Change My Ways - Chapter 1.

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Change My Ways.

Chapter 1

You know you’re a nobody when you walk down the school hallways hastily trying to get to your locker and the head cheerleader comes around the corner and sends you flying to the ground. Cliché isn’t it? “Ouch.” I groaned rubbing the back of my head which was now piercing with pain and sighing when I saw my books scattered across the cold, hard ground.

“Eww.” She said looking at me with nothing but pure repulsion and strutting off leaving me sitting vulnerably in the corridor.

I exhaled and started gathering my books and notes together, she’s such a stupid bitch I thought to myself as I watched her run up to her ridiculously hot boyfriend and shove her tongue in his mouth. I didn’t even get an apology or at least a, “OMG like are you like okay?” In that absurd, fake, high pitched voice she puts on. But instead I got a look of disgust and a, “Eww.”  I suppose I should be used to it though, it is the story of my life after all. For I, Isabella Wright have always been and always will be, alone, hated, disregarded and overlooked. I took one last look at her sucking the face off her boyfriend before brushing the dust of my jeans and hurrying off to my History class.

“Bella!” My best friend Tammy shrieked when she saw me enter the classroom causing a few heads to turn in her direction, “Mind your own business.” She retorted causing them to whip their heads back around and go back to their hushed conversations.

“Hey Tammy.” I sighed dumping my books and bag on the table before slumping into my seat and putting my head in my hands.

“Uh oh.” Tammy said noticing my annoyed and exasperated actions and expressions, “What happened? Whose ass do I need to kick?”

I looked up at her and cracked a smile, “As much as I would love to see that, nobody’s ass needs kicking.”

Her dark blue eyes were clouded with disappointment as she blew a stray piece of wild, untameable curly blonde hair out of her small, innocent face. “Well at least tell me what happened.” She ordered.

I looked up at the pale white ceiling and leaned back in my chair, “It’s Trinity.” I whined shutting my eyes and praying the mental image of her face would remove itself from my thoughts. Don’t get me wrong, Trinity is an extremely pretty girl. She has beautiful, loosely curled golden blonde hair and the most amazing ice blue eyes you will ever see, not to mention naturally tanned skin and a slim and toned body to match. She’s basically your typical head cheerleader material but she has the worst personality ever, one encounter with her will be enough to send you running.

Tammy’s expression darkened, “What did the royal bitch do this time?” She asked clenching her fists, Tammy and I have a lot in common one of those things being, that we detest Trinity Michaels with a passion. Trinity completely ignores us and we are fine with that but on the off chance she does bother to have a little chat with us, it’s not pretty. Tammy and I find ourselves humiliated, disgraced and completely shunned and Tammy being Tammy will go for a punch and wind up in the principal’s office. Sounds fun, doesn’t it?

“Nothing out of the ordinary, she just knocked me to the ground and completely ignored me and went and pashed her boyfriend.” I muttered folding my arms my face setting into an unmistakeable frown.

“Mason Smith.” Tammy cooed at the mention of him. She had a dreamy look in her eyes as she cupped her chin with her hand and staring at nothing in particular, “What I wouldn’t give to make out with him, rumour is he’s amazing!”

I rolled my eyes, “Your so boy crazy.” I laughed shaking my head at her.

She shot me a sinful smile and said, “I can’t get the hotties out of my head”

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