Chapter 2 - Ugh, stop being a mother hen Solace!

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Hello, my little scones! Welcome to the second chapter. Hope you enjoy!!!!

Line break brought to you by too many sodas and burgers

Will's POV

WHERE IN HADES IS NEEKS GOING?? He keeps saying that his father has a small job for him to do and it might take a few weeks, but he refuses to tell me where he is going! "Neeks, I am your doctor and boyfriend, I HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW WHERE YOU WILL BE FOR THE NEXT COUPLE OF WEEKS!!"

"Will, calm down. I am sure Nico has a reason for not telling us about this job, am I right?" Chiron looks at a visibly guilty Nico with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, I promise if I could I would tell you. But Father and Heca... I mean Father wants me to get rid of some pesky souls who cheated death and are now in hiding. That's why he wants me to go alone, so I can find them without any interference. Don't worry, it shouldn't take longer than a month or two... I mean a week or two..." He slowly fades off looking very suspicious and, wait, was he about to say his father and Hecate? Why would Hecate give him a job...

"A COUPLE OF MONTHS!?!? NICO, IF YOU DON'T TELL ME THIS INSTANT WHAT'S GOING ON I WILL CURSE YOU TO TALK IN RHYMES FOR A YEAR!!" He gulped audibly looked like he wanted nothing more than to just disappear into the shadows but I held him down with my glare. If that boy so much as looked like he was going to lie then I was going to curse so badly he won't be able to breath without rhyming.

"Well, you see. It's kind of... Well, you know how it is. I won't actually being any danger, I just have to play bodyguard for a little while..."

"Where do you have to play bodyguard, and who are you protecting?" I ask, calming down slightly.

"Umm, I really don't want to be blasted into a Nico pancake right now so please believe when i say that I can't tell you." He looks up at me with pleading puppy eyes. Gods, he is too adorable, I can't say no to him. That boy is going to be the death of me(no pun intended). I huff, pretending to still be angry but he looks so glum that I quickly smile and pull him into a hug.

"Aaawww, don't be sad, Sunshine. It's fine. But tell me the truth. How long is this little job, hmm?"

"About a year, but I can come back to camp during holidays. I kind of have to go to a school to protect some kid from blowing himself up or something, so I will be too busy to visit during the school year. Please don't ask anything else, I really shouldn't be telling you any of this." He starts to plead looking about 10 times cuter. Before I answer Chiron reassures him.

"Don't worry, we understand. When a god tells you to do something you do it without asking for details." He kindly smiles at him and then he turns serious. "When are you leaving?" His eyes open in terror and looks at me. Oh no, no no no no, help i'm in panic mode. "NO! You can't go today! Please, you said we could spend time together!" I pull him into a hug while I keep repeating "No, you promised. No, it's too soon!"(Yeah, fine. I over reacted, but in my defense, I was worried about my little death angel) He starts calming me down by patting my back.

"It's fine. I'm not leaving today don't worry, I have to go tomorrow but we can spend the day together. Alright?" I nod my head and get myself together. Soon I am back to my cheerful usual self.

"Yeah! Let's go have enough fun so you don't die of boredom at school!" I quickly pull Nico's hand and skip out of the Big House waving to Chiron. He looks amused then shakes his head and waves back.

Nico's POV

Well that went better than I expected. I only got yelled at four times and threatened once. I was expecting much worse. In fact, I am surprised that I am still able to talk in normal sentences and I'm not cursed to spout horrible Haikus at random moments. "Ouch, calm down Will. Please don't dislocate my shoulder." He quickly softens his iron grip on my arm but doesn't slow down. He drags me off to the Hermes Cabin. Ohhh, I see what we are doing. I smile gleefully as I start thinking of pranks and who I can pull them on.

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