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  Luke's POV:
   Lorelai was laying down on the bed silently. "Come on," I said. She didn't take her gaze from the blank wall. "Fine," I said and laid facing the other direction. I didn't want it to be Lorelai that had to tell her. I hoped that it wouldn't get to that point where either of us had to.
  My alarm went off waking me. I sat and seen Lorelai sitting and reading. "Good morning," I said and kissed her cheek--- forgetting that she was mad. "Lorelai--" I began.
  "No." Was all she said. I sighed and got ready.

  Lorelai's POV:
  I should've taken his apology, but I was still angry. It was the first fight we've had since getting married and all I wanted to do was accept his apology. But I couldn't-- not yet anyhow. I closed my book and laid on my side and rubbed my tummy. Luke came by and kissed me lightly.         "See ya," he said quietly and set his hand on my tummy also. I bit my lip and forced myself not to say that it's okay.

  I woke up around nine and went downstairs to see Rory eating a Pop-Tart. I sat down beside her and took a small piece of her Pop-Tart. "What happened last night?" She inquired. "Not afraid to jump into things are we?" I joked. She shrugged and took a sip of milk.
  "I told April why the engagement broke off the first time--how we were strained and then she added that it was about her and she didn't believe it was just that. Then, of course, I got angry and yelled at him for making me--" I began.
  "Do it?" Rory finished for me. I nodded. "Has he apologized?" She asked me.
  "He tried to--but I wouldn't let him." Rory gaped at me. "What?" I said defensively.
  "Was it his fault you didn't say, "well, kid it doesn't matter'?" She said mocking my voice at the last part. "Well---no. But, I did try!"
  "He wasn't happy about it, you know?" Rory said quietly. I shook my head. "I got home and he was just staring at the table. As if trying to change it into something else," she said. I chewed on my lip anxiously. "I'm horrible," I said quietly.
  "No, you aren't. I guess it wasn't fair but come on now," Rory said. I gave a weak smile and gave her a small hug. She took a sip of milk. "Milk?" I said curiously.
  "Well, I figured to be nice I should probably quit drinking coffee with you," Rory explained feebly and blushed. I hugged her again tightly. "I love you, Mom."
  "I love you too, Kid."

  We sat around watching Casablanca and Godfather that day while Luke was off at the diner. I scrounged the cupboards for coffee but Rory had been serious about quitting. I sighed to myself and got a glass of water. 

  Rory had taken April to see a movie, so I could talk to Luke privately. I sat kicking at the ground as I set a plate of Sookie's pork chops and creamy mashed potatoes also with a side of green beans and asparagus. I suddenly heard Luke coming in, I smiled to myself and ran to him. "I'm sorry," He said finally. "Me too," I said a bit taken aback. 
   He pressed his soft lips against mine and he wrapped his arms around me. "I really have missed you," He said when we'd finally pulled away from each other. 

   "eh, it hasn't been that long," I joked. He gave me a smirk and we went to the kitchen. "Why didn't you tell her?" I asked seriously.

Luke's POV:
    "How do you break that to a kid? I wanted to avoid it as much as possible," I explained feebly. As I heard it come from my mouth I felt stupid but Lorelai looked at me in an understanding way. "I just didn't want to hurt her more after what happened with Anna. She didn't deserve to have that happen to her and I felt like it too with this information," I continued to explain while looking Lorelai in the eye.
   "I get it," She said when I was finished. I smiled at her and she smiled back at me. "How has Baby been?" I asked. 
   She beamed at me and said, "Oh, great." It felt relaxing here with Lorelai.
   "You haven't had any coffee, have you?" I asked and raised an eyebrow. Red came to her cheeks and she looked away from me. "I had one cup that wasn't decaf," She said quickly.
   "Lore-" I tried to begin but she wouldn't let me keep going. "I love you," She said as a way to shut up my lecture.
   "I love you too," I said and took her hand. I sat contemplating her because it has been forever since I actually have done so. Her blue eyes twinkled in the light. "What?" she asked me. I gave a half-smile and said, as a joke, "You have something on your face." 
    "What? Where?" She asked. I couldn't help but laugh. "I was joking," I said and began to eat my dinner.
   "You're mean," She mumbled under her breath. I smirked and kissed her hand that was still clutched in my hand. "I'm sorry," I said and shrugged. She rolled her eyes at me and smirked. 

    We laid in bed beside each other and I wrapped my arms around her and rubbed her stomach. "Baby will love you so much," Lorelai whispered into the air. "Yeah?" I whispered back to her. She nodded and I ran my fingers through the ends of her hair. I tucked some hair behind her ear and laid my lips on her cheek. 
   "Baby will love you so much too," I whispered and she just smiled at that. "You know something?" I said quietly and turned her so she was looking at me. 
    "Huh?" She said and I stroked her cheek. "Ever since I met you all those years ago I had a feeling you would mean something to me," I confessed and I felt scarlet flush over my cheeks until she said, "Me too, Luke."  I grinned and pressed my lips to hers and after a few, moments we pulled away from one another. 
    "Do you want a boy or girl?" Lorelai asked me to fill the silence. I thought for a moment and then said, "A girl." Lorelai grinned and we laid there smiling at one another knowing that this was our chance.
    I laid there with my arm wrapped around her and after a while, I felt my eyes go heavy.

    I was at the diner cleaning a table when Rory came in. "Hey," I said and poured her a cup of coffee. She smiled and said, "Hi."
   "WHat would you like?" I said and she just shook her head. "Nothing," she said sheepishly.

   Rory's POV:

   April and I were going to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, which was her choosing. "Did you know?" she asked me after a while in the car. I sighed and looked at her. 
   "He didn't want to hurt you that's why he didn't tell you," I said irritation itching at me. She mumbled something to herself and looked out the window. I sighed and we sat silently in the car. 

   We were at the movie theater in Woodbury and we walked inside to see people crowding the space. I sighed and we made it to the counter line. "I can't wait!" April said excitedly. 
   "I've never read the books or seen any of the movies," I admitted. She gaped at me and I shrugged.

   "How??" She said. I shrugged and it was our turn. I got us popcorn and we headed to te movie. I looked around and found only a couple seats open. I took them and suddenly I heard, "Ace." when the movie began. I turned to look at him and I wanted to kiss him so much.
   "Logan," I whispered back. "Are you here alone?" I continued to badger him. He smirked at me and I smirked back.
   "Yes," he said. I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder without thinking and watched the movie. I knew it was wrong but it was comforting to be with him. Even if it was just for a couple hours.

   We walked into the house and Mom and Luke were on the couch laughing. We came in and sat down somewhere. "How was the movie?" Luke asked. 
    "It was good. I would've liked for you to go with me, though," April said, sounding happier than she has been. He grinned and said, "Maybe we can go see it together too." 
    "Can I borrow the books?" I asked and she giggled and nodded. I have to admit that that movie was amazing and I want to read the whole series and then watch all the movies. 
    "I have so many questions!" I said and smiled. Luke chuckled and we sat and watched Pippi Longstocking. It felt goos to be home with my family.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2017 ⏰

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