Here Lies Poor Old Jack'......."

Suddenly, I heard foot steps. They came closer to the window, and very slowly, the window was opened and behind it revealed the young girl that had been listening to my song. I couldn't help but give her a soft smile, but she didn't smile back. When she saw my tears, hers continued to flow. She started to sob again. I pulled her close to me, hugging her tight. I could tell it wasn't very comfortable for her considering I had made her lean over the window side to hug me, but she didn't seem to care. She had burried her face into my chest, and I could feel her watery tears being absorb into my clothing. I hushed her, trying to make her quiet her sobbing. Soothingly, I rubbed her back and put my chin ontop of her head. I could feel her constant breathing and the slight gasps from crying. I continued to comfort her. 

A few minutes later, she allowed me inside. She sat on her bed, sniffling her nose and wiping her eyes. I stood, until I realized what time it was. It was late at night, and Tiffany looked tired. So, without words, I put her in bed and lulled her to sleep. After about ten minutes, she was sound asleep. I watched over her for alittle while and planned to soon leave. As I stood up away from Tiffany, I went to close the window( obviously I was going to leave through the door). But after I did so, I saw a book below me with a leather lace holding it closed. It had words inscripted into it. I carefully picked up the book and studied it. A sudden feeling urged me to look inside. 'No, I can't. It's probably something private,' I thought to my self. I looked at the lace and fiddled with it. It was loose. With one quick glance behind to make sure Tiffany was still asleep, I began to undo the tie and open the book. The first page I came to had a couple words and a picture. A picture of me. Curiously, I began to flip through the pages. They all had a couple words and a picture of me. Some pages had no words. My eyes were wide and I had red all across my cheeks. I soon came to a page with a large drawing. It looked like a building. I studied it close and realized: It was a picture of my house. It was well drawn and had great shading on it. 

I heard rustling sheets behind me. Quickly, I closed the book and set it down while trying not to make much noise. I looked back at Tiffany who was still asleep. I felt all the tention from my body slip away. She hadn't seen what I did. But I wondered, how long has she felt like this? Does she really love me? How does she know what love is? Do I love her? The question made me blush. What if I did? What should I do about it?

All these questions kept rushing through my head, I couldn't keep up with them. I finally ignored all of them and stepped closer to Tiffany. She looked beautiful. Her breathing was quiet but sweet. 

I was now face to face with her. With my final answer to one big question, I slowly leaned in and gave Tiffany something that wasn't just to make her happy, but to make me happy as well for once.

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