Chapter 6

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Without any further ado, I present to you CHAPTER 6.


Chapter 6

Taylor's P.O.V.

I nodded and hugged him "Okay, I trust you!" I whisper in ear "I trust you"

He hugged me back tighter "Thank you"

We both released each other and started walking. We caught up to the boys and It was actually the funniest thing I have ever laid eyes on.

Niall and Louis was looking at me terrified. Im pretty sure they were pushing each other in front of one another to stay away from me.

Zayn was running his hands thro his hair Growling and Glaring at me. Yes, Growling. His face is red and full of anger. It looked as if he was about to go round 2 with me. The best part is that was all Amature moves. I didnt even get to put him in a headlock. Darn.

Finally, we have Harry. He is growning in Pain and and the look of shock In his eyes. Ha stupid Llama.

This made me happy. I'll Apoloigize to Niall and Louis later. Harry? Never. Zayn? We shall See. but honestly I couldnt help but laugh.

"You. YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY?" Zayn screamed at me.

"Yeah" I nodded "I do actually" I Smirked as I crossed my arms.

His face redden more then It already was. All we needed to do was dye his hair Brown and Tape him to a horses Nose and he could be Rodolph's Nose. Ok, That is probably horrible, But I am still hungry and now I have to pee.

"You will pay!" He concluded before deciding to charge at me. Again.

I decided to step aside. luckly there was a pole behind me and Zayn Head butted it. 

"Liam?" I ask

"Yes love?"

"I need the house Key?"

He Raises his eye brow "Why?"

"I really need to pee." I say doing the potty dance.

He smiled before handing me the keys. "Here you go, Babe"

I go to grab the keys but Harry grabs them first. "Wait, What are you doing? She just ran away, kicked our ass's and knocked poor Zayn out."

I scoffed as Liam snatched the keys from Harry. "I trust her. She and I made a Deal. I agree she shouldnt have attacked you boys...." He paused and looked at me with a stern look before he continues. "...But I trust that she will go straight to the house. Now Come on and help me get Zayn." he said before handing me the keys. again. I grab the keys and take of running to the house. "Uuuuh, Taylor!" Liam hollered at me.

I turned to look at him. "Yeah!" I ask at him

He chuckles. "The flat, its that way!" He pointed towards the oppisite direction. I awkwardly chuckled and then looked down. As I passed Liam, He patted my back and chuckled. I looked back and smiled at him.

I dont understand why I trust Liam, But I do. I hope this isnt a mistake. As long as he keeps Harry away from me, I'll be happy.

I walk up to the drive way and turn back to see noone behind. I then looked at my hand and then realized I have the Car keys to.


I look in the mirror, fix my hair and walk down stairs. This Place is HUGE. I may just have fun here.

Standing in the kitchen, I notice that the window is in the front. which means I can see the driveway, and the front yard. I look slightly to the left and see 5 boys walking towards the house. The one in the middle is holding his head and the other four was helping him walk.

I smirk, and then frown. Poor Zayn. He did nothing but listen to Harry. HA! That was his mistake. Not mine.

I watch carefully as a wait. The boys made it to the mid driveway before all eyes when wide. A hole bunch of colorful words where used before all eyes where on Liam. I cracked the wndow silently and crouched down.

"I'm sorry guys, I thought I could trust her. Lets go call paul, and have him send a car. Then We will go find Hazza's car." I heard Liam say. I sighlently Laughed before hiding in a random door which happened to be a food pantry, Filled with Doritos.


There you go guys. Im not to impressed with this Chapter. Im sorry. But the next chapter will hopefully be better. 

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I promise things will speed up and there will be more characters soon.

Thanks for reading <3

Kendall xx

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