Chapter Seven - Eisuke

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I smile as I clean up my desk. The days after weekends just drag on. Some of the children get so rowdy and others are just so sluggish they don't pay attention. I don't think we'll be able to get anything done this week. I laugh softly at myself and Molly runs up to my desk, "Mum can we have sushi for dinner tonight?" She asks happily and I shake my head, "I think I can arrange that!" I say with a smile and she claps her hands, "Yay!" She says and I look back down at my desk and put my papers in one of the drawers.

"Uncle Ei-Su!?!" I hear Molly say and I look up and make eye contact with Eisuke. "E-Eisuke!?! Why are you here?" I ask obviously shocked as Molly runs up to him and hugs his legs, "Nice to see you too Melody." He scoffs and I roll my eyes. He pats the top of Molly's head and her already wide smile becomes wider. "We apparently have more party plans to discuss. So I was thinking I'd come and get both of you." He says with a soft smile. I can't help but smile back at him, Damn it Eisuke!

"Really uncle Ei-Su!?!" Molly asks and he shakes his head with the warm smile still on his face, "I know a wonderful sushi place on Fifth Avenue, I've already made reservations for the three of us." He says softly, I never thought Eisuke could be this gentle for so long. "That actually sounds nice Eisuke," I say and Molly jumps up and down while clapping. "Yay! Sushi with uncle Ei-Su!"

I smile as I grab my bag and follow the both of them out of the classroom and school. We walk up to a long black limo and I roll my eyes, "Wow, uncle Ei-Su!" Molly shouts and her eyes wide, "You must be really rich!" She says as he opens the door for her to hop in, which she happily does. I shake my head with a smile, "I may be the richest man in the world." He says with a soft chuckle and I laugh softly too. "Oh, Eisuke..." I say softly and he smiles at me softly.

"Melody!?!" I hear someone shout from behind me. I turn around and see Kenzo running towards us. "Oh, Kenzo! What are you doing?" I ask as he stops in front of me panting. "Please don't tell me you forgot!" He says in between large gasps. I look at him confusedly, "Forgot what?" I ask and Molly sticks her head out of the limo. "Mum! Kenzo was going to take us to the movies! Remember?" She says with a smile and pops herself back into the limo. "Oh Kenzo, I forgot! I'm so sorry!" I say and take his hands and he shakes his head, "No it's okay." He says softly while looking down at the ground.

"We can go when we get home, it shouldn't take us too long," I say with a smile and tilt his chin up so his eyes meet mine. He sighs, looks behind me at something, then looks back at me. "Okay, promise me?" He asks with a smile and sticks out his pinky and I giggle softly. "Of course!" I say and hook my pinky with his. We shake our hands and I give him a soft kiss on the cheek, he smiles triumphantly then walks back to the school. I smile at him as he does and soon I get into the black limousine which then heads off to Fifth Avenue.

Molly smiles happily as she eats her sushi. We ended up coming to a high-end sushi place with Eisuke, I'd expect none the less though. Molly and I stick out quite a bit due to the fact we are just in normal clothes and not fancy dresses, but Molly doesn't seem to mind at all. She giggles again while taking another piece of sushi with her chopsticks and stuffing it into her mouth. I take my roll and eat some as well, "Mum! This place is really good!" Molly says practically beaming, I smile back at her, "Yes it is, isn't it?" I say with a giggle and Eisuke laughs softly as well.

"Oh mum, you have a bit of rice on your face!" Molly says while pointing to my face and my face flushes, "Oh!" I say softly and go to wipe my mouth, but Eisuke takes his napkin and dabs the corner of my lips. "There." He says coolly as he takes his napkin away from my mouth and all I can do is stare at him with a red face.

"Wow, look at that cute couple!" Says someone from another table.

"Yeah! Look at their little girl! She's almost the spitting image of the father." Says another.

"What's a guy like him doing with a girl like her?" Says someone else.

I begin to feel slightly uneasy at all the attention upon us. I wish they would just go away. I look down at my lap. We could have been a normal family if I would have told Eisuke sooner... Maybe we could have been in Japan right now, visiting my mother and father and taking Molly to all of the different places in Tokyo. Before I realize it, I begin to have tears streaming down my face. Soon I feel a warm hand on my shoulder, I look over to find Eisuke smiling at me softly. "It's ok Melody..." He says in a gentle voice that he has rarely used with me. But unfortunately, that had the exact opposite effect that he wanted on me. I began to cry harder instead of softer. Eisuke stands up, places some cash on the table, picks Molly up, takes my hand and we walk out of the restaurant together.

We get outside the restaurant and he puts Molly down. He still is gripping tightly to my wrist, "Eisuke, I-I'm so sor-" Before I can finish apologizing, Eisuke pulls me into his chest and holds me tightly. "Let it all out..." He says with a soft gentle voice into my ear and the tears that had slowed began to appear faster than a snap of a finger. I cried into Eisuke's perfectly tailored suit, but I didn't care. I am a horrible person for what I did to him and Molly. I made Molly grow up without a Father, I can't believe I did that to her. I'm so sorry Molly...



Sorry, this has taken forever and sorry it's soooo short! But 10 days and my play is over and I can get back to writing all the time and realizing how much of a social life that I don't have!! So yay!!!

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