Bonus Chapter 1

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Sorryyy it took me forever... NONE OF YOU PEOPLE COMMENTED UGHHHHHH NOT EVEN THE PEOPLE I KNOW! But I'm gonna forgive you guys this once... And just so you know, I'm not updating the next chapter until I get at least 5 VOTES mkay? 'Cause there is obviously people reading this, I swear I'm not just clicking on it over and over again, so there has to be people reading. Soooo... vote. And comment PLEASE I BEG OF YOU I'M DYING FOR FEEDBACKKKK I got a little feedback so far... not much... thanks to those who did give at least a little feedback(:

Okay, just to make this clear, THIS IS A BONUS CHAPTER. Every few chapters or so I will post bonus chapters based off of JENNY and HARRY's relationship, NOT Megan and Zayn's relationship.

Please keep that in mind...

So this is their first meeting ;D

Meg’s PoV

I heard a knock at the door. This may seem completely normal to the average person, however, for me and Jen, well… We don’t have people knocking on our door very often.

I’d like to say I successfully ninja-rolled over to the door but that would obviously be a lie. With slow, deliberate movements, I reached for the handle, turned and slowly opened the door. Of course, the person at my door was one of the last people I expected to be at my door now. 

“What the heck, Harry! How'd you figure out where I live?!”

“Uh... I know people,” he responded, looking away with an uneasy expression. “Can I come in?”

This is when I finally began to panic. “You can't come in!”

“...Why not?”

“Because... because... hey, just a second.” And then I slammed the door in his face. Maybe not the brightest move, but I freaked.

“Jen,” I whisper-yelled, just for dramatic effect.


“Go distract him!”

“How?! What am I supposed to do?”

“I don’t know... kiss him?” I responded. I honestly wasn’t thinking straight.

Kiss him?!” Now she was whisper-shouting back.

“Yeah, do that,” Wait, what am I saying?

“What?!” Jen was beginning to panic.

“Then, after you guys pull away, shove him towards the elevator, okay? Trust me, he'll be so disoriented that he'll listen to you.”

“What?! But—”

I quickly yanked open the door and pushed Jen into the hallway before I could stop myself. I quickly looked back and forth between Jenny and Harry before shouting, “Hey, meet my friend!”

Then I slammed the door in their faces. I probably should have come up with a better plan…

* * *

Jen’s PoV

Meg shoved me out the door before slamming it in my extremely surprised face. 

Harry, the Harry Styles stared at me wide-eyed... 'C’mon, I don't look that bad,' I thought to myself.

Seeing as it was getting more uncomfortable by the second, I opted to introduce myself.

“Uh hi, I'm Jen…”

As soon as I said this, his eyes narrowed, most likely remembering the phone conversation I had with him and Meg.

Since it was so awkward, I just skipped right to plan B and went ahead and kissed him. Since obviously that makes the situation so much less awkward.

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