6. Animals

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I woke up. I was back in my cage. I felt. High. I was still naked from when I had bathed.

What the fuck...

I rolled over and looked across at Rylan. She was naked as well.

You have a dog collar on your neck.

You do too.

I felt around my neck and I did.

You ok?

Yeah.. i mean my head hurts but yeah. 

You been gone for a while. When they came and put you in you were out of it and then they got me. When I came back you were still sleeping. you've been sleeping for 3 hours.


I crawled up to my door and yelled.



The door opened and I heard whistling coming towards my cage. Ash crouched down.

Julie's dead.

I quietness swept through the room. Ash started laughing.

She wasn't wanted anymore.

Why did you kill her!

She was so annoying. Always crying yelling.. even when we tried to be nice she was out of control..

I mean you are kidnapping us... so ya it's an understatement not to be upset.

She was annoying I would kill her too.

Rylan looked at me like i wasn't stating anything but the truth.

Ashlyn smiled so grimly.

Its time for your exercise.

A man with a ski mask came in with leashes and handed them to her.

Thank you. Now. What I'm going to do is open your cages one at a time and hook your leashes to your collars. You stay down on all fours!  If you try something stupid my friend here will shoot you. Ok? K. Now.. my dear Rylan.
She opened her cage. Rylan looked at me in desperation. I thought Rylan was going to attack her. This is the end for her. She's going to get shot and I'll be alone with these psycho paths..
When Ashlyn squated down I thought everything was going to be hectic, but instead Rylan remained calm and let her. I was shocked. She handed the leash to the man and opened mine. She hooked the leash to my collar.

You're a good girl.

She smiled and kissed my lips.
She held on to my collar. 

Lets go! Crawl bitches crawl!

We crawled into the hallway.

The floor was hard and cold. The whole building was cold. I looked at Rylan and she looked at me. I saw a tear run down Rylan's face. As much as I wanted to comfort her Ashyln yanked my collar and I looked forward.  We got to door. The guy opened it. Outside. It was night time. As much as I wanted to run out for freedom,
I would just be pulled back and most likely abused if I tried. I resisted temptation.

Go my little beast!

We walked out to the grass. Nice and green. Semi wet so I guess the air was moist or it rained a little. It was all nice then a bad feeling rushed through my body. I looked and saw the masked man Approaching.

There you are!

The ski mask man gave him Rylan's leash.

Come on guys lets walk.

Ashyln just began talking to the masked man. He never replied to her. 

Don't you love our new companions!? I sure do! I love them a whole bunch! Theyre beautiful too!

It seems like when she said beautiful he looked at me. I just turned away.  He freaked me out, but i liked his silence.

Guys we're going to have lots of fun! Were going to do lots of things that you guy have never done! I can't wait for all of the fun. Do you think we should rename them? Like Susie and rosey or Curly and Rosey?.. nah that's stupid... guys go urinate! 

We stopped. Rylan and I looked at her.

This is you're one time to use the bathroom before we go inside! I know both of you have to use the bathroom!

Rylan's face turned red.


The mask guy pulled her up by the leash and punched her out.

Her body flopped to the ground.

I looked at her body. It looked like a rugged rag doll.

Go potty!

I did right then and there. I made a vow that I will do whatever it takes to keep them pleased. I did not want to end up like Rylan.. or even worse Julie.

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