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A focused freewrite I recently wrote for a class...


Lips, Mouth, and Flesh.
Chops, labium, and spout.

Lips are there to help form words.
First kiss, last kiss, more to be heard.
Soft, Moist, Wet, and Smooth.

Using lips to tell emotions.
Disgust, stink, nervous, and shocked.
All can be formed in the art of movement.
Moving your lips at a certain angle.
Telling a story with a phrase.

Talking through your lips can be an art,
But yet can be a curse.
Bad words, good words.
Anything in between.

Biting, licking, laughing.
Actions that come to.
Duck lips, fish lips, funny faces that create memories.
Memories that tell a story.
Stories from the mouth.
Pink, Plumped, and Puckered.
Words needed lips to pronounce.

Big, Bulbous, Babble.
Prominent words to pledge.
Lips surrounding the mouth.
The mouth in which we need to speak.

-Kali Marie

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