Chapter 9 (Maybe I'm Better Off Dead)

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Emily's POV:

I wake up smiling from the night before, I see Dean's impala parked in front of my room. I crawl out of bed and walk to my suitcase. I decide on wearing black shorts, my new shirt from zumiezs and black and white vans. I walk to the bathroom and start my shower, I get in letting the warm water rush over my body. I wash my firetruck red hair, Dean hated that I dyed my hair red, he said I make an easier target for monsters. After my shower I get dressed and do my normal winged eyeliner, I tye my hair into a messy but classy bun. I walk to Dean and Sam's room and knock on the door. Sam answers.

'Good morning Em!' He pulls me into a bone crushing hug.

'Hi Sammy' I hug back.

'Where's Dean?' I ask.

'He is in the impala waiting for us' Sam laughs.

We walk to the impala and get in.

'Hi Dean!' I poke his cheek, which he hates.

'Hey Em- Stop that.' He scolds but smiles a bit.

'Can we go to IHop? I'm starving' I whine.

'Yes.' Sam says looking through his papers.

'What are we hunting for today?' I ask.

'A werewolf' Dean says driving off.

'Oh wow! Can I help?' I say with puppy eyes.

'Hell no, are you trying to get yourself killed?' Dean says firmly.

'I will take that as a no..' I lean back and listen to AC/DC.

We arrive at IHop and a waitress seats us. We all order coffee. The waitress is flirting with Dean which always bothers me for some reason, he is my big brother and I know he will never love some one, he fears getting close and loving. I know he hates himself and Sam tries to help him but he won't let anyone in.

'What would you all like to eat' The waitress ask snapping me out of thoughts.

'Uh.. Strawberry Banana pancakes' I say.

'I will have scrambled eggs, bacon, and wheat toast' Sam orders.. Always a healthy eater.

'I want chocolate chip pancakes' Dean says in a monotone voice looking over his papers.

'That will be right out' She says walking off.

'Me and Castiel went on a date last night!' I say smiling

'Excuse me?' Dean says pissed off

Sam seems mad himself.. uh oh.

'Castiel a-and I went o-on a d-date' I say scared. I fucked up.

'No. You know better Emily!' Dean snaps.

I flinch.

'I-I'm sorry.. We didn't do anything' I fight back the tears getting ready to fall.

'I don't care! No more seeing him. Do you understand me?' Dean says firmly, cold almost.

'I'm sorry for trying to be happy!' I scream and walk out, Sam close behind me so I run.

I run a good a mile and into the woods to a stream. 

'Why do I fuck everything up?!' I scream at my reflection in the water.

I know Sam and Dean are looking for me. I get in my backpack and turn my phone off so they can't track it. I get out my note pad and start writing everyone letters. After a bit of writing the letters, I sob hardly. I put all of the letters in a ziploc and into my back pack. I pull my razor blade out and sit against a tree.

'I'm sorry' I say over and over again, I slice three deep cuts on both of my wrist making sure I won't survive. I know they won't find me out here but who knows they may have Castiel help them find me. I cry myself asleep and fall into the darkness that sweeps over me.

Dean's POV:

I speed off in my impala hoping to find her.

'This is all my fault.' I tell Sam.

'No it's not Dean. She's a teen girl they get upset easily.' Sam says reassuringly.

I call Castiel hoping he might know where she would go but no luck. We spend three hours looking for her and panic has already set  in. What if something bad happened to her? God I hope not. I called her endlessly but it went to voicemail.

'I have a GPS signal' Sam says

'Where at?' I say too hopeful.

'In the woods a hour away' Sam says.

I speed a good thirty miles over the limit. I just hope she is alive.

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