(QN) If his child up in the middle of the night crying.

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You and your guy head to bed after a long day. You'd been awake since 6 am with your 3 ½ month old child. Now was your first opportunity since 6 to get some type of rest. After only an hour you hear: WAAAAAAH! WAAAAAH! , coming from the nursery across the hall.

NOTE: (parenthesis)- you speaking; *bold print following astrick*- Actions;REGULAR PRINT- him speaking.

(Age change to 7 months) REIJI: (Rei-chan... He's crying again. It's your turn right?) *you roll over to see that Reiji was actually missing. The crying immediately began to sound closer than it should. You lie there a little longer. 'Maybe Reiji is in the hallway with him.' you thought. Eventually you get out of bed to figure out. When you got to the nursery you realized that your son was missing as well along with the toy box. That was when you'd realized the crying sounded repetitive almost... unreal. You'd known that if your son had been crying for a while he'd start to kinda wheeze. You go out to the hall and notice that the crying was loudest in there and that....It was coming from the cabinet? Out of utter panic, you open it to see on of Reiji's old beat up tape player. You ejected the tape and scoffed at the label 'Crying PRANK!'. You huff and head down the stairs, where you'd find your husband lying on the floor shirtless with your son beating him with various toys. Reiji was playfully attacking him as well. You smile, lower yourself on all fours and 'attack' them both with kisses. Well, your son got kisses and your husband received a little beat down for waking up in the middle of the night.*

RANMARU: ZzzZzzz... Zz–Oi! (Huh? What time is it?) 4:26... (Damn, that's right... It's probably time to feed her again. Could you feed her this time?)*he sighs* Why don't you go? You know she cries at just the sight of me. (I'll make you the best steak dinner you've had in your life.) I do like your steaks... *After careful consideration, he rolls out of bed but not without snatching you out of bed to tag along.* (H-Hey! What the hell, Ran?!) Shut up, I can't do it alone. *He awkwardly reaches for her* (It's okay, Ran! You can do it!) Thanks but I didn't ask for a cheerleader. (Fine. I guess I'll go back to bed now.) NO! Stay with us. (Fine...) *He held her closely in his arms and rocked her. You could see that he was obviously becoming flustered as her crying seemed to old get louder. It was adorable to you to say the least.* (I was trying to see if you'd figure it out but if you changed her diaper she'd more than likely calm down. *he attempts to hand her over to you* (Ohoh, no sir. It's your turn to take diaper duty.) My turn? But isn't that your job? (My job? Oh no, I don't believe it is... So get to work.) *the baby's crying slacked up a bit aside from a few sniffles here or there as he laid her down gently on the diaper station. You stood by his side as he called out orders.* Help me unbutton this thing... Here. Throw that away... Pass me a wipe... Hey, where is the box of diapers. I need a new one... Oh, thanks... Hmm.. Let's see. Oh, right! Gimme the powder... Alright... Can I tighten this now? *you nod. After she was changed into a fresh diaper the cries turned into giggles She'd even started kicking her little legs.* (See? That wasn't so bad right?) Tch... *you lean over to kiss him lovingly.* (I love you, Ran.) *he picked up his daughter, his cheeks lightly dusted pink and smacked his lips.* Does this mean I still get steak? (Well, you shouldn't because the deal was you come here alone. But since you did such a great job... How does all you can eat steak sound? The way you want it made-to-order. *his eyes lit up with excitement.* Hey, have I ever told you that I loved you? (Nope. Not that I recall.)

AI: *Ai quietly exited the bedroom to check on his son. You follow him to see if everything was alright. You furrowed a brow when you saw Ai lean over the crib staring at him instead of picking him up.* (What's the matter?) According to my diagnostics, there are no signs of hunger, dirty diaper, tummy troubles or teething. (Well, that last one was obvious don't you think? It's way too soon for him to be teething.) I will take his temperature. *you blankly stare at Ai as he rests his finger on his son's forehead.* There are also no signs of fever or illness... *you sigh and lift your crying son into your arms. The crying stopped so you went on to rock him while patting his back until you heard a small belching sound from him. You looked over at Ai was watching you both carefully.* (Hey Ai. Did you burp him after his last feeding?) No. (Then, that was the problem.) Hm, I didn't mention the possibility of gas.

CAMUS: (Myu~?) *he sigh at the nickname. You've been married for almost two years now and he still got flustered.* What is it woman? Oh! She's crying?! *without another word Camus rushed to the rescue. From the bedroom you could see him gently consoling her. His deep voice soothed her every time. You'd given him a moment before following him. He'd always had everything under control. It was you that normally had issues calming down your daughter. Soon, it got very silent. So you sneak down the hall to peek at them. You see Camus rocking his daughter in his arms. They were in his comfy rocking chair that was originally for the living room but she'd loved it when he sat there with her so it stayed. You smile at the beautiful picture they made under the moonlight peeking through the curtains .* I love you so much, (D/N). *You go back to the room to grab your phone. You had to take a picture! It'd taken you a while to find it. You remembered him hiding it from you because you had it out at dinner. When you finally found it and returned to the nursery you found them both asleep. This wasn't the first time they'd fallen sleep together but it was cuter an cuter every time for you.*

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