Chapter Three - Eisuke

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"Molly... This is... your... um..?" I say trying to find the right words. "My uncle Ei-Su!!" She says, jumps out of my arms and runs over to him. He is shocked as she hugs his legs, "Right? You'll be my uncle Ei-Su! Right?" She asks with big eyes and smiles up at him. I bite my bottom lip and prepare for the worse, but instead he gives her a real caring smile and my heart flutters. I missed that sm- what am I thinking!?! I run over to Molly and pick her up, "No Molly, this is just Mr. Ichinomiya." I say while taking a step away from Eisuke, but he takes a step closer to us. "No. I would love for her to call me uncle Ei-Su..." He says with a pained voice, but a warm and caring smile. He almost makes me want to fall in love with hi- NO!

Kenzo clears his voice and I automatically walk over to him. "We better get going Mel. We have a lot to do today!" Kenzo says and wraps an arm around my waist and Molly gives a pout in my arms. "Awe! But mum! Kenzo! I want to spend time with my uncles!" She says with a smile towards the guys and I sigh. "We have so much to do today. Maybe we can come by in a few weeks." I say with a smile and she shakes her head.

"What are you going to do today Melody?" Ota asks with a smile and hopeful eyes like he wants to tag along and I shake my head, "It's Molly's birthday week! So we are taking all weekend to celebrate!" I say with a smile towards Molly and warning eyes towards Ota, who steps back with his hands up in defence. "Molly's birthday is this weekend?" Baba asks and I shake my head, "No it's next weekend, so we are celebrating all week. Since it's a long weekend off of school we are doing all of the big stuff." I smile and Molly bobs her head up and down with satisfaction. "Yeah! Mum and Kenzo are taking me to my favorite places in the whole world!" Molly says with excitement while overusing abnormally large hand jesters.

Eisuke chuckles and I glare at him, "So what are you doing for her actual birthday Melody?" Baba asks and Eisuke looks as though he has gotten a brilliant idea. "Well it's her birthday so whatever she wants! Kenzo and I plan on doing whatever our little trooper wants." I say and put the emphasis on our just to bug Eisuke. Molly smiles big and hugs me tighter.

"Well why don't we just have a party for her here?" Eisuke asks with a confident smile and my eyes get huge, "What?" I ask and everyone stares at him. "Well in honor of you having a child, Melody. We should throw Molly here a grand and amazing birthday party fit for someone of her bl- um, age!" He says confidently again and I just stare at him. "Oh mum! I could have a big party with everyone I know!" She says with big eyes and a smile and I shake my head, "Absolutely not!" I shout and Molly's smile fades away. "B-b-but mum..." She says in her heartbreaking voice and I shake my head, "You will do no such thing!" I shout and glare at all of them. If they throw a party all it is, is a way to bring in another auction and I don't want that going on with Molly anywhere near!

As terrible memories of auctions flood back into my brain, Molly begins to tear up. "Mum I've never had a real birthday party! Uncle Ei-Su is offering to throw me one... and you won't let him!" She begins to sniff and Kenzo takes her away from me as I stand my ground and look at them. "Mel... you should at least think about his offer... it's just a party. What's goin-"

"No Kenzo! You don't understand what a party means to these people!" I shout while shaking my head. "Melody... do you really think we would have one of those parties on Molly's birthday?" Ota asks me and I shake my head yes. "Jeez kid it's like ya don't know us at all." Mamoru says while pushes his bangs back with his hand. "Melody we would never." Soryu says while trying to ease me, but I shake my head. "The only way I would believe it is if Eisuke says that." I say and cross my arms in front of me with a confident smile. He would nev-

"Ok we won't have a party like that." Eisuke says with a confident smirk and mine drops. "We'll even go as far as cancelling the I.V.C. that is taking place on Friday!" He says with his confident aura, but his eyes show hurt. "Ichinomiya you can't do that!" Shouts Mr. Hishikura and stands up from the couch and Hikaru follows suit, "What are you thinking Boss?"

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