My Mate Loves Another

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Chapter 1

"Sam, Please Grant me Leave from the pack, if only for a couple months, I want to travel, see the world, I'll be back I promise you just Please let me, Im 19, an adult you dont have to treat me like a kid, even if your the Alpha, mum and dad said yes! Pleassee Sammy" I Begged, I wasnt above grovolling.

He sighed and looked at me, at times like this I really would love to know what he is thinking, I know he thinks Im too little, but he is young too, he is 21.

Sam ran his hands through his messy dirty blond hair, clenching his jaw.

" Look Kara-may," he starts using my full name "I already spoke to you about this, Im not giving you leave, your not leaving the pack, not until you have a mate to take care of you when you do. I just want you safe," his brown green eyes pleaded with me to understand.

Little did he know, I'd already found my mate.

He didnt know that, I'd found my mate long before I asked for leave. The only problem was that My mate Loved Annalisa, he didnt want me, he didnt know that my mate was his bestfriend, and the Beta of the pack.

Damen Sage.

I flinched, when sam brought up mates, I sighed, just giving in to the fact that I was stuck in this pack with my brother as alpha and my mate that didnt want me, as beta.

"Okay, I'll Stay, but im not letting this go. Just keep an open mind please?" He chuckled and came to give me a hug, holding me in his big and warm embrace, he spoke the words that brought the pain of rememberance.

"Dont worry little sister, when you find your mate he is going to protect you, love you and never leave you" he promised. A tear rolled down my cheek, " I love you" he said, I nodded Like I said, Little did he know.



I was running through the forest, In my human form, I was just about to shift when I tripped over a tree root, I groaned.

Then I heard a chuckle, I looked up to see the beta of my pack, Damen, walking towards me, he hekd out his hand, offering to help me up.

I was way to proud for that but, took his hand anyway, only when I did an electricle current ran through my arm. Mate. My wolf immediately thought to me, his eyes locked with mine, he dropped my hand and looked at me with anger and sadness.

"No, this isnt right, anna is my Mate, not you, I dont want you, your nothing to me, I love Annalisa, we are ment to be together, My wolf may want you but I love Anna." He said the words but his eyes flashed with regret and fury, his wolf.

I felt myself start to tear up at his words, I finally let them fall when he ran back to the pack house, I sat there and sobbed my heart out, The pain was unbearable, I couldnt take it.

I heard footsteps before I felt a pear of arms surround me, I looked up to see Jake, my bestfriend and member of the pack, holding me, I clutched onto him for my life.

When my crying subsided, He asked me what happened and I told him, crying silently, He was angry but I told him to let it go.

he is the only one who has known and helped me through the last year, I thought.


I hugged my brother for a few more seconds before letting him go and starting to walk out, grabbing my phone. " oh and kara, I forgot to tell you, theres a bonfire tonight, who,e pack thing, you gotta be there too okay" he smiled, I just nodded and walked out.

Great. Another night I have to watched Damen and Anna love it up.

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