Part 5: Connor Tempest, Scout

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Even in the dark, dry night stepping back on the harlot was a breath of fresh air. With my last step on the ship I already regretted the unspoken words that clouded my thoughts. The mood of the ship was constant. You could feel the fear and worry seeping from our pores. Have I been through worse? Probably. Was I afraid? Definitely. 

An Army amassing as many weapons as they could was not something we were prepared to face. Our captain called us into her chambers. Her face strong, bold, and fierce. If she was worried she hid it well. Whatever she was feeling she put aside to maintain the morale of her crew. Her actions alone commanded respect.

As we trudged into her chambers, I couldn't  even find the words. My face hard like my captain. Headstrong.

"Where do we go?"

"There's a Union Province not to far from here." I replied quickly.

After some discussion the the captain ordered us to rest. There was a little rebuttal from Ethel, quickly dismissed by the Captain. I couldn't sleep. Wide awake I thought to myself, This time is different. This is dangerous...Wait what am I saying? We're Pirates! We live for danger. We live for Adventure. We live for the freedom to do and take whatever we want!

That contract may not be signed, but it's the life I accepted. The last time I made a decision as big as this one I lost someone dear to me. But like I said before, this time is different. This time I have a whole family to protect and no matter I have to protect them.

I went out onto the deck for some fresh air and the night was so calm. Peaceful even. In the distance you could see smoke rising from the province. There is only one thing in that old town that it could be. The weapons factory! As I watch the smoke from the chimneys rising high into the dark night I wondered what awaited us upon our arrival. Whatever is it I am prepared to face it with my crew; my family.

Connor Tempest

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