Why Go Back?

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Lorelai's POV:
I laid beside Luke lacing our hands together. "Let's try," I whispered.
"Hmm?" Luke mumbled rubbing my back.
"Let's try for a kid," I said kissing his shoulder.

I walked downstairs while talking to Sookie. "Sooks, come on now. You know we'd love to come for dinner, but I haven't told my parents about mine and Luke's engagement," I said as Luke was about to walk out the door. I quickly walked over and he pecked my lips. I smiled at him. Rory came in as he left. I said goodbye to Sookie and hung up the phone.
"Mom," Rory said in a high pitched voice while I was in the kitchen. She walked into the kitchen with a grin plastered on her face. I smiled back and patted the seat beside me.
"What's up?" I asked pulling out a Poptart after a few crinkles.
"I got a job!" I turned around dropping my Poptart to the ground and heard a huge crinkle.
"Rory, you have a job already. But what's this one?" I asked trying to not sound so angry.
"I do, but this one is in Hartford! I'll be writing for the Hartford newspaper. I was offered it last week. That's why I came back." I nodded and picked up my Poptart trying to not let something out I'd regret
"But, Ror, Christiane Amanpour?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
"I want to take another path and see where this one leads. It's an oppurtunity, Mom. This would be my second job and why go back, Mom?
I nodded and took off a piece of Poptart.

I walked into the diner holding onto my growling stomach. Luke looked up at me. It was the usual midmorning lull. I sat down at a table. "Hey," I said and played with a pepper shaker. He sat down across from me. "Hey," he said and smiled.
"Let's elope," Luke said out of the blue. I looked up from the table immediately. There was seriousness plastered on his face.
"When?" I asked smiling.
"Two days?" He held onto my hand giving it a light, reassuring squeeze.
"Two days, Luke Danes. I'm taking your word on that." He stood up and walked over and gave me a lingering kiss. I tugged on his flannel lightly as he was about to walk away. I sat him down and climbed on his lap.
"Two days," he whispered into my ear.
"Two days," I repeated. He kissed me again this time more passionately. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly in his arms.
There was a jingle from the door breaking our kiss. He looked over and Miss Patty stood there fawning and staring at us. I stood up and he did also and I sat at the counter and shared a smile with Luke. "Have you two picked a date yet?" Miss Patty asked sitting beside me. We shook our heads at the same time.

Rory's POV:
I pulled out my phone and seen I had a missed call from Dean. I held in my breath and clicked call.
"Hello?" He said rapidly and awkwardly.
"Hey Dean. I'm in town so maybe we could meet for lunch at the gazebo. Noon?" I said quietly.
"Um, yeah, sure Rory."
"Noon it is."

I sat down in the gazebo while I played with my hands. Dean came up the steps quietly.
"Hi," I said standing up. He gave me a small smile and hugged me lightly. He let go a few seconds later and sat down.
"Rory," Dean tried to begin.
"I know, Dean. I know. I'm sorry but I love you."
"Rory, I can't do this."
"Why, Dean?"
"When you called me this morning, I was with a girl."
"Okay, Dean. I don't care. I want you."
I turned his head towards me and pushed my lips onto his. He made the kiss rougher and rubbed my back. I pulled away from him and looked into his eyes. He gave me a smile and I placed a kiss on his cheek before running.

Luke's POV:
"Two days," she said quietly under her breath. I sat down beside her and clasped her hand in mine. I nodded and smiled. I kissed her for a few moments before I pulled away. I wrapped my arms around her and she laid her head in the crook of my neck. I kissed her hair lightly. She looked up at me and I pressed my lips to hers once more.
"Two days," I said wrapping my arms around her tighter.

I walked into the house and got a whiff of pizza. "Really pizza again, Lorelai? This is like the fourth day in a row," I said going into the kitchen and sitting beside her.
"I can't help it, Luke!" I walked over and pecked her lips. I sat down beside her with a glass of water. I grabbed her hand.
"You could if you'd wait for your fiancee to get home to cook you a nice dinner."
"Eh. Pizza's nice." I smiled at her. "I'd marry pizza," she continued with a twinkle in her eye.
"Yeah. Well then maybe we should cancel the wedding," I said shrugging and made a straight face.
"Wait, no, no Luke. Pizza means nothing to me!" I smiled and stood her up and pulled her onto my lap.
"Good," I said in a quiet voice and kissed her roughly. My hands went up her shirt slowly. I pulled her closer and carried her upstairs.

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