Chapter 1 - Come to the magic side, we don't do paperwork

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Hello all you incredible readers. This is my first time writing any type of fanfiction so please no flames. I would enjoy constructive criticism but I do have feelings and I would feel horrible if someone sent rude comments. 

This story is about Nico di angelo(Does not belong to me) going to hogwarts meeting with the characters from J.K. Rowling's books. In the future I will probably add some characters from Hetalia to keep Nico company at school. It is fine if you haven't watched Hetalia because I will try to explain it, but you might understand their personalities more if you do watch it.

ps. Do any of you mind if I call you guys scones or cupcakes? Please tell me in the comments!

Pps. NONE of the characters in this story belong to me. I don't like making OCs. This will be my only disclaimer because I don't see the point of reminding everyone over and over again that my diabolical plan to take over the magical/godly world failed miserably. :'( 

Please R & R!! Enjoy! 

line break brought to you by Oliver Kirkland's adorable freckles

Nico's POV:

    I was relaxing by the canoe lake, my head on Will's lap, thinking about all the crazy stuff that happened in my life. My time in the labyrinth, convincing my father Hades to aid the other Olympians in the second Titan War, going through Tartarus alone, almost dying in that bronze jar, Gaea's rising, even the appearance of lord Apollo as a mortal boy, all these things have made me so much stronger. After shadow travelling the Athena Parthenos halfway across the globe, I have been able to shadow travel much longer distances without even tiring. Mind you, all these crazy occurrences have also tried to destroy my life, and they almost managed to. But somehow Will came along and mended the little broken pieces of my heart and soul. Gods, I can't believe how completely in love I am with that annoying, overprotective, gorgeous son of Apollo.

    My lips twitch into a lazy smile as Will starts running his hands through my hair and humming a lullaby. Usually, his singing is worse than Grover's reed pipe playing, but when he's been in the sun for a while he can actually manage to hold a pretty decent tune. I've never heard the song before, but it was all so peaceful - the many shades of blue, yellow and orange spreading around the sun, the calming splash of lake and the flowing notes of the lullaby - that I soon found myself dreaming.

    I was in my father's palace in the underworld. He looked furious about something but I am not quite sure what. Hades looks at me for a moment or two with a pained expression. After the giant war we had gotten closer. He still wasn't the perfect dad but he tried. For my last birthday he taught me how to control the shadows so that they can create shields and block attacks. I was incredibly grateful for that seeing as I always found myself fighting some monster or other and could use all the protection I got. He also taught me how to send  messages through shadows. That was a really useful skill. I quickly scan the room out of habit. No matter where I am, I always memorize my surroundings. Never know when it will come in handy to know where the closest exit is. 

    When I turn back to Father he clears his throat and says "Son, when you wake up, please come see me. I have a mission for you. There won't be any prophecy seeing as this is more like one of the jobs I usually give you."

    "You mean bringing in escaped souls or something?" I was quite confused, seeing as normally father would order me to get lost souls without a moment's notice, just telling me the location. Why would he summon me if he could just send me a SM? SM stands for Shadow message which is a type of messaging system just like Iris Messages except instead of using rainbows it uses shadows. It is similar to shadow traveling except that only your voice and image travels. For example, imagine if father wanted to talk to me without summoning me. He would shadow message me and the shadows would form his silhouette in front of me. He would also see my silhouette and that way we could have a conversation without actually being at the same location or paying for an IM. Unfortunately, the shadows only allowed Hades or his children to control them so it only worked for Father, Hazel and me.

Nico di Angelo and the annoying stick-waving mortalsWhere stories live. Discover now