Raiding a weapon's factory! I was practically skipping on the way there. I don't think I have been this excited since Witherford got especially drunk and held a shooting competition involving empty bottles and Barty's head.
Getting into the factory itself was fairly ordinary. Roy, Odessa, and I meandered through the empty hallways without trouble, then we came across one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. And I have ever seen some things in this world in my years. With my eyes I
have seen countless wonders; lights streaking across the night sky, entire cities fall to the great below and things that I can never possibly explain by writing, but this armory was truly a sight to behold. More guns in one place than I have seen in my life. Racks of every type of firearm you could think of was there, neatly sorted by manufacturer. I would gladly pay someone a large sum to tell me how Armada was able to acquire this assortment. Even quality of the rifles were far better than almost anything we had aboard the Harlot. Truly a sight to behold. I will admit that I almost wept. After taking a moment to compose myself we began throwing anything we
could fit into our bags. With the amount of spare parts I could keep my rifle working for decades. There were a few high quality sniper rifles but I prefer to keep the one I got.
After several minutes of overloading our sacks, Roy let out a soft whistle. He stumbled across hundreds of high quality grenades. A single one of them could ruin our entire day, and, if we were especially unlucky, knock The Harlot to the ground. While Roy and I were carelessly loading up another bag with explosives we began talking about what we used to do before the Harlot. Roy then brought up the timeless game of chance, Odds. Often played by people
who are incredibly bored or stupid, Odds has been known to create some very hazardous situations. I haven't played the game in years, but last time I played involved me running naked from an armed militia. But that particular story is for another time.
The rules of odds are very simple, needs two people and requires no dice, coins or card, just an imagination and acceptance that everything in your world may change.
STEP 1. Suggest a challenge or dare of some sort
An hypothetical example would be someone inviting a crew member to shoot a large amount of explosives at a significant distance.
STEP 2. Decide on a number
Continuing with the example crew member would choose a number. The lower the number the higher the probability the dare would be fulfilled. If the player chose 4 he would have a 25%. There is no exact cap on how you can make a number but true gentleman would never choose a number higher than thirty. The more risky the dare the higher the number.
STEP 3. the count down
Once the number has been agreed upon the two players would count down and say a number between 1 and the chosen number. If the numbers are different nothing happens go to step 4 If you do match and say the exact number you go to step 5
STEP 4. you breathe a sigh of relief and go about your day.
STEP 5. You must without question follow through with the dare no matter the outcome or the consequence. If you match and refuse to complete the odds nothing will help you. Some sort of vengeful presence, (known as the Odds Gods) will descend upon you. I once saw a soldier back out of an odds, he was dead within the week.
Anyway Roy and I played this timeless game and naturally caused mayhem and many people died, but that is the beauty of Odds. You will have a completely mundane mission and your day becomes much more exciting. Odessa had a good laugh, Roy has another story and I had to have a swig of Roy's private whiskey.
Seymour Kipps
The Adventures of the HMS Harlot
AdventureThe Adventures of the HMS Harlot is a collection of diary entries written by the crew of the HMS Harlot. Join them as they rule the skies led by their fearless and bloodthirsty leader Victoria Neckett. Come aboard and experience the sword fights, de...