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It's been a week since our little lunch time hangout. I got to know Kevin, Grayson, Taylor and Brantley a little better. We spent a lot of the time sharing with each other funny stories of our childhood and we did some dirty looks from other customers in the restaurant because we were laughing too loudly. 

I learned that Grayson has a twin brother that is going to school in Australia and Brantley have a five year old sister and a nine year old brother who goes to a elementary school equivalent to the high school we go to. I also learned that Kevin's dad owns the Audi car dealership where I bought my car from and Taylor is a very talented musician. He can play the trumpet, drums and piano.

Monday. The day of the week that most people hate. I, on the other hand, love it! It means I can have a fresh "start" and forget all the embarrassing and dumb stuff I've done in the past week. You may think I'm crazy, but I love waking up at 5 am in the morning to go to the gym. Staying healthy and fit is very important to me. 

The gym was super quiet, with the exception of like a couple of students. I went straight to the treadmill to do a light warm up before doing more vigorous exercises.

"I didn't know you would be awake at this time of the day" said a very familiar voice as I was about to start my warm up. 

"I can say the same for you" I retorted. 

"Well I gotta keep these baby nice and toned right?" Brant said as he lifted up his shirt, revealing rock hard six pack abs. My eyes trail down to his abs, popping out slightly despite my mind's protest. "Hey, eyes up here" he said with a wink.

"I know where your eyes are. It's stuck up your ass." I grumbled as my cheeks started to warm up.

Brant completely ignored my shitty comeback. To be honest, people wouldn't even consider it a comeback. Anyways, he started to talk, but I just plugged in my headphones and started my running. The image of his abs is still very visible in my mind. I've never seen abs like that in real life, like physically in front of me. I mean, I've seen my brother's abs, but I never thought of it because that is just disgusting. I've seen them on the internet, but seeing 

"Are you listening to me?" said Brant. His voice laced with amusement.

"No idea, but its probably something along the lines of your muscles and girls." I replied while I increased the speed a little on my treadmill to give myself one last push before ending my warm up.

"Ehhh!! Wrong! Although, I do think about that a lot" He said walking closer to me while sending a flirty wink. "Lets have a competition! We have to do many exercises and use machines and whoever can lift the heaviest or do me most reps wins!"

"I rather not. I don't want to be sore later." I replied while walking towards the weights. Today is arms day for me so I really hope Brant is going to leave me alone or else he is going to get some new temporary blue-ish purple tattoos on his face. I despise it when people interrupt my work out session, so I can't guaranty that he is gonna go to class unharmed today.

"C'mon, its going to be fun" Brant tried to convince me.

"No, I really don't want to play your stupid little competitions and I also really hate it when people interrupt my workouts so if you don't want a face tattoo, I suggest you leave me alone." I threatened with a hard glare.

"Okay, chill! I'll leave you alone, but I'll see you in class." He said while raising his hands in surrender. He then proceeded to send a wink when he told me he would see me in class.

I ended my workout with some triceps and forearm exercises. As I was exiting the change rooms,  I ran into a petite girl with long dark brown hair that can be almost black. She was wearing the school uniform with a bright pink duffel bag where her slutty work out clothes were once in. Seriously though, her shorts looked a pair of panties! That's how short they were!

 She fell on her bottom while screeching profanities and saying how I messed with the wrong person and how she's going to end my social life.

It came to my attention that I bumped into the one and only, Stephanie Mendousa. Ironically, her last name sounds like "Medusa". Her perfectly combed through hair is now all over the place and her workout clothes are scattered all over the floor in the athletics building's main hallway.

"You! You knocked me down on purpose!" Stephanie screeched.

"How can I knock you down on purpose if you are the one who ran into me?" I retorted, giving her an eye roll.

"I did not run into you. YOU ran into ME! How much effort does it take to make you peasants understand! Clearly you were not raised in a opulent family, you filthy slut!" She screeched in my face. If she keeps up with her high pitched screaming, I'm pretty positive that I'm going to have a migraine for the rest of my life. 

What Stephanie said really ticked me off. I can't believe that some can be so shallow and judge someone like that. Little did she know, I can probably get her suspended from all the high class schools in the world and ban her from entering France in a snap of a finger. Obviously, that is cruel and I am definitely not going to do that because I am not Stephanie. I know for a fact that she would do that without feeling bad at all. 

"You have no right talk to me like that. You don't know me at all. In fact, you can't talk to anyone in that manner. That just makes you look bad, not me." I said in a cool and collected voice as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Watch your back AMY I'm going to ruin you! And don't go crawling to Brantley for help when I do because he is always going to be on my side." said Stephanie with so much venom seeping through each word. 

"Don't worry about it. I'll make sure to watch my back. Oh, I forgot to tell you. Rule number 1 to being classy: Don't screech too much and use the correct propre noun. You might scare people away." I said as I turn away to walk back to my dorm to get ready for the day.

A/N: Hey! Finally an update! I want to apologize for the long waits, but I'm really busy with school right now so hopefully I can free up my schedule a bit so I can update more! 


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