Chapter 3 - Project act mysterious is a go

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I am REALLY sorry that this chapter took so long to update. I had a ton of school work, and mom decided that I spent too much time on my phone and computer so she confiscated them. I really just got them back and she won't let me spend time on the internet during the weekend. Please enjoy, my little scones, and forgive ME!!!!

Line break brought to you by an annoyed Brit setting fire to his milk and cereal

Harry's POV

    Mrs. and Mr. Weasley, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Fleur, Bill and I, were having lunch when all of a sudden the house seemed to shiver and I heard a knock on the door. Everyone immediately froze. "Umm, were we expecting someone, Mom?" Bill asked, looking suspiciously towards the front door.

    "N-no, not tthat I know of. The other members are busy with the Order and Dumbledore would have no reason to visit before school starts." By now we were all really scared. Maybe a Death Eater had found our location? Maybe they were going to come crashing into the house and kidnap me! I quickly take out my wand, Hermione and Ron following my lead (like always).

    "Don't vorry, 'Arry. I am sûr eet ees not bad. I shall go check for you. Zhe Death Eaterz don't know who I am zo I am not een danger." Wow, Fleur is not only beautiful, but also ever so brave! Ah, she is so kind to me... I stare dreamily at her as she stands up and gives me a peck on the cheek. I look at Ron when I hear him sigh. Poor Ron, I kind of feel sorry he won't ever get noticed by someone as gorgeous as Fleur. She slowly glides towards the hall and Hermione, Ron and I, stand up to follow her at a safe distance.

line break brought to you by an alien named Tony

Fleur's POV(she doesn't think in an accent)

    As i slowly walk towards the front door, I try to calm myself. Come on, I can do this! Remember how brave Harry was in the tournament. I have to do this for him. Plus, if anything goes wrong, I can just stab the intruder with a bronze sword. Even though wizards are mortals, because of mother's blessing, they can be harmed by celestial bronze. I reach for my wand and point it towards the door "Occulta Revelando!" Slowly the door shimmers and becomes transparent. That is one handy spell, I must admit. Bill taught it to me. It gives the caster the power to see through any surface or object (A/N kind of like full color X-ray vision).

    At first all I can see behind the door is a dark shadow holding a crisp white envelope. Suddenly the shadows forms a figure. It has short ruffled jet black hair, pale olive skin, and dark muggle clothing. The creatures eyes appear to be all black and they seem to look straight through the door into my soul. Maybe he can... With a start I realize the creature is actually a teenage boy around Harry's age and... Wow, he's hot. NO! BAD fleur! Bad, this is a potential Death Eater. It doesn't matter how drop dead gorgeous he is. When I look closer he seems angry, almost as if he doesn't want to be here. but he also appears bored. Gathering my courage I call out.

    "Who eez eet? Vhat do you vant?" My voice seems to annoy him but not particularly surprise him. He scowls before muttering something that sounds like "Ilíthio Ekáti kai oi opadoí tis" (stupid Hecate and her followers). But that can't be what he said. Why would a wizard know ancient Greek? He hesitates for a second then grumbles "Screw it."

Line break brought to you by a Romanian vampire yelling that he doesn't sparkle

Nico's POV (A/N When Nico speaks a different language it will be in italics and underlined but since he understands it, it will be written in English)

    "Stupid Hecate and her followers" Why did I have to go on this quest? Why didn't she chose one of her children? "Screw it" Might as well get this over with. I take a breath and give Kuma a quick pat on the head. I shudder when I realize I should probably act proper and polite. I put on a calm and respectful facade (you would be surprised how often I've had to do that to not get blasted to smithereens) "Hello, my name is Nico. I have important information on Tom Riddle for Dumbledore. Do you perchance know where I can find him? I have a letter for him."

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