Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I pass through the barrier to platform 9 3/4 with my trunk in hand. When I end up on the platform, I hand off my trunk and get on the train. There's only a few minutes before the train leaves so most of the students are already in their compartments. As I walk to the back of the train, I see a lot of people smiling and talking with their friends. It makes me a bit jealous, but I know that I don't deserve friends.
I make a note of where she's sitting before I claim my seat. The train starts moving and I lean my head back. As I close my eyes, I realize how tense I am. It's hard to relax because I feel like someone's going to attack me. I guess that's part of my past. Last year truly ruined me and I can't forget it no matter how hard I try to.
After about a half an hour has passed, I stand up and walk towards her compartment. I don't know how she'll react to me, but I want to talk to her. She probably won't just start having a conversation with me, but I might be able to show her just how sorry I am. Even if she thinks it's just for running into her at Flourish and Blotts. I'll eventually tell her how sorry I am for everything I've done over the last seven years, but I have to start small.
As I get closer to her compartment, my confidence starts to waiver. I know what I want to say but I can't help but fear that she won't accept my apology. She might even be angry with me. She has every right to be angry with me. Despite my nerves, I pull open the door to her compartment.
"I really am sorry. About the other day." I say while forcing myself to make eye contact.
"I accept your apology." She says.

"Wait. What happened the other day?" Ginny asks as Malfoy walks away.
"He ran into me at Flourish and Blotts." I reply.
"On purpose?"
"Are you sure?"
Ginny looks at me for a moment longer before returning her attention to the letter Harry wrote her. He couldn't make it to see us off, so he wrote both of us a letter. Ron couldn't make it either, but he didn't bother writing. He probably "didn't have time" or some other excuse. I sigh and lean my head against the window.
"Are you okay?" Gin asks.
"I'm fine." I lie.
"Are you sure? Is it Ron?"
"Well what's wrong?"
"He's just been really distant lately. We have talked in nearly a week. I feel like he's avoiding me."
"I can have Harry talk to him if you want me to."
"No. I'll write him when we get to school."
Ginny folds up her letter and puts it in her pocket. She lays down on the bench and stares at the ceiling. After awhile she tries to have a conversation with me, but I don't feel like talking. When I don't talk to her, she gets up and goes to find Luna. Once she's gone I pull out a piece of parchment, a quill, and some ink. I need to write two letters.

Dear Ron,
Are you okay? You seem a bit distant. Is something wrong? Please write back when you get the time. I love you.
I wait for the ink to dry before I fold the letter up and hide it in my copy of Hogwarts: A History. As I pull out another piece of parchment for my second letter, I start to question myself. Should I really write him a note? Will he read it if I do? More importantly do I even mean what I'm planning to write? I sigh and proceed to write the second letter.

Dear Draco,
I accept your apology. I can't help but wonder what else you were apologizing for though. I'm not sure I can forgive you for some of the other things you've done. I want to talk with you about something that's bothering me. If you're willing to talk, meet me at the room of requirement after dinner tonight.
I wait for the ink to dry before I fold up the letter and put a simple spell on it. After I'm sure that it'll get to him safely, I open the compartment door and let go of the letter. It starts to zoom towards the back of the train and I know that it's on the right path. As I watch the letter fly away, I sigh. When I can't see the letter anymore, I close the door and sit back down. This could back fire on me completely, but I feel like he's a different person now. Maybe I'm crazy, but I have to know.
I look up as something knocks on the door. I open the door and the piece of parchment flies into my hand. Quickly, I close the door and sit down. As I unfold the piece of parchment, my heart starts to race. What's on the piece of parchment makes me feel both excited and extremely nervous.

Dear Hermione,
Meet you there.
I fold up the letter and hide it with my letter to Ron. My heart rate returns to normal and I start to plan out what I want to say tonight. This might be the most important night of my life. Either he's changed, or he's just pretending. Whatever the outcome is, I've got a meeting with Draco Malfoy tonight.

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