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Silence was all that could be heard through out the whole cafeteria. I do not need to look around to know that everyone is looking straight at me. I can feel their piercing stares burning though my head. My position, looking straight at Brant, remains unchanged as whispers fills the whole cafeteria. 

In a movie or book the girl in my situation is probably going to burst into tears while running out of the room and crying, but right now, I'm just confused. I don't know what to feel and how I should react. After a couple of minutes of complete silence at our table, Brant finally broke the silence.

"Stephanie, what the fuck are you talking about?" Brant's voice boomed through the cafeteria, laced with confusion? Irritation? Annoyance? I can't figure out his emotions right now. As he broke the silence, the cafeteria starts to fill up with whispers like: 

"So its true"

"What a slut" and

"I knew it!"

"What do you mean Branty? That bitch deserves it after insulting us!" Stephanie said shooting daggers at me, then her expression suddenly turning sickly sweet. I, on the other hand, kept my face expressionless. I just stared blankly at her while she kept going on and on about how I'm being a bitch and how I should not be allowed to hang out with them. 

"Enough!" Brant said loudly, rudely interrupting Stephanie's rant. He then stormed out of the cafeteria, once again leaving the cafeteria in an uncomfortable silence. Lucky, the bell signalling the end of lunch rang and everyone seem to be back ro minding their own business.

Brant was nowhere to be found for the rest of the day. I had gotten multiple phone calls and texts from the guys asking about Brant's whereabouts. So after school, Grayson, Taylor and I all got into Kevin's car and he drove us to their hangout spots around New York.

"Last time Brant was upset, we found him at this turf furiously kicking soccer balls into the net." Grayson said as we drove into the parking lot. And lo and behold, Brant's black Range Rover Evoque is parked in the spot closest to the turf. 

"Brant and I used to play in a soccer camp over the summer at this turf when we were young and it has become a usual hangout spot." said Grayson.

I followed the guys to the turf. It was the afternoon after class and the sky was already starting to get dark. Large stadium lights lit up the turf and on the far end, I can see a figure that resembles Brant sitting on the turf looking at the ground. As I approached him, he showed no movement, but I know he knows that someone is near.

"Go away Kevin. I don't wanna talk right now. Please." Brant said with his head still down.

"Brant" I said in a quiet voice. Once he registered that it was my voice, Brant raised his head and his hazel/brown eyes met my blue ones. His eyes were stormy with a hint of distress. "Wanna talk about it?" I asked. "I mean I can leave if you want. Grayson said you like your alone time, so I can totally leave and you can s--"

"You can stay. I kind of wanna talk" Brant cut off my rambling with a light chuckle. His pearly white smile coming back.

"Oh yeah." I said, embarrassed by my rambling. 

I took a seat next to Brant on the turf. It was at this moment I realized that Grayson, Taylor and Kevin might have left or gone back to the car, but right now I wanna focus my attention on Brant. As you might have imagined, I'm not very good at this since I had next to no experience with social interactions with other people throughout my life. 

We sat in silence as I waited for Brant to start talking. It wasn't a comfortable silence, nor was it an uncomfortable one. "How are you feeling Blue?" Brant asked as he turned his head towards me. His eyes searching mine as he waited for a reply.

"Don't you think I should be the one asking you that question?" I asked in return with a slight smile. "I mean you kinda disappeared after the little lunch fiasco." The corners of Brant's mouth turned slightly upwards and the gloominess in his eyes is slowly converting to amusement. 

"Awe did you miss me?" He cooed with a smirk forming on his lips while slinging his arm around my shoulders. I shot him an unimpressed look while I shrugged it off.

"C'mon Brant, be serious. Do you want to tell my why you disappeared? I mean you don't have to..." I trailed.

"To be honest with you, I don't really know why. I'm not really happy with what Stephanie and her friends did. This isn't her first time pulling something like this, but it definitely is the lowest, most disgusting thing she has done so far. She fucking embarrassed you and I in front of the whole school." He said in one long breath. Before I could say anything, he continues his little speech. "I don't care about her embarrassing me, but I'm just mad cause she did that to you. I don't know. I don't know why or what I'm feeling right now, I'm just annoyed with people. How are you so calm and collected right now?" He said with frustration. 

"I don't know either, but I do know that Stephanie and her friends are full of shit. I mean I don't give a flying fuck about what they said after I realized how insignificant her words are. Sure, it hurt me a bit when the words first came out, but after I just didn't care." I tried to explain. 

I turned to face him after a small period of silence. He was looking at me with his hazel eyes, the storminess and gloominess completely gone. "Ok, enough with this depressing shit. Wanna score some goals?" I asked, extending my arm to help him up. His hand was in mine and I was pulling him up within seconds. 

Brant chose to play the goalie because he was convinced that I can't get a single score if he was the goalie. What he did not know was that my brother, Mattie taught me to be the best striker and let me tell you, I might even be better than him. But of course, Mattie would not admit it because of his gigantic ego. 


"Annnddd.... She SCORES!!! Her ninth GOAL!!!" I exclaimed.

"What?!? You did not just make that shot." Brant said, disbelief lacing through his words as I was laughing at his facial expression.

"I think I just did." I said I ran up to him. "C'mon lets get going. It's kinda late." 

As we walked to the parking lot, I realized that only Brant's car was there and Kevin's car was nowhere to be found. Of course! They would not wait a couple hours. Stupid me! I pulled out my phone about to text one of the guys to ask where they went, but I was instead, greeted with a test from Taylor saying...

'We're going to Chipotle!! Have fun and take care of Brant! ;)'

As I read that, I rolled my eyes. Of course they would say something like that.

It was around 7:30pm so we decided to drive back to the school campus and eat dinner there before heading our separate ways to our dorm buildings.


PS: I changed the title of the book and I made a new cover!!!

Happy reading!!! :):):):):)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2017 ⏰

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