Starish's reactions to their lover's best friend coming on to them.

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With Natsuki being the innocent soul that he is, he probably wouldn't realize the friend is coming onto him unless they make it painfully obvious. But once he realizes he'll let them know that his S/O is the only one for him. He would ask them why they would do something like that because he'd known that if his S/O found out they'd be more than hurt. Natsuki would probably ask them to stay away from his loved one because he wouldn't hate to see them upset over something they did. (Bonus points if it brings out his Satsuki)

Tokiya would be more aware of what's going on than Natsuki. He definitely wouldn't stand there and pretend it wasn't happening. He would tell them to never approached him in that way again or he'd have to let his s/o know. He wouldn't really want to tell them because he'd want to protect their feelings.

Cecil would snap the moment he realizes the friend is coming on to him. How dare they do something like this? He was their friend's lover! How could they not consider their feelings?! He would immediately tell his lover and suggest they never spoke again because something like that is just unforgivable!

This wouldn't be the first time Ren has experienced this. But this is the first time Ren actually cared enough to do or say something about it. He would tell the friend that he truly had no intention of playing along with them. He would ask them to consider his lovers feelings and put themselves in his s/o's shoes. It was hard enough that girls his s/o didn't know were coming on to him but now THEIR FRIEND?! He wouldn't let them down gently.

Otoya would be shocked. Like Natsuki it might take him a while to realize the friend is coming on to him. He wouldn't know what to say on the situation. He would ask them why they would come after him if they're friends with his partner. He would kindly ask them to never do another thing that could possibly hurt his lover again. He wouldn't exactly tell his partner why but he wouldn't want them to hangout with a friend like that.

Syo would tell them off! He wouldn't beat around the bush when telling his partner what happened either. He's going to tell them how it happened, when it happened and where it happened. He absolutely would not want that friend to be around him or his lover anymore.

It would really irk Masato for his lovers 'friend' to come onto him. He would want his lover to know what kind of person they are. Loyalty is one of most important aspects in friendship and he would like for his lover to realize that. He would tell the friend that he doesn't wish to see them again. If his partner chooses to stay friends with that person he will remind them to be cautious of that person.

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