Our Little Maya - Chapter Five

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Our Little Maya - Chapter Five

Liam's PoV

"Liam, we need to talk."

I set down what I was doing to look up at Niall, who looked extremely distraught.

"What's wrong Niall?" I patted the bed next to me, gesturing for him to sit. Being Niall, he collapsed facedown on the bed, before flipping over and looking at me.

"Meg has a kid," he blurted.


I definitely wasn't expecting that. "Okay, I knew there was something, but she was pregnant? And Zayn left her?"

Apparently Niall hadn't thought of that part. "Holy shit!"

"What could possibly make Zayn leave her? He loves her. He's always loved her. It's obvious, isn't it?"

"Aye," Niall muttered, perplexed.

"How did you even figure out?"

"Oh," Niall said. "Right, that was my point. I went to that Nando's down the street and apparently she works there. She was taking my order and-and this little girl ran over shouting, 'Mommy!' and well I asked if she was Zayn's and if Zayn knew and if that's why she left and all she said was that Zayn knows about her kid."

"Oh no," I sighed, "Is the child even his?"

"I thought so, I mean she looks like Zayn I think," he shook his head. "I don't know, I only saw her for a few seconds. She wouldn't really cheat on him, would she?"

I wasn't so sure. "I never thought her to be the type, but I never thought Zayn to be the type to abandon his own child either."

Meg's PoV

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.


"Why does this always happen?" I shouted, glaring at the vacuum cord that was tangled around my ankles. "Who's fucking idea was it to put wires on these fucking things?"

"Hey!" Jenny shouted back. "Language! Want me to answer that for you?" She gestured towards the phone with her head while holding Maya up as she sat on the counter, washing her delicate, little hands.

"Ugh, yeah, sure, fine, get it, I'll be right-" I said, as I continued the endless struggle with the vacuum cord, "On second thought, can you put it on speaker?"

Jenny laughed while reaching to answer my cell without losing her grip on a now sud-covered Maya. She gave me a weird look, before asking, " Zaynie?"

"Oh god, Harry did that, just answer it."

"Hi, Maya's phone, this is Jenny speaking, how can I help you Zaynie?" Jenny chirped at the phone in a sickeningly sweet voice. I mentally facepalmed.

"Uh, hi?" Zayn's gruff voice resonated from the crappy phone speakers. "Is, uh, is Meg there?"

"Coming," I shouted back, before falling flat on my face, having forgotten the cord snaked around my legs. "Fuck," I muttered, my face smushed into the sort of clean, newly vacuumed carpet. Hey, I got something done at least.

"Um, what was that?" Zayn asked through the phone.

"Oh, you know, Megan just falling on her face," Jenny laughed.

"So the usual?" Zayn laughed a true, full laugh, one I hadn't heard in a very long time.

"Pretty much, yup," Jenny responded.

I had finally somehow managed to get out of the deathtrap I had been stuck in for over 20 minutes now (don't judge) in time to drag myself, moaning and groaning to the kitchen counter.

"Fuck you," I snapped. "Fuck both of you."

Zayn chuckled. "Is this really how you speak in front of ou-your daughter."

I sighed. The playful additude had left, having been replaced by a sinking feeling of uncertainty.

"I'll take her," Jenny murmured, and I sent her a sympathetic look. "Come on baby, we gotta go. No, no don't-sweetheart this really isn't the time to try and hide in a sink."

Maya squealed as she was dragged from her hiding place and, no matter the situation, I couldn't help but smile.

"Bye mommy! Bye mommy's friend!"

I turned off speaker phone and placed the phone to my ear in time to hear a sharp intake of breath.

"So what's up?"

"We need to talk," he whispered, a slight catch in his voice. He cleared his throat before contuining. "I'm right outside your apartment can you come down so we can talk?"

"Yeah sure-Wait, what the actual fuck, does everyone know where I live? Is it on a fucking map now or something?"

"Wait, who else-"

"Ugh, it's not important, just give me a minute to grab my things. What does your car look like? I don't want to get into the wrong car like-"

"-like you did on our first official date, yeah, I know," Zayn laughed. "Trust me, you'll know it when you see it."

"How could I possibly-"

"Just come on," he snickered. "Oh, and don't forget-"

"I got it, I got it, jeez, I'm coming."

"But-" I hung up.

"Jen, I'm going out for a little while, okay?"

"Sure, I'll watch My while you get your sexy on."



"What is sexy?" I heard Maya ask quizzically, muffled by the door.

"That... is not important," Jenny grumbled. "Have fun."

"I'll try," I yelled back, locking the door behind me as I went to meet Zayn.


I know you're all shocked, I updated.

I hope you like it.

I want to try and update again next week 'cause I've already got some ideas for what's going to happen next chapter.

Hopefully I can include lot's of awkward moments.

I'm sorry this took like an entire year, and I highly appreciate those of you who stuck to this story even when I didn't.

I love you guys, really.

I'd appreciate any feedback you've got, really.

I'm not going to ask for a minimum number of votes or comments or anything, because frankly, I let you guys down, so you guys get some freebies. But I'd really appreciate both if you really do like it, it might inspire me to prioritize this story, or even update sooner.

It's dedicated to infinityhope0 because I love her and she's my bffl and we're still buddiessss.

Okay, I'm done, love you guys <3.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2013 ⏰

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