I'm Sorry

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Lorelai's POV:
I sat in the kitchen with Sookie. "Coffee, hon?" Sookie asked. If I said no she'd think something was up and if I said yes I would be breaking Luke's coffee rule.
"C'mere Sooks," I said gesturing towards the closet. With one eyebrow raised she walked into the closet.
"Okay, Lorelai this is plain weird," Sookie said and gestured with our hands where we were at.
"Must be those pregnancy hormones," I said shrugging.
"Whose pregnancy hormones? Mine are fine Lorelai. Are you okay honey?" Sookie asked quickly.
"Ehh, I've just been feeling really sick in the morning and really, really craving healthy foods,"
"Huh? Wait oh my god!! You're pregnant!!" Sookie said jumping up and down and covering her mouth. I smiled and we shared a tight hug.

I walked through the diner door trying to juggle my cell phone, purse and a box of things Sookie sent with me from her pregnancy with Davey. They were a bunch of pregnancy books and articles from magazines that she tore out and saved. Luke walked over and set down the coffee pot and took the heavy box in his hands. I pecked his lips.
"Earth to Mom," Rory said over the phone. I focused back on Rory.
"Dear, that's great that Loren Dawson is considering your book," I said enthusiastically. "Have you added anything else and sent it to her?" I added.
"Yeah I have. I think she really, really likes it. She wants me to change the names though. So I changed my name to Elizabeth, Logan's name to Kyle, Dean's to Sam, yours to Heather-" Rory began.
"Oh, I've always liked the name Heather!"
"Yes, Mom I know that. Quentin's to Trinity," Rory finished.
"Oh, did you change Quentin and Logan's baby to Devil?" I asked and smiled. Luke raised an eyebrow at me as he walked by.
"Hey," he said and pointed to my phone.
"Baby wants to talk to sissy," I said quickly to Luke.
"Wait, baby, sissy?" Rory said curiously.
"Yeah, you're gonna be a big sister!" Luke pointed to the door but I pointed to my tummy and shrugged. He sighed and walked away giving up.
"Wait, darling, baby?" Miss Patty asked looking at my stomach seeing if it had grown any. I nodded and smiled.
"That's great, Mom!" Rory's voice was excited and happy. We talked for a few more minutes before Dean got to their house with takeout making Rory have to leave.
Luke stood in front of the counter and looked at me. "What?" I asked and smiled.
"You," he said and walked away.
"Me?" I asked and grabbed his hand before he could walk away.
"Well-" Luke started before Taylor walked in.
"So, I hear Lorelai has changed her name," Taylor said pointing to me.
"What are you talking about Taylor?" Miss Patty asked looking confused at me then glancing at Taylor and going back and forth. All eyes were either on me or Taylor. I took a sip of the decaf coffee.
"Hm?" Luke and I said at the same time looking at him intently.
"Well, Lorelai Gilmore, or should I say Lorelai Danes," Taylor said looking at Luke. I almost choked on the sip of coffee I had in my mouth. Luke walked over and rubbed my shoulders.
"Taylor, you must be crazy," Babette said raspily. Patty nodded in agreement to Babette.
"They'd never get married outside of town," Babette said. Luke and I looked away from them not making eye contact.
Taylor handed over an envelope and my name changing paperwork. People gathered around to see if it was true.
"We live in too small of a town," Luke whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek. I nodded in agreement and pulled him to sit beside me.
"Well now we all know that you two have tied the knot," Taylor said grabbing the paperwork from Miss Patty but tearing it.
"Taylor," Luke growled snatching the partially tore paperwork.
"They also have a bun in the oven," Miss Patty chimed in. I hid my face in Luke's chest and he rubbed my back.
"They do?" Several people asked.

Rory's POV:
I sat at the dinner table playing with my egg rolls. "What's up?" Dean asked noticing me.
"I just haven't been feeling too well and I've missed a period," I said quietly pushing my egg roll away from me. Dean was silent.

I took the pregnancy test from the brown bag Dean had gotten from the drug store. I walked into the bathroom quietly and took the test.
A minute later I looked at the results. Negative. I sighed with relief and threw the test away. It's probably nothing.
"What did it say?" Dean asked quickly as I came out.
"Negative," I said. Dean nodded and I crawled up beside him on the couch. He said nothing.

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