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Jen passed the ball to Jack making Sam groan in frustration.

"Just shoot already!" Sam rolled his eyes.

Jack smirked but then shot the ball.

"Aw, is Sammy getting mad?" Jen laughed.

Sam glared at her making her roll her eyes and pick up the ball.

"Try not to lose it this time." She put the ball in Sam's hand.

He rolled his eyes and passed the ball to Nate. He tried passing it back but Jack caught it.

"This is intense." Lauren mumbled.

I chuckled.

"Jen." Jack called out.

He passed the ball to her and as she was about to catch it, Sam pushed her out of the way making her fall. She winced in pain making us run over to her.

"Bitch move." Lauren moved Sam out of the way so she could look at Jen.

"What hurts?" Jack asked Jen.

"Just my ankle." She mumbled.

"Why is Sam always the one that hurts you?" Nate rolled his eyes.

Jack hurt her too but okay...

"I'm okay." She stood up and brushed the dirt off her pants.

"Come on, we're going home." I reached for her hand.

She nodded and intertwined our fingers.

"You guys are cute, I have to get a picture." Lauren squealed.

"Please don't." Jen covered her face.

"Jen, move your hand." Lauren groaned.

She hid her face in my chest making Lauren aw.

"I'm putting this on my story." She smirked.

"Okay stop with the pictures and let's go home." Jack chuckled.

Lauren jumped on jacks back.

"This is the happiest I've seen him all week." Jen mumbled.

"It's crazy what some people can do to you."


I woke up on the couch next to Lauren and Jack. Lauren was cuddling closely to Jack. I rubbed my eyes and saw Jen putting her hair up. She walked into the kitchen and grabbed out a bunch of ingredients. She went to go wash her hands and I got up. I wrapped my arms around her waist making her jump slightly.

"Morning." She grinned.

"Good morning." I chuckled.

"Are you hungry?"


"Good. I hope you guys like pancakes. " she smiled before cracking an egg.

Little Sis {J.J.}Where stories live. Discover now