Change My Ways - Chapter 2

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Change My Ways.

Chapter 2

I walked up the spiralling, stone pathway to the big, wooden double doors of my home. I searched my bag for my keys and quickly slid them into the lock before opening the door to be greeted by my 20 year old brother Jake leaning against the staircase.

“Welcome home.” He said a blank and vacant expression masking his face.

I cautiously dropped my bag on the floor and walked up to him, “Is there a reason why you’re acting so vague?”  I queried.

He shook his head, “No, no reason.” He muttered directing his gaze to focus on the pale white wall.

“Okay then.” I said sneaking a suspicious glance at him, his hands were clenched into fists; his short black hair was in a tangled clump on the top of his head and his light grey eyes were ablaze with irritation. “Where’s dad?” I whispered.

He tensed when I mentioned our father, “Where do you think he is Bella?” He spat not taking his eyes off the wall.

“Work?” I asked raising an eyebrow at him.

 Jake nodded his eyes narrowing even further, he let out a long sigh before flinging his head back to stare at the glittering glass of the chandelier that hung above us. “Before you begin to attack me with questions, you should know that he started it.”

“You and dad had another fight?” I murmured feeling my body start to tremble slightly.

Jake nodded and folded his arms, he shut his eyes and sunk to the ground, “We just can’t get along anymore Bella.”

Instantly I was filled with distress, ever since my mum left us Dad and Jake have been walking on a very fragile line. Jake blames Dad for letting mum go and Dad blames Jake for letting him let her go, it’s a very complex situation but Jake and Dad just keep fighting. They are unwilling to work it out and no matter how hard I try I can’t seem to help them make peace. Dad reckons Jake should be at college working to create a big and successful career for himself but he still lives at home and works at the local sports shop trying to save enough money to move to L.A and try out for The Lakers. That was the main subject Dad and Jake fought over but any chance they got one of them would try and start something and while that was happening I’d lock myself in my room and plug my iPod in my ears as an attempt to drown out their yelling and screaming. Let’s just say, my family was falling apart.

“I- I have homework to do.” I muttered grabbing my bag and running upstairs trying to hide my disappointment and worry.

“Bella, I’m sorry!” I heard Jake shout from the bottom of the stairs.

I paused and gripped onto the railing the tears forming in my eyes, “You could at least try to fix things, for my sake Jake, you could just try.” I called my voice breaking midsentence. I waited for his reply but all I could hear was the sound of my uneven breathing and the faint shutting of the back door, “Fine, just ignore me then.” I muttered turning around and walking into the familiar comfort of my room. I slammed my door shut and wiped my eyes, I stared at the photo of Jake, Mum, Dad and I. The photo was taken on our vacation to Hawaii, Mum and Dad had their arms wrapped around each other and Jake and I were standing in front of them with the biggest grins on our faces. We were happy then, the perfect family. I let out a frustrated cry and tore the photo off the wall, I resisted the urge to tear it to shreds and shoved it in one of my draws instead. I couldn’t look at it anymore, it reminded me of what used to be and when I look at that photo it reminds me that things will never ever be the same again, that I’ll never have that perfect, happy family. I quickly rummaged through my wardrobe before throwing on a pair of light blue, faded shorts and a black tank top. I walked into my bathroom and bent over the sink starring at my reflection in the mirror that loomed above me. My eyes were bloodshot and filled with tears, my hair was a tangled mess and my body was shaking slightly. I turned on the tap and splashed my face with icy cold water trying to regain my senses and stop crying. I sighed and walked out of the bathroom not feeling better at all.

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