Epiloge part one

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Sam shut the door to his house only to be tackled by a six-year-old named Jessica.


"Hey, Jess. Did you have sugar before dinner?" He asked the little girl with curly, blond pigtails on top of her head. She nodded.

"Gabe!" Sam shouted to his husband. The shorter man came from the kitchen. "Stop giving Jess sugar before dinner. It'll ruin her appetite."

"I gave her a tiny lick off the frosting. She's worse than me when it comes to chocolate." Gabe said in defense.

"Frosting? What kinda concoction are you creating?" Sam said. He put his daughter down and went into the kitchen to find an amazingly cooked meal for two and a half.

"Happy anniversary, Sammy." Gabe said as he hugged Sam from behind. Sam pulled a small box from his pocket.

"Happy anniversary, Gabe." Gabe opened it up to find it was a locket with a copy of their picture they ever took, and one with the three of them.

"I love it. And you." Gabe whispered.

"I love you too. Now, let's see if you actually made a decent meal without sugar." Sam said and ran to the table in a playful manner. Gabe laughed before joining him. They soon settled down and ate the delicious meal.
Sam was turning out the lights when he saw the picture out of the corner of his eye.  He smiled, remembering the day he met the man he loved so dearly. He could have never come this far without him.

One more chapter. Destiel epilogue.

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