Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


I walked to the living room, That's where I saw 5 Boys. Those Boys? One Direction. I felt my blood boil. I Huffed and took a step back and clenched my fist.

"WHO'S ROOM WAS I IN WHEN I AWOKE?" I yell at the 5. For a second, They all looked at me. They all looked alittle nervous and scarred. Which I admit got me more angry then I was. "Really, YOU KIDNAP ME AND ACT ALL MACHO, THEN I KICK YOUR ASSES AND YOU ACT SCARRED, YOU TIE ME UP AND ACT FEARLESS, AND NOW YOUR NEVOUS AGAIN. ARE YOU FREAKING BI-POLAR?" I scream I sound like a hypocrite, I am as Bi-polar as they get. But, I had that all my life. Including when I was Bullied by Harry.

"Ta..." Liam began to speak. But I Cut him off.


Harry Stepped forward. He looked at me and Pointed to the chair. "Sit" He then when to put his hand on my shoulder to push me down on the couch.

I swiftly moved grabbing his arm and spinning him to where his back is to the couch. I then pushed him to the couch. "No, YOU Sit. I aint no Dog."

He put his hands up in surrender. "Ok, ok, Sorry"

"Can I answer your Questions?" Niall asked as he stepped forward.

I Look at him, I wanted to smack him crazy for not helping me, But that cute little Llama face made me wanna smile and run into a 'Horan Hug'. I refrained from the earge and answer bluntly. "Go"

He looked Down, the up at me. "Well, You were in Lou and Harry's bed room and -...." Once again I cut him off.

"I WAS WERE!?!?!" I Looked at Louis "Why is there only 1 Bed?" I said trying to stay calm.

Louis stepped back as if I was about to hit him. I was actually thinking bout it. "Um The couch?" he started, I nodded, "Its also a bed, It pulls out, I wanted one so Liam gave in and ok'ed it. So thats my bed!"

"SO I WAS IN HAROLDS BED!" I Screamed causing Harry to jump in his seat, Liam to look up, Zayn to chuckle (Whats so funny, Mr. 'Not So Evil'), and Niall and Louis to jump back with Scared expressions.

Niall spoke next "Y-ye-yess"

I turned to Harry, He had a smirk? A smirk? Really? A smirk! "YOU, You think this is funny?" He nodded. And I jumped at him. He went to move but I was to past. I throw 1 punch, 2 punches, 3 punches, 4 pun....Nope my 4th puch to his face was stopped by someone grabbing me and wrapping me in a hug.

I looked to where Liam was and he wasnt there. I then looked at the tattoos and reallized that Liam was the one to grabbed me. I tried to wiggle out of his arms but he didnt let me go. "LIAM JAMES PAYNE, LET ME GO YOU ASS!"

He drug me to the other couch and sat down, pulling me down with him. He then wrapped his legs around mine so I couldnt move. "Not, untill you calm down." He whispered. "Please Calm Down!"

"LET ME GO!" I scream and when he didnt, "Let me go." I said horsely, A tear slipped and I choked on the tears.

Liam started to lightly shake, What the heck. "Taylor, its ok, I swear, Im sorry, Please trust us. Please. Im sorry"

"That's what you said before you l-let Zayn and L-lou-ouis, Hurt me. You lied to me. I c-c-cant trust any of you." I said. "Please Let go. I want to go to my room"

"Taylor." He spoke softly, I look over toward Harry Ignoring Him, I saw that Louis, Zayn, and Niall was Tending to his Split Lip and bloody nose. "Fine" I heard him say. "If you want to act like a child, I'll treat you like one. You want your room, Go, and dont come out. EVER!" he hissed releasing me.

I jumped up and ran to the hall way before I turned around "Just so we are Clear. I HATE YOU ALL" I Spit and ran off to the room where louis and Zayn first took me.


I spent the next 3 hours in my room. Waiting for one of them idiots to come to make sure I am alive. Its only 2:00pm and I was bored, I wanted to escape but I couldnt untill Some one came in here. I just close my eyes, and I hear a knock.

"GO AWAY!" I Screamed making it sound like I spent the last 3 hours crying my eyes out.

"Taylor, I didn't mean what I said, It was wrong. Please come out, we can eat lunch and then we can watch a movie or some thing. It would probably beat sitting in a plain grey room." Liam practically begged.

I heard a nock and befor I could answer, I heard Louis, who was Yelling "Tomorrow, we will take you out and get you clothes, paint and furniture for your room."


Some one sighed "Ok, love, We will Check on you in an hour. Then you haved to let one of us in."

I huffed "Yeah, Ok!" I called after.

I made sure he was gone before I walked over to my window. I was about to open it when Something caught my eye. I look down and see Harry, Zayn, and 2 Girls below me. Crap, How am I gonna escape, with 4 people below me.

I stared at the one girl, she looked Fimilar. Who is she? I stared and stared untill it hit me. THAT WAS PERRIE EDWARDS From Little Mix. Omg, I forgot she was Zayn's girlfriend.

I walk back to the bed and plop down. Great. How am I gonna escape now?


I got 8 votes on the last Chapter. Thank you all so much.

I am asking for 8 Votes and 4 comments. Then I will Update Chapter 11.

Thank you all

Much Love,

Kendall xx

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