Our Little Maya - Chapter 1

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Our Little Maya - Chapter 1

Approximately five years and eight months later

Megan's PoV

"Maya, please. Stay with Jenny like a good little birthday girl."

"But mommy--"

"How old are you today?"

"Five, mommy..."

"That's right. And what do good five year old girls do?"

"They do what their mommies tell them to," Maya mumbled.

"Don't worry, My, I'll be right back with the groceries for your birthday cake! Then we can make a yummy cake. Aren't you excited?" I asked, in a bright, giggly tone. Maya perked up immediately, becoming restless and jumping all around Jenny's cozy flat.

"Gosh, thanks Jen, I owe you one," I sighed.

"Brighten up, Meg! It's Maya's fifth birthday. This is a really important day," she smiled, tucking her straight blond hair behind her ear before narrowing her eyes mischievously. "Maybe you'll meet a cute guy at the supermarket," she winked, her blue eyes sparkling. I groaned aloud.

"Oh come on, Jen you know I love him! It's never going to change and he's never coming back."

"Seriously? Just move on, girl! He's not worth it. He's probably a total douche by now, with all those girls throwing themselves at him."

I couldn't help but laugh at her tone and the way she rolled her eyes at the end of the sentence. She grinned, aware of how this had brightened my mood. I grabbed my purse off the bench by the door and headed out to my old, broken down, baby blue ford maverick sedan.

As I pulled out of the parking lot, the car shuddered before continuing on down the busy streets of London.

* * *

"Oooookay...chocolate cake mix or funfetti cake mix," I muttered to myself.

"Ugh, they're both so good," I moaned. I heard a group of loud guys come through the door of the supermarket but I didn't look up from my dilemma. My eyes flitted from box to box before I groaned and threw them both in my shopping cart. Gosh, I suck at making decisions. I'll make whichever one Maya wants later. 'Now, on to the frosting,' I thought to myself.

I heard part of the boys' conversation as they made their way through the store. It was kind of weird, to be honest.

"Come on Niall, it's a dare," a giddy British accent said excitedly to his friend. It sounded kind of familiar but I didn't think much of it, too busy with the different brands of frosting, my died blond hair falling in front of my face. I pushed it back behind my ear with a huff.

"What if she has a boyfriend or something," wined an Irish-sounding voice. What girl are they even talking about? There aren't very many people here right now, and an Irish accent is a bit out of place in London. Definitely not something you here every day. Whatever.

"Go!" That cheeky, slow British accent. I know that voice... no, Harry couldn't be here, could he? And an Irish accent? Oh gosh... no. Snap out of it, Meg. It's probably just a coincidence. Don't. Look. Up. Just walk away slowly...

"Hurry, mate she's leaving." Holy shit. I'd know that Bradford accent anywhere. Shit. Shit. Shit.

I heard quick foot steps behind me as I began to walk away and then a hand softly caught my arm before a sweet voice said, "Excuse me, miss." I sighed before beginning to turn only to have a soft pair of lips crash into mine.

* * *

Niall's PoV

I kissed the poor blond girl. I felt bad; I can't believe Louis dared me to do this. This girl must be so shocked. I pulled away and the girl gave me a really weird look.

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