Our Little Maya - Chapter 3

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OLM - Chapter 3

"We need to talk."


"Why the fuck didn't you tell me the father of your child was Zayn fucking Malik?! That would've been a nice thing to know! You told me he's in a semi-popular band, not One fucking Direction!"

The thing about Jen is that when she has something to say, she's going to say it and she's going to swear. Luckily, Maya has learned never to repeat anything Jen says. That would be bad. Then I'd be the single parent who teaches her kid swear words. Yeah, nobody would judge me for that...

"I'm sorry, okay?" I sighed. "I didn't know how to tell you... I never planned on seeing him again..."

"I can't believe I didn't know! I mean, it's kind of obvious when you look at her! She's like a mini him! Except in girl form..." Jen trailed off and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I know..." Jen noticed the look of pain on my face after I said it.

"Oh, sweetie," Jen cooed. "What's wrong?"

"I just miss him so much. I tried to forget him, but every time I look at Maya... I'm just reminded of him again and again. You can't understand how hard it is for me..."

Jen looked like she was considering something- what, I do not know.

She finally spoke up. "Well then, fight for him! Get him back!"

"I can't," I sighed.

"Why not? It won't be that hard... Just tell him the truth. Plus your hot, he won't be able to resist you."

"But I just can't... Introducing Maya's father into her life, I risk not only me losing him again when we break up, but also Maya losing her father. I can't do that to her. And do you know what this would do to his career?! When the media figures out he dated me before, it'll be obvious that Maya's his and that he left when I became pregnant. His image would be ruined! I can't do that to him. That's one of the reasons I lied to him in the first place. It will just keep him from showing his true potential."

"When did you become so sappy?"

"When did you... um... never mind..." My cheeks were tinged with pink. Of course Jen found it just hysterical that I couldn't think of a comeback.

“So let me get this straight,” Jen continued. “You dated Zayn during the X Factor.”


“Then you got pregnant.”

“Um… yeah…”

“So you lied to him so he’d break up with you.”

“Pretty much.”

“You purposely tried to make Zayn Malik break up with you? How are we friends?” I couldn’t help but laugh. This is how Jen reacts in a serious situation.

“Because we’re awesome.”

“Ah, that’s right,” she joked. “I almost forgot about that, my little sugar muffin.”

“Never. Call. Me. That. Again.”

“Yeah, I kind of realized that after I said it,” Jen mumbled.

“So what are you doing for the rest of the day, Jenny Bunny?”

“Not staying here with you, weirdo,” Jen said, rolling her eyes.

“Wait, but I was gonna have you watch Maya tonight!”

“Yeah, that really sucks for you, huh?” Jen responded, with fake sympathy.

“Jennn,” I whined, drawing out her name.

“Meggg,” she mimicked me.

“I have to work tonight,” I exclaimed.

“Well I have plans with someone,” Jen replied evasively.

“Um… okay… wait so is Harry gone?”

“Yup,” she replied hurriedly. “I have to get ready. You’re just going to have to bring Maya to work, I guess.”

“Fine,” I sighed, though she was already gone into her room. Weird.

It’s not like this hadn’t happened before, Jen does have other friends that she hangs out with, so I have had to bring Maya with me to work before. Today, however, was Friday and it’s always busier at Nando’s on Fridays. Luckily, my boss likes kids so he always let’s Maya spend time with him while I work, though I feel bad having him pretty much babysit my kids while paying me, so I try not to do it often.

I walked over to Maya and picked her up, though she squirmed a little in my arms. “Wanna come to work with mommy today?” I asked her, smiling brightly. Her face immediately lit up as she started bouncing before shouting, “Yeah!”

“Okay, then let’s go get you all ready to go, okay? Go get your jacket,” I told her as I set her down. She jumped around, nodding, before scampering over to the closet to get her coat. She ran back over to me, so I could help her slip her arms into the sleeves. I slipped on her little purple gloves and her matching hat over her curls before poking her nose, making her giggle.

“Go put on your boots while mommy gets ready, okay sweetie?”

“Yes, mommy,” she respond obediently, skipping over to the mat beside the door and sitting down to slip on her cute little purple boots with two little purple pompoms dangling off each boot. If it wasn’t obvious, she likes purple. I got the coat, gloves, hat, and boots as a set at a half-price sale.

I went back to the room I share with Maya to grab my purse, before shouting, “We’re leaving now, Jen! Have fun doing whatever-it-is-you’re-doing! But not too much fun…” at Jen’s closed door to which she responded with a muffled, “Fuck off.” I laughed quietly to myself and then went back to Maya, grabbing her hand, and we headed out the door.

* * *

When we entered Nando’s, I sent Maya over to Mr. Bossman, who looked genuinely happy to see her. No, that’s not his real name, for you gullible people out there. My coworkers and I came up with the nickname one time after work, while we had a couple drinks and he has let us call him that ever since.

I walked over to the staff area to check, and then grabbed an apron, a pen, and a notepad before figuring out what tables I was waiting on tonight. I saw that no one was covering table 5 (hahaha 5…) so I walked on over and put on an energetic, overly-ecstatic face, hoping that I didn’t get a bratty costumer.

“Hello, welcome to Nando’s. How can I be of service?”



(insert everything I've said before about not editing here.)

Did you know there are only 8 Nando’s in the US? That’s bullshit. I wanna go thereeeeee…

And yes, I am bringing in Nando’s. Only because she needs a job and I have no idea where to have her work that she could also bring a kid…

Okay this is short because I wanted to update something, then I’m gonna continue because I know what’s happening next(:

I also find it necessary to update because I promised an update after 5 votes ‘cause I expected it to take around a week, at least. But NOOOOO, I get all the votes overnight and I’m like, “Crap, I’m screwed. I don’t even know what’s happening next.” So now I feel terrible because I promised an update but never updated… I’M SORRY MY FRIENDS, I’M SORRYYYYY. I’M ALSO A NINJA, BUT THAT’S IRRELEVANT.

So... I’m saddddddd and lonely. And widowed because Sharon ate my soup/husband. So now I’m going to have an illegitimate, one-way marriage to Wattpad. I DO. So yeahhhhh DON’T TELL, MICHELLE, I WILL KILL YOU IN YOUR SLEEP JK I’M NOT GONNA WATCH YOU TO KNOW WHEN YOU’RE ASLEEP, I’M NOT EDWARD CULLEN. OR SANTA CLAUS.

Oh right, dedication to TheWriterOfLove becauseeee she be cool and I love "The Oopsie Call" which is her Harry Styles fan fiction and I haven't ready any of her otherwork yet I don't think but I'm sure it's really good!!!!!

Ohhh, the gif...

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