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"I-I'm what?" I asked softly to the doctor who just sighs, "You heard me, Ms. Raft. You are pregnant. It explains you constantly getting sick, the over exhaustion and the weight gain." He says firmly and I shake my head. Oh god... "You are about a month or two along I would say." He says again while looking at the charts to confirm his estimation and shakes his head. I can't wrap my mind around this... God, what is he going to say once I tell him... "Shall I call the father?" The doctor asks, "No!" I shout quickly, "I will tell him later." I say in a more softer and gentler voice. The doctor seems to understand and shakes his head, "Very well Ms. Raft you may be on your way, but please be careful not to do too much of stressing over things." He says in a cautious tone and I shake my head up and down. "Of course..."

God, what am I going to do? I ask myself as I walk back to the Tres Spades hotel in London. As I think my legs automatically carry me to the penthouse lounge where I find everyone arguing.

"That's not a lucky day..." Baba says softly while shaking his head.

"But that's the only day everyone is free!" Ota says with a sneer and Soryu shakes his head, "The Ice Dragons are making a big deal that day, so no help on my end." Soryu says and Eisuke shakes his head, "If none of you are going to be cooperative then why have an auction at all?" Eisuke says for the tenth time in these past few months

The first time he said that cause a huge split, but now it's just a joke to get everyone to work together so nothing happens. They all sigh in frustration at Eisuke's statement and roll their eyes. "Melody make some coffee!" Eisuke snaps causing me to realize that now everyone is looking at me.

"'Ere's something wrong with the kid..." Mamoru says lazily as he takes another puff of his cigarette. I glare, "I'm not a kid!" I say and take his cigarette and stub it out, "Don't smoke so much!" I say before going to make some coffee for everyone, "Since when did she care so much about Mamoru's smoking?" Ota asks softly, but I still heard. As the coffee starts brewing I hold my stomach and sigh. God, what am I going to do?

A few days later I still haven't told anyone about what happened to the doctor the other day... I feel really badly about it... "I might tell them all today when I get back..." I say softly to myself as I go up to the penthouse to clean.

I knock on the door and open it slowly, "Hey guys I'm here to clean." I say and realize that everyone is, here again, even Luke, Mr. Hishikura, and Hikaru are here. They all stare at me especially Luke, he looks as though he is really studying me some reason. "Yes, I think Sexy Bones will work quite nicely." I give them all a confusing look as their evil smirks grow wider, "Perfect!"

And that's how I ended up here on the streets dressed in a lovely gown. They promised me I'd be fine and that nothing will happen to me and they also agreed to listen to my big announcement I have for them all later after this so-called "mission". I don't even know why I'm out here... "Such a waste of a lovely gown..." I say to myself softly. "I wouldn't say that."

Says someone from behind me and I instantly freeze. I take a deep breath and turn around and there's a big, terrifying person behind me dressed in a nice suit. You'd think I'd be used to seeing mafia bosses, criminals, and gang bangers, but it still scares me no matter how calm I seem. "Why thank you," I say while trying to be seductive, who the hell knows how to be seductive because I really don't! He smirks and wraps an arm around my waist, "You're funny if you think I don't know who's woman you are!" He says with a smirk and a cold shiver runs down my back. "I have no idea what you're talking about." I try to say calmly, but he chuckles at my failed attempt. "Silly girl, but cute. I could definitely use you in more ways than just one." He says and pulls a cloth from his pocket. I try my best to pull him off of me and get out of there as fast as I can, but he covers my mouth and the world around me becomes black.

I wake up on a concrete floor. I groan as I try to sit up. My feet are tied together and so are my wrists. You'll be safe they said, you'll be fine they said... I sit up fully and realize I'm in an old warehouse and there are people making some sort of deal before me. "Is it all there?" A person asks the man I encountered on the street. "Yes, it's all there." He answers confidently. "And the girl?" The man I don't know jesters to me and the man in the suit chuckles, "For the right price she can be yours." The old got winks at him and my eyes get huge and I shake my head, "No!"

The man takes a few minutes to think before his mouth opens to say something, but then the door bursts open. "Freeze!" I hear Mamoru shout and I see him and Soryu pointing their guns at all the men. "Thank god you guys got here! I don't know how long I could have played along with this..." Says the other man, but not in the same voice as before, it was something more familiar. The man reaches for the base of his neck and begins to pull off his face and reveals Baba's carefree smile. "Fooled ya didn't I?" He asks the man who kidnapped me. As the Ice Dragons burst in so does Eisuke and Ota unties me and helps me up, "There ya go!" Ota says with his signature angelic smile and I glare at him.

As Mamoru wraps everything up with the police, I hop into the car with everyone else and stay silent the entire ride to the hotel.

I don't think I can stay here anymore... Not with them at least... It's too dangerous to have a child in our world... In their world... In his world... I think to myself as I change into my normal clothes after I shower. I pack all of my clothes up into my suitcase before I walk out of our room and into the lounge and everyone is there by now. I sigh and they all finally acknowledge my presence. "Oh, Melody what did you want to tell all of us?" Baba asks with another carefree smile and I start to shake slightly. I can't tell them now... Now that I have decided to leave...

"Earth to Melody!" Eisuke says while waving his hand in front of my face. I didn't even realize that he got up let alone that he was right beside me. I jump ever so slightly as he tries to touch my shoulder. "No!" I yelp out and everyone's eyes get wide in surprise including my own. I take a step back and shake my head. I can't... tears brim my eyes as I try to speak, "I-I can't... I c-can't b-be here anymore..." I say softly and everyone stands up. "What?" Mamoru says softly, "She didn't..." Says Ota in disbelief. "Melody...?" Baba says softly with a serious face while Soryu glares at me, "You can't leave!" Soryu practically booms and Mr. Hishikura shakes his head, "For once I agree with the mafia boss."

Hikaru shakes his head no, "You can't just leave!"

"Sexy Bones can't leave! How am I suppose to stare at your sexy bones, Sexy Bones?" Asks Luke as he stares at my collarbones and I roll my eyes. "I can't stay here anymore, I'm sorry." I grab my suitcase and run out the door without a look back or even a final word to him...

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